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who是什么意思中文翻译怎么读 who是什么意思中文翻译怎么读迅雷在线观看

#who是什么意思中文翻译怎么读 who是什么意思中文翻译怎么读迅雷在线观看| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

who的用法1:who用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语。who的用法2:who用作限制性或非限制性的关系代词,意思是“…的人,那个…”“他,她,他们”,在句中作主语。who的用法3:指某一组织机构的成员时也可用who,此时应用复数形式的谓语。who的用法4:在there be, here be后用作主语的关系代词who可以省略。who的用法5:从有限的人或物中进行明确的对比性选择时用which而不用who。who的用法例句:1. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。2. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。3. Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!4. Nora was deflowered by a man who worked in a soda-water factory.在汽水厂工作的一个男子夺去了诺拉的童贞。5. You can chat to other people who are online.你可以和其他在线的人聊天。6. I picked first all the people who usually were left till last.我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。7. I clearly empathize with the people who live in those neighborhoods.我非常同情生活在那些地方的人们。8. It is nearly always women who are the primary care givers.从事初级保健护理工作的几乎都是女性。9. She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.她相当顽固,宗教观念极强。10. Any head teacher who made errors like this would be chucked out.哪个校长只要犯了这样的错误都会被开除。11. Northbridge is a cool, calculating and clever criminal who could strike again.诺思布里奇是个头脑冷静、诡计多端、阴险狡诈的罪犯,他可能还会犯案。12. It would be difficult to find two men who were more dissimilar.很难找到彼此间差异更大的人了。13. Who do you suppose will replace her on the show?你觉得谁会代替她参加这场演出?14. Try to get a feeling for the people who live here.试着去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。15. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.我们知道有些性犯罪者会愚弄给他们做测评的心理学家。


1. =whoKK: []DJ: []pron.1. (用作疑问代词)谁,什么人2. (用作限定关系代词)...的人3. (用作非限定关系代词)他;她;他们;她们4. 【古】(省略先行词的关系代词)...的人






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