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yuzu Early Access

#yuzu Early Access| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What is yuzu Early Access?

yuzu Early Access is a release channel that includes all the same daily yuzu updates that you are accustomed to, plus the early releases of features that you have typically seen in special Patreon releases! Instead of downloading manual builds from patreon, you’ll get these new Early Access builds directly via the Installer (future updates included).

How do I install yuzu Early Access? Step 1

If you already are a Patron at $5/month or more, move on to Step 2. Otherwise, you need to become a Patron at the Early Access tier. Click here to subscribe

yuzu Patreon

yuzu Patreon

Step 2

Next, you need to login to your yuzu profile page. Click on the link given below to proceed. yuzu profile page

By clicking on the link, a new tab will open, redirecting you to the Citra Community forum.

As both Citra and yuzu share a common Discourse forum, you’ll have to either log in with those credentials or create a new account there. Users also have the option of signing in using their existing Google or GitHub account.

yuzu Profile Login

yuzu Profile Login

Step 3

When logged in, you should see your yuzu profile details. Click Link Patreon Account and login with your Patreon credentials.

yuzu Profile Information

yuzu Profile Information

Step 4

You should now find that you have early-access as one of your Active release channels, and your Patreon account should indicate that it is Linked and Subscribed.

Profile Link Status

Profile Link Status

Step 5

Now that your account is linked, copy your login token by highlighting the text and pressing CTRL + C on your keyboard.

yuzu Profile token

yuzu Profile token

Step 6

Next, download and run the latest version of the Installer: Click here to download. You should see an option to select the Early Access release channel.

Note: Early Access includes all the same features and updates as the regular yuzu, so you don鈥檛 need to install both!

yuzu Installer (Updated)

yuzu Installer (Updated)

Step 7

On the next page of the installer, paste the token you previously copied in Step 4 by selecting the Token Entry Box and pressing CTRL + V on your keyboard, and then click Verify Token to authenticate.

Verify token

Verify token

Step 8

If all of the above steps were completed successfully, verification should succeed and you should be able to complete the installation of Early Access.

yuzu Start Menu Icons

yuzu Start Menu Icons

As long as you keep your Patreon subscription valid, you will continue to receive Patreon-specific updates, as well as regular yuzu updates, automatically by just running yuzu Early Access from your Start menu.

Additional Step

All Patreon subscribers with a pledge of 5$ or above, are eligible for Discord rewards. Patrons need to link their Discord account with their Patreon account to gain access to exclusive support channels on our Discord server.

For instructions on how to link your Discord account with your Patreon account, click here!






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