zoom in是什么意思 zoom in的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 zoomin翻译 zoom in是什么意思 zoom in的中文翻译、读音、例句

zoom in是什么意思 zoom in的中文翻译、读音、例句

#zoom in是什么意思 zoom in的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: zoom in的意思是"移向目标、计",zoom in是什么意思 zoom in的中文翻译、读音、例句,还经常被翻译为缩小,在线读音是[美 ],zoom in来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到45个与zoom in相关的近义词和例句。


读音:[zuːm ɪn]


1. You can use your fingers to zoom in or out on these photos. (你可以用手指放大或缩小这些照片。)

2. Let's zoom in on the details and see what we can find. (让我们放大细节,看看能找到什么。)

zoom in的意思是"扩大版面、焦距调整",还经常被翻译为显示放大,在线读音是[zoomin],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到10个与zoom in相关的例句。

Zoom in的翻译


例句:The "limitless zoom" effect no longer occurs after clone jumping or being podded . (远克或变蛋时镜头无限拉远的效果不再出现。)


例句:And if we wanted to zoom into a page, we can just open it up. (如果我们想放大一个页面, 我们就能放大它。)


例句:Let's zoom in and look at one of the favorite exoplanets. (我们再继续放大, 看一下其中一个比较有名的系外行星。)


例句:Pinch-to-zoom, inertial scrolling, tap-to-click, it's all there. (翻译:缩放、惯性滚动、轻击,都支持。)


zoom in一般作为名词使用,如在to zoom in(移向)、zoom in on(把镜头移近在...处)、zoom to([网络] 缩放;缩放到;缩放为)等常见短语中出现较多。

to zoom in移向zoom in on把镜头移近在...处zoom to[网络] 缩放;缩放到;缩放为digital zoom数码变焦;数字变焦dolly zoom[网络] 移动变焦;移动变焦镜头electric zoom电动变焦electronic zoom[网络] 电子变焦;电控调焦image zoom[计] 图象变焦optical zoom光学变焦例句

1. Let's zoom in and look at one of the favorite exoplanets. (翻译:我们再继续放大, 看一下其中一个比较有名的系外行星。)

2. Pinch-to-zoom, inertial scrolling, tap-to-click, it's all there. (翻译:缩放、惯性滚动、轻击,都支持。)

3. And if you zoom in 270 times, you'll see it looks like a rug. (翻译:你要是放大270倍,你会看见它其实长得像条毯子)

4. So this could be our bridge. And we zoom right in. (翻译:所以很可能就是视频里那座。我们放大视图。)

5. You can zoom in and even see the extra little loop, this little nano-goatee. (翻译:你能继续放大,看到更小的多出来的小圈 这些小小的纳米级的山羊胡子)

6. Or we can zoom out to the table of contents, and the video keeps playing. (翻译:或者我们可以缩小到目录表, 视频还在继续播放。)

7. Let's zoom in on it so we can see it in more detail. (翻译:我们来放大,仔细研究一下 照片中的感光受体在顶部 )

8. It's a really amazing city, but let's zoom in. (翻译:它是座神奇的城市, 但让我们再放大观察。)

9. New zoom workwise: Centered zoom or based on old scroll position (翻译:新增智能缩放:中心缩放或者基于上一个滑动位置的缩放)

10. But what happens if we were to zoom in even further? (翻译:那么,如果我们继续放大下去, 会发生什么? )

11. Can you zoom in on her watch? (翻译:What is this? Can you zoom in on her watch?)

12. We can, as we said, we can zoom in. Then we can scroll. (翻译:我们可以,就像我说过得,我们可以放大。我们可以拖拽它。)

13. Connelly takes a lateral from Zoom, and look out, he's at the 45! (翻译:康诺利从祖姆那里接到球后直接往前冲 小心,他到45码线了!)

14. We can, as we said, we can zoom in. Then we can scroll. (翻译:我们可以,就像我说过得,我们可以放大。我们可以拖拽它。)

15. Make some noise and an army can lift your spirits. (翻译:要懂得吓唬人,声音大一点。他们就会被你的气势给压倒了 zoom)



词组搭配:zoom in on something/someone(对某物/某人进行放大观察)

短语:Zoom in and out(放大和缩小)

发音拼写:/zuːm ɪn/


1. Can you zoom in on the photo to see the details?(你能把照片放大看看细节吗?)

2. The camera operator zoomed in on the actor's face to capture his expression.(摄像机操作员放大了演员的面部以捕捉他的表情。)

3. Let's zoom in on this issue and figure out what's really happening.(让我们详细观察这个问题,找出真正的情况。)

4. The map allows you to zoom in and out to see different levels of detail.(这张地图可以让你放大和缩小,看到不同级别的细节。)

5. The journalist used her camera to zoom in on the protest and get a closer look.(这位记者用她的相机放大了活动,并进行了更近距离的观察。)

标签: 翻译






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