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虎溪小学英语学业水平模拟试卷及答案2 .doc

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1、2015年虎溪小学六年级学业水平模拟考试英 语 试 卷(说明:本试卷共4页,十四道大题,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。)题号听力部分笔试部分总 分一二三四一二三四五六七八九十十一得分听力部分(30分)(听力部分每题念两遍)一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项,把编号写在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1、A. best B. west C. better ( )2、A. plane B. train C. play( )3、A. clouds B. sounds C. grounds( )4、A. red B. read C. eat( )5、A. glad B. happy C. sad( )6、

2、A. swimming B. swing C. singing( )7、A. later B. e-mail C. letter( )8、A. 12 B.20 ( )9、A. path B. forest C. forty ( )10、A. take B. takes C .took二、听音,用阿拉伯数字按先后顺序标号。(5分)( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,填入句中所缺的单词。(10分)1. I like . Theyre .2. you know that ? Easy , I it up on the Internet.3. I a cold yesterday.4. I

3、m 160cm .5. It good, thank you .6. I go to school .四、听短文,判断句子的对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分)( )1.Amy was busy last night. ( )2.She visited her grandma on Saturday morning.( )3.They cooked the meals together.( )4.She played basketball on Sunday morning.( )5.She watched TV on Sunday afternoon.笔试部分(70分)一、按字母表顺

4、序写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分) 二、补全单词。(5分)( )1.bef e A. ro C. or ( ) t A.er B. en C. ea( ) ger A. ny B. ng ( )4.pl A.nea B. ane na( )5.b minton A.ad B. ed C. id三、按要求写单词。(11分)1.pen(复数) (现在分词) (宾格) 4.go(第三人称单数) 5.tall(比较级) 6.is not(缩写形式) (名词) 8.are(过去式) 9. Amy(名词所有格) 10.one(序数词) t(完全形式) 四、选出不同类的单词,把括号写在题前的括号里。(

5、5分)( )1.A.ruler B. eraser C. shorter D. book( )2.A.bed B. talked C. washed D. cooked( )3.A.making B. swimming C. swing D. writing( )4.A.older B. fever C. smaller D. younger ( )5.A.horses B. buses C. cows D. foot五、选择恰当的句子补全对话,将其编号写在提前的括号里。(每个只能用一次)(5分)A. She is reading a book . B . Yes ,I want a pair

6、 of shoes . C. Thank you . D. She is going to play the violin . E. I saw many beautiful flowers .( )1.A:Whats your mother doing ? B: ( )2.A:What did you see in the park ? B: ( )3.A:Can I help you? www . B: ( )4.A:Your school is beautiful . B: ( )5. A:What is Sarah going to do this weekend ? B: 六、选择填

7、空。(15分)( ) 1.Whats the matter you ? A. from B. with C. for D. at ( )2.My birthday is July 1st. A. on B. under C . at D. in ( )3.I like in the lake in summer. A. swimming B. swiming C. swim D. swims( )4.How do you usually go to school ? I usually go to school . A. walk B. on foot C. by foot D. on a f

8、oot( )5.Im sad .I failed my math test. A. Sorry . B. Excuse me .C. you are bad . D. Im sorry to hear that .( )6.Can you sweep the floor ? A. Yes ,I can .B. Yes , I cant .C. Yes , you can .D. No, I can .( )7.What size are your shoes ? A. Im 160cm .B. I wear size37.C. Im 45kg. D .Im older than you.han

9、k you all for . A. comes B. come C. coming D. came ( )9. did you go last summer holiday ? I went to Beijing. A. Where B. How C. What D. Why( )10.I cant see apples. But I can see oranges. A. some ,some B. any, any C. some , any D. any, some七、情景会话,将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号里。(5分)( )1.当遇见很久不见的朋友时,你应该对他说: A. Hello

10、! B. How are you ? C. How do you do ?( )2.当你在商场购物时,售货员会对你说: A. Can I help you ? B. Can you help me ? C. Could you give me a hand ,please ?( )3.你想问Sarah 的爸爸是什么职业,你应该如何问: A. What do you do ,Sarah ? B. What does your father do ? C. Whats your father like ?( )4.当你应答电话时,你应说: A. Hi ,who are you ? B. Hey ,

11、how are you ? C. Hello ,this is Amy.( )5.当你想知道对方的爱好时,你可以问: A.Whats your hobby ? B. Whats your favourite food ? C. Do you like pears ?八、连词成句。(5分)1. tall , is, how , boy ,the (?) 2.did , Sarah , what , do , night ,last (?) 3.anything ,did ,else ,do , you (?) 4.do , how , you , feel (?) 5.Wu Yifan , bu

12、sy , was ,weekend ,last (.) 九、按实际情况回答问题。(5分)1.Whats your name ? 2.How old are you ? 3.Do you like pears ? 4.Whats your English teacher like ? at are you going to do this Summer Vacation ? 十、阅读理解。判断对错,与短文相符的打“”,否则打“”。(4分)Last Sunday , John didnt go to school. He stayed at home and played the piano in

13、 the morning .He likes playing the piano very much .He plays it very well . After playing the piano, he went to swim at 9:00.Swimming is his favorite sport. He played football with his friends in the afternoon. He was happy last Sunday.( )1.John went to school last Sunday.( )2.John went swimming in the morning .( )3.John plays the violin very well. ( )4.John played basketball in the afternoon.2015年虎溪小学六年级学业水平模拟考试英语试卷参考答案一、A A A B A A C B B C二、4 1 5 2 3三、






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