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YCT (Youth Chinese Test)

2023-06-18 14:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Test takers who are able to pass the YCT (Level I) can understand and use some of the most common Chinese phrases and sentences and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.

Test takers who are able to pass the YCT (Level II) can understand and use some simple Chinese phrases and sentences and cope with basic level communications.

Test takers who are able to pass the YCT (Level III), having reached an excellent level in basic Chinese, can communicate on familiar daily topics in a simple manner.

Test takers who are able to pass the YCT (Level IV) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. When travelling in China, they can manage most forms of communication in Chinese.






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