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Duo Mobile App

2024-02-26 11:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What Is a 2FA Mobile App?

A 2FA mobile app is a smartphone application that helps users log on to other apps with more security. Two-factor authentication is a type of tool used to verify an online user’s identity. There are a variety of different types of second factors, or ways to verify said user’s identity. For instance, some 2FA apps require users to verify their identities with their fingerprints, or biometrics. 

Other 2FA apps utilize push notifications, which require identity verification with a non-biometric tap of the screen. Some 2FA apps, like Duo Mobile, combine location-based identity verification with push verification, sending users a reading of their location and the option to tap the screen to confirm. 

A 2FA App in Action

When a Duo Mobile user from Austin, Texas logs on to Salesforce on their work computer, they receive a notification from their 2FA app. When they open the notification, they see that their location-based authentication reading is coming from Austin, Texas. The user is in the location their 2FA app identified, so they can confidently tap their screen and verify their identity when they log into Salesforce.






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