读后续写高分技巧:万能造句法(下) 您所在的位置:网站首页 will造句子 读后续写高分技巧:万能造句法(下)


#读后续写高分技巧:万能造句法(下)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.doing sth,.. 干着什么事儿..

2.having done sth,... 干完什么事儿,...

eg: _______________________, ___________________, Robert, __________________,

is giving a lecture.


__________________________,Robert,_____________________, _________________ and giving a lecture.








He saved the little girl,feeling nervous.


因为 ....,in that... ...;considering that...

以防 ...,in case... ... ;for fear that...

所以 ... ;therefore,... ;as a result,...;consequently,...;


为了 ... ,so that... ;in order that ...

如果 ..., if...

只要 ...,as long as...

这件事...,which ...

1.All of a sudden, he caught sight of a new kite,_______________________


2.Without hesitation, I told him that I was crazy about classic Chinese music, ________________________________________________________.

3.Then, he shouted at the top of his voice to ask me to get out of my car,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4.Nervous as I was, I felt extremely happy and excited, _______________






From this experience/story, I have learned that/we can learn that ...

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.难忘 What an unforgettable experience it was!【说明】读后续写的文章结尾需要正能量,而前面的故事情节一般会有曲折。所以这几个万能结尾句能用上的可能性比较大。●万能公式变通思维▲状语的位置可以变化: 只要是状语,在三个位置上,都符合语法要求。如:① With a suitcase in my hand, I entered the room.② I, with a suitcase in my hand, entered the room.③ I entered the room with a suitcase in my hand.▲状语的数量可以加减:万能公式提供了最完整的状语的形式,具体写作时不太可能写这么多,也没有必要。▲搭房子(每一句耗时目标:30秒-1分钟)把自己想象一个“造句”工程师,清点状语材料,从中选2-3句,分别放在句子的前、中、后的位置上。【注意】①调整的依据:前后句式的特点,尽量避免句式重复。②根据这篇文章的难易程度、自己所剩下的时间或自己的熟练度,决定最终的句子是写在答题纸上还是草稿纸上)He saved the little girl.状语材料:①______________________ ②________________________③__________________ ④ _______________________⑤________________________ ⑥________________________状语数量可增减,位置可变化(选择2-3句,放在前中后的位置上)最终的句子呈现:1._______________, he ,__________________________,saved the little girl,feeling nervous.2.__________________________, he saved the little girl,__________________.3._______________, he,__________________________,saved the little girl, ______ _______________________.......●实战演练:运用我们上面所学的万能句式造句: 经典例题1:阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Peter, a 5-year-old boy, showed such great interest in sea shells that he would rush to pick them up with his 3-year-old sister, Shirley. They screamed out their joy as Peter collected his treasure into his pockets. For Peter, sea shells lay shinning on the peaceful beach, waiting for him, just like stars twinkling(闪烁)in the sky. As waves touched them, they seemed to be flowers blooming(绽放)in gentle wind. One day, Peter was wandering through market with Shirley, with some shells in his pocket. Suddenly Peter found his younger sister was lagging(落后)behind. He stopped and looked back, finding Shirley was standing in front of a toy shop and was staring at something with great interest. The boy went back to her and asked, "What do you want?" Shirley pointed at the doll, wearing a smile on her innocent face. Peter held his younger sister's tiny hand, walking into the shop. He tiptoed(踮起脚尖)to reach for the doll, and like a responsible elder brother, gave the precious doll to Shirley. Holding tightly the doll, the sister was very very happy. The shopkeeper was watching everything and getting amused to see the matured(成熟的)behaviour of the boy. Now the boy came to the counter and asked the shopkeeper, "How much does this doll cost, Sir?” The shopkeeper was a cool man, who had suffered from something in his life. So he asked the boy with love and affection, "Well, what can you pay?" Peter reached into his clothes for money that was intended for these two little guys' breakfast. Having counted the money, Peter put it carefully on the counter, asking again, 6'Sir, is it enough for my little sister's doll?" The amusing scene just in front of the shopkeeper eventually brought a smile on his face.Shaking his head slightly, he replied, "My boy, I am afraid it seems not to be enough."Para.1:With his eyes fixed on Peter's pocket, he wondered what Peter would do.1.口袋里掏出贝壳 ____________, _______________________________, Peter, ___________________, reached into his pocket and pulled out all his seashells, _______________________________________________________________.2.放在柜台问他够不__________________, he put them on the counter, asking the shopkeeper whether they were enough for the doll. 3.他说够了 __________________________, the shopkeeper nodded and wrapped the doll for the little girl, __________________________________. Para.2:Seeing Peter leaving happily with his sister holding the doll tightly, an assistant in that shop got surprised.4.问为什么 _____, she asked her boss why he had sold the doll at such a low price,_______________________________________________.5.店主解释 讲他故事 _____________________, the shopkeeper said he had a younger sister, too, and he also would like to do everything for her.6.助理理解___________________________,the assistant understood the kindness of her boss._____________________,now she feels pleasant and moved._________________________________________________________________________________________.经典例题2:阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 After a very meaningful conversation with my dad about the old days, we came up with an object that we both remembered clearly. It was my very first bicycle. My mind told me I got it when I was seven, who was cheated to ride it for fifty yards alone the first time l tried! My dad put together all the small pieces of the bicycle from a beautiful material that he called, "Your own car." Of course I knew he had some magical ability, but I didn't think he could make such an awesome object. He added the seat and the pedals(踏板) so that I would not have any problems. My dad recalled the bicycle was the smallest he could find while 1 remember how huge it was. I was so afraid of it and there was no way that I was going to control that monster-sized material. The bicycle was left in my backyard as a decoration for a month because I refused to ride it.Honestly, I was scared to try it. After a month, my dad gave me a lecture to teach me what being a man was all about. I was finally determined to try it. My dad was proud of me and I felt very manly.He and I went to the park to see what we could do there. The park was empty when we arrived. I had no doubt that my dad told everybody not to be there because we had to use it. I felt sorry for other people, but I was proud to have such an omnipotent (全能的) person as my dad. We found a smooth and open space. My dad was holding the back part of the seatto make sure I didn't fell. He promised me that I was not going to fall because he would be running right behind, holding the bicycle.Paragraph 1:I turned around and found my dad was not behind.1.非常害怕,努力减速____________, _________________________, I got extremely scared, _________________________________________________________________________________2.车停下来_________________, I managed to stop the bicycle, ___________________________________________________.大声求助

________________________, I called out for help.


__________, my dad refused to come to my rescue, but encouraged me to rely on myself. _______________________________________________________________


___________,I decided to do it.

Paragraph 2:I started to pedal and the bicycle moved.


I tried my best to be careful and advanced slowly, ___________________________



____________________, I started to gain confidence and even started to enjoy the process, ______________________________________________________________



__________________, I mastered the skills of riding the bicycle.


_________________________, I felt so delighted, __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________!






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