windows10添加键盘 您所在的位置:网站首页 windows10怎么添加键盘语言 windows10添加键盘


2024-06-02 01:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



A lot of people don't realize that Windows supports a LOT of different languages out of the box. After Windows 7 and now with Windows 8 and 8.1, you can add keyboards to dozens of languages without buying or downloading anything. You have non-English keyboards now, today! Even if you just have English Windows out of the box, you can add a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME - a way to enter kanji), or any of a dozen other methods for entering non-English text on an English Keyboard. This is great for writing family back home, letting your teen write reports for Chinese class in Word, and more.

许多人没有意识到Windows支持开箱即用的多种不同语言。 在Windows 7之后以及现在的Windows 8和8.1中,您无需购买或下载任何内容即可将键盘添加到多种语言中。 今天,您现在有了非英语键盘! 即使您开箱即用了英语Windows,也可以添加日语输入法编辑器(IME-一种输入汉字的方法),或添加其他十多种方法来在英语键盘上输入非英语文本。 这非常适合在家中写作家庭,让您的青少年在Word中为中文课编写报告等等。

If you know someone who could benefit from knowing this, tell them! I met a woman from Ethiopia who spoke Amharic recently and somehow we got to talking about the unique syllabary (an alphabet of symbols) that one uses to write Amharic/Ge'ez using Fidel (their lettering system). She had used Windows for 10+ years and had NO idea she could write emails, make web pages, and write Word documents in her native language FOR FREE. She had this feature in Windows and never turned it on.

如果您认识可以从中受益的人,请告诉他们! 我遇到了一位来自埃塞俄比亚的妇女,她最近讲了阿姆哈拉语,我们不知何故谈到了一个独特的音节(一种符号字母),一个人使用菲德尔(他们的刻字系统)来写阿姆哈拉语/盖伊兹语。 她使用Windows已有10多年了,她不知道可以免费使用自己的母语编写电子邮件,制作网页和编写Word文档。 她在Windows中具有此功能,但从未启用过。

In Windows 8 or 8.1, press the Windows key and type "Add language."

在Windows 8或8.1中,按Windows键并键入“添加语言”。

Screenshot (29)

Select one of these options (doesn't really matter which) and then select the language you want to add. There's a lot.

选择以下选项之一(实际上无关紧要),然后选择要添加的语言。 有很多。

Look how many languages are available!

I'm selecting Amharic. Note that I could also select Tigrinya as well.

我选择的是阿姆哈拉语。 请注意,我也可以选择Tigrinya。


I'm just adding the Keyboard so I can write letters, but many languages also have a Language Pack where I could change the look and feel of Windows itself. This could make Windows more comfortable for the grandparents, so experiment with this and their settings.

我只是添加键盘,以便可以写字母,但是许多语言也有一个语言包,可以在其中更改Windows本身的外观。 这可能会使Windows对于祖父母更舒适,因此请尝试使用此选项及其设置。

Amharic IME

An Input Method Editor lets you type English/Latin letters and output non-Latin characters. For example, I'll L-A-space, and get ላ or H-I-space and get ሂ.

输入法编辑器使您可以键入英语/拉丁字母并输出非拉丁字符。 例如,我将在LA空间获得ላ或在HI空间获得ሂ。

Typically as you type a list of options appears and is narrowed down by your choices. Sometimes these are phonetic (they sound like the language) and sometimes they are just letter combos you'll learn.

通常,在您键入选项时,会出现一个选项列表,并根据您的选择缩小范围。 有时它们是语音的(听起来像语言),有时它们只是字母组合,您将学习。

The Ethiopic IME

The results are awesome though, and it makes Windows just that much more usable for folks who regularly need to switch between languages.


Scott Hanselman

Use the Hotkey "Windows Key + Space" to toggle keyboards, or just press the keyboard that appears in your Taskbar.

使用热键“ Windows键+空格”切换键盘,或仅按任务栏中显示的键盘。

Switching languages

Now, go tell your family and setup alternate languages on their PC! I can speak from experience that a great way to make a computer more accessible for a relative (and get a smile) is adding support for their native language(s).

现在,告诉您的家人并在其PC上设置其他语言! 根据经验,我可以说,使亲戚更容易使用计算机(并获得微笑)的​​一种好方法是增加对他们母语的支持。








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