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wiggle是什么意思 wiggle的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-06-17 22:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

wiggle是什么意思 wiggle的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:爱漂亮的晓 • 2024-03-12 01:38:28 • 阅读 667



1. 词性和词义:

wiggle是动词,意为“扭动、、扭动身体或手、脚等部位以表现活泼或不自在”;也可以作名词,意为“扭动、”,例如“the wiggle of a worm”.

2. 词源:


3. 用法:


4. 表达方式:


- wiggle out of:逃脱、摆脱,例如“he tried to wiggle out of his responsibility”(他试图逃避自己的责任)

- wiggle room:余地、可调整的范围,例如“we need some wiggle room for negotiation”(我们需要一些谈判的余地)

- wiggle your way:以某种方式走过去或达成某个目标,例如“he managed to wiggle his way past the security guard”(他成功地走过了安保人员)


1. The little boy wiggled his fingers in excitement.(小男孩兴奋地手指)

2. The worm wiggled across the pavement.(蠕虫在人行道上)

3. She wiggled her hips to the beat of the music.(她随着音乐的节奏臀部)

4. He managed to wiggle out of the difficult situation.(他设法摆脱了困境)

5. The wiggle of the line on the graph showed fluctuations in the market.(图表中的曲线扭动表示市场波动)





1. The child couldn't sit still and kept wiggling in his seat.


2. The worm wiggled its way through the soil.


3. The dancer's hips wiggled seductively to the rhythm of the music.





例句:Mine was only proud of the fact that I could wiggle my ears. (我父亲只能因为我能 把耳朵扇动两下的小伎俩而骄傲)


例句:Charged particles called ions travel along the nanowire, causing it to stretch out in length and also bend and wiggle. (被称为离子的带电粒子沿着纳米线移动,导致它伸直、弯曲和摆动。)


例句:************ Let's do the wiggle,now ? (Fumbe 进去吧 我们冷静些 好吧 ?)


例句:Mr. Little, I think what Le Duc is asking, is just whether there might be a little wiggle room in the price? (翻译:小先生,我想黎德在问, 仅仅是否有可能是一个 一点回旋余地的价格是多少?)


wiggle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在wiggle dress([网络] 摆动衣服)、wiggle dresses([网络] 摆动衣服)、wiggle effect(失常效应)等常见短语中出现较多。

wiggle dress[网络] 摆动衣服wiggle dresses[网络] 摆动衣服wiggle effect失常效应wiggle nail[网络] 扣钉wiggle nails[网络] 扣钉\n(wiggle nail 的复数)wiggle out of从…挣脱出来wiggle roomn. (进行解释或表达意见所留的)余地、空间wiggle rooms(进行解释或表达意见所留的)余地、回旋空间wiggle seat座椅测谎器wiggle stickun. 探矿杖\n[网络] 游梁;探测杖例句

1. ************ Let's do the wiggle,now ? (翻译:Fumbe 进去吧 我们冷静些 好吧 ?)

2. Mr. Little, I think what Le Duc is asking, is just whether there might be a little wiggle room in the price? (翻译:小先生,我想黎德在问, 仅仅是否有可能是一个 一点回旋余地的价格是多少?)

3. Come on, the skipper was asked, don't you want to leave yourself a little wiggle room in case he really does throw a no-hitter ? (翻译:记者再追问,如果他真的投了场无安打,为何现在不帮他预留个空间呢?)

4. So if you wiggle a coffee cup in front of the camera, you're feeling that in your back, and amazingly, blind people got pretty good at being able to determine what was in front of the camera just by feeling it in the small of their back. (翻译:比如,如果你在相机前摆动一个咖啡杯, 就会通过背部感受到它, 而且令人惊讶的是,盲人很擅长于 仅仅通过背部的一小块的感受 来确定相机前的东西。)

5. "Now," I said, "now, look, wiggle your phantom -- your real fingers, or move your real fingers while looking in the mirror." (翻译:接着我说:“现在摆动一下你幻肢, 你真正的手指,或者在看着镜子的同时移动你真正的手指。“)

6. You have to probably stop. Maybe not come to a grinding halt, but you've got to sort of find that mouse. Then you find the mouse, and you're going to have to wiggle it a little bit to see where the cursor is on the screen. (翻译:你必须先停下来, 也许不是很辛苦的停顿, 但你得先找到鼠标, 然后晃一晃 在屏幕上找到光标.)

7. And you sorta unbuckle your seat belt... and wiggle around in your seat or tap your toes... and all of a sudden you're just bodies everywhere in the room... and you're just doing flips and can'twheels and spins. (翻译:然后解开安全带 围着椅子转,轻踢着脚趾头 突然身体在房间里飘来飘去)

8. If your cat is dreaming about prowling and pouncing on a prey, its tail may twitch and its whiskers may wiggle. (翻译:假如猫咪梦到寻找或扑抓猎物,牠的尾巴可能会,胡须也会摆动。)

9. Listen, if I learned anything when I lost everything, it's that, "A," there's no wiggle room when it comes to cottage cheese expiration dates, and "B," you can't get attached to material things. (翻译:从我失去所有中得到的感悟 首先 白软干酪的过期日期 真不是闹着玩的 其次 你不能对物质有依赖)

10. Ludmila Prokofievna, where have you picked up this vulgarity? You wiggle your hips like... (翻译:略德尼拉.伯洛哥菲耶夫娜,您 怎么扭起来了?)

11. If you're having a bad day, try this: jump up and down, wiggle around -- you're going to feel better. (翻译:如果你这一天不怎么样,试试这个: 跳上跳下,到处动一下 -- 你会感觉好很多。)

12. When crowds will pay to giggle if you wiggle your ears? (翻译:*当你摇动双耳,几时能博得众人开颜? *)

13. Players also get nifty tools with names like "shake", "wiggle" or "rubber band". (翻译:玩家还可以获得俏皮的工具如“摇动”、“摆动”、“橡皮筋”。)

14. But then the computer came, and I decided to apply the computer, not to new problems in mathematics -- like this wiggle wiggle, that's a new problem -- but to old problems. (翻译:然后出现了计算机。我决定研究计算机, 而不是新的数学问题- 例如这个“摆动”的问题,这是新问题- 而是建立在旧问题上。)

15. There's no code that says, "Do a wiggle in the Southern Ocean." (翻译:没有什么代说 “在南冰洋晃一下。” )




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