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Chinese Wall是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

#Chinese Wall是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Chinese Wall 网络解释

1. 职能划分制度;职能分管制度:Chinese News System 中文信息系统 | Chinese Wall 职能划分制度;职能分管制度 | churning 频密交易


2. 中国墙;职能分隔制度:China Stock Markets 中国股票市场;中国股市 | Chinese Wall 中国墙;职能分隔制度 | CIO 首席信息官;首席资讯官;首席资讯长

Chinese Wall 双语例句

1. Chinese Wall的解释

1. Over the past four years the company has set up the following projects: Rizhao City Construction Committee Building elevator between Mentao stone materials for decoration, the national flag for Taiwan and the stone facade and construction; Rizhao City Mentao the Inland Revenue Department building elevator doors decorated stone for construction materials and, within Dry-hanging stone wall for materials and construction, the East China Sea Hotel for materials; Gloria Plaza Hotel before the floor, stone ornaments for materials; sunshine-million for materials and construction of the hotel; part of the Shandong Water Conservancy Institute for materials and installation; sunshine Commissioner of South East along the external walls of floor dry hanging Stone materials and for installation in Chinese medicine hospitals, the East and the transformation of the old city hospital and other projects for materials and installation; sunshine Belvedere Garden staircase still for materials and installation works.    成立四年来公司曾为下列工程服务:日照市建委综合楼电梯间门套石饰供料,国旗台及门面供石材及施工;日照市地税局大厦电梯门门套石饰供料及施工,内墙干挂石材供料及施工;东海饭店供料;凯莱大酒店前楼石材饰品供料;日照万平酒店部分供料及施工;山东水利学院部分供料及安装;日照东关南路沿街楼外墙干挂石材供料及安装;市中医院、东港医院及旧城改造等工程供料及安装;日照丽城花园楼梯踏步供料及安装等工程。

2. Imperial Embroidery varies from gold and silver embroideries, wall hangings, bed linen, pajamas, and bathrobes to traditional Chinese garments and cushions, it is worthy to be used, appreciated and reserved.    京绣产品种类繁多,有各种款式不同的金银绣品、京绣精品、仿古绣片、壁挂、床上用品、绣衣、浴衣、睡衣、各式中式服装和多种图案美观实用的座垫靠垫。

3. In the middle of a wide sandalwood couch against the back wall stood a small low table on which were a set of Chinese chess and a platter of large porcelain peaches.    里墙边原有一张檀木榻,榻几上面摆着一套围棋子,一盘瓷制的大蟠桃。

4. You can establish a company by the way of coorperating with chinese companies as wall as with yourself's fund-cost. when you invest a joint vature, the alien provide capital, equipment, advanced technology. while the chinese provide land, labour and partial fund applied to the basic construction. as to the sole corporation, the alien affords all the bankroll to gain all the profit, meanwhile bears all the risks. you can manage your sole corporation as you like, whick is certainly abided by chinese laws.    投资兴办合资企业时,通常外方提供资金、机械、先进技术和管理方法,而中方则提供土地、劳工以及部分用于基础设施建设的资金。至于独资企业,外商提供所有的资金,赚取所有的利润,同时承担所有的风险。你可以自己喜欢的方式经营独资公司,当然不可超越中国的法律。

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The emerging toy company established in 1995, located at had the Chinese hardware the name Yongkang Great Wall industrial district, this company was the individual management which a collection production processing, the sale on commission wholesaled, the specialized production each kind of hardware tool fitness equipment massage equipment, the TV shopping product, the emerging toy Private company was one authorizes the registration by the National Related Department the enterprise.    新兴玩具公司创立于1995年,位于有中国五金之都之称的永康市长城工业区,本公司是一家集生产加工、经销批发的私人经营企业,专业生产各种五金工具健身器材户外休闲用品行军床秋千椅钢管折叠床,电动玩具诸葛马儿童游乐玩具折叠车儿童车婴儿车按摩器材,TV购物产品的综合性的公司,新兴玩具私人公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。

6. When asked whether it is Chinese-funded banks to buy the Wall Street financial institutions, a good time, said Wu Yonggang, domestic banks is the existence of the strength of overseas acquisitions, but currently is willing to The acquisition can take place, as well as still too many uncertainties.    当被问及是否有中资银行收购华尔街金融机构的好时机,说吴永刚是国内银行的海外并购力量的存在,但目前愿意收购才可能发生,以及还很多不确定性。

7. Neolithic, ceramic painting, high-47cm, diameter 32.7cm.临汝County, Henan Province in 1978 Yan village unearthed Neolithic Yangshao Culture is a type of陶缸painted stork title fish, next to the erection of a stone screen, the author in the coarse white terracotta of the cylinder wall drawing stork, fish, stone axes to heavy solid black line triggering stork eyes, fish and stone structure, the effect of rough powerful screen, painting with the Chinese characteristics of ancient times modeling is a rare art treasures.    新石器时代、陶质彩绘、器高47cm、口径32.7cm.1978年河南省临汝县阎村出土,属新石器时代仰韶文化类型,陶缸绘有鹳鸟衔鱼,旁边竖立一件石斧的画面,作者用白色在夹砂红陶的缸外壁绘出鹳、鱼、石斧,以粗重结实的黑线勾出鹳的眼睛、鱼身和石斧的结构,画面效果粗犷有力,绘画具有中华民族远古时代的造型特征,是一件罕见的绘画珍品。

8. When you enter the lobby of height 9.2 meters, dotted artwork will let you go to the fairyland, All-metal artistic cello sculpture, precious wood artistic device, red copper material front desk artistic background wall, rich Hunan culture's lacquer ware, and bronze treasure, the great work of Chinese artists and world famous paintings handed down from ancient times, let you get drunk and forget tired!    步入挑高9.2米的酒店大堂,星罗棋布的艺术品定会将您引入一个奢华而艺术的人间仙境:全金属低音大提琴抽象雕塑、珍贵名木艺术装置、尊贵紫铜材质前台艺术背景墙、极具湖湘文化的臻品漆器、散发吴越文化的青铜珍品、中国艺术名家巨作及世界传世名画让人沉醉流连,脱俗忘倦!

9. The Great Wall, 6700 kilometers long, is the symbol of the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.    长城,全长6700公里,是中国人民智慧和力量的象征。

10. Chinese Wall的近义词

10. Forgot to tell you, i come from China, the world one of the 4 great ancient civilizations have great, great wall of the National Palace Museum, Beijing, terracotta, many of the world tourist destination...don't know what you heard of another, i think the most worth peacocked Chinese cuisine.    忘了告诉你,我来自中国,是世界4大古文明之一,有伟大的长城,北京故宫,兵马俑,等很多世界旅游胜地。。

11. Chinese Wall在线翻译

11. The data shows, king thunder thunder was graduated from department of engineering of Tsinghua university electron 1996, obtain bachelor's degree, subsequently hold post at company of software of computer of Chinese Great Wall, join in before TOM, limited company of broker of futures of 100 million peaks holds the position of Ceng Zaishan head manager of big client department, establish Beijing the third of the twelve Earthly Branches limited company of sincere annals science and technology.      资料显示,王雷雷1996年毕业于清华大学电子工程系,获学士学位,随后供职于中国长城计算机软件公司,加盟TOM前,曾在汕头亿峰期货经纪有限公司担任大客户部经理,并创办北京寅诚志科技有限公司。1999年,他担任TOM在线中国区运营总经理,全面负责TOM中国区运营业务,随后在TOM集团内担任副首席运营官、非执行董事和执行董事。

12. Chinese Wall

12. The data shows, wang LeiThunder was graduated from department of engineering of Tsinghua university electron 1996, obtain bachelor's degree, subsequently hold post at company of software of computer of Chinese Great Wall, join in before TOM, limited company of broker of futures of 100 million peaks holds the position of Ceng Zaishan head manager of big client department, establish Beijing the third of the twelve Earthly Branches limited company of sincere annals science and technology.      资料显示,王雷雷1996年毕业于清华大学电子工程系,获学士学位,随后供职于中国长城计算机软件公司,加盟TOM前,曾在汕头亿峰期货经纪有限公司担任大客户部经理,并创办北京寅诚志科技有限公司。1999年,他担任TOM在线中国区运营总经理,全面负责TOM中国区运营业务,随后在TOM集团内担任副首席运营官、非执行董事和执行董事。

13. For a Chinese proverb saysHe who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true manSo if you have been to there.      因为中国有不到长城非好汉这句话。所以到了那里。

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. The ancient Chinese did a lot of wonders, one of which was the Grat Wall.      古老中国人做了很多奇迹,其中之一是伟大的Wall。

15. The size of the design of public areas, restaurants and the living room wall to be modified so that not only broadens the living room of the visual lines, the use of Chinese garden design by King, but here is intended to more Jieguang, ramp door Diagonal is a traditional Chinese financial hungry, to place a Lucky tree is a good choice as well as indoor air purification, the right hand edge of the door is a role-counters put a stop to the door can be brought into the dust into the living room, such as And second to the region will also be separated, we talk about feng shui is the Chinese people in the door is left shoe, placed above a Buddhist theme of the work, not only can increase the indoor atmosphere, so that the stability of the space and quiet.      这个户型的公共区域设计,把餐厅和客厅的那堵墙做个改造,这样不仅拓宽了客厅的视觉线,利用了中国园林设计中借景的做法,不过此处更多的用意是借光,进门斜对角是中国传统饿财位,放置一颗招财树是个不错的选择,也能净化室内空气,进门的右手边上是个作用搁物柜,一来可以阻挡门外带进的灰尘进如客厅,二来也将区域分隔,我们中国人很讲风水,在进门的左手方向是鞋柜,上面放置一副佛教题材的作品,不仅可以增加室内气氛,使空间稳定,安静。

16. Here was a Chinese Wall Street is also the birthplace of China's banking sector.      这里曾是中国的华尔街,也是中国银行业的诞生地。

17. Chinese Wall什么意思

17. There is a map of Chinese on the wall.      墙上有一幅中国地图。

18. Whatever happened to the wall of Chinese money?      中国的资金长城到底怎么了?

19. Chinese Wall的翻译

19. Let's put the Chinese painting on the wall.      我们把这幅中国画挂在墙上吧。

20. Chinese Wall

20. The Great Wall is Chinese nation spirit miniature, also is the Chinese nation civilization symbol.      长城是中华民族精神的缩影,也是中华民族文明的象征。

Chinese Wall 单语例句911查询·英语单词

1. Chafer said his company is discussing an arrangement with Beijing Great Wall Chinese Shrine, a funeral home and columbarium in the Chinese capital.

2. Nowadays too many Chinese want to become " heroes ", as they flood onto the Great Wall and carve their names on its bricks.

3. Wall Street's Charging Bull will soon be joined on the world stage by a Chinese version that's set to be unleashed in Shanghai.

4. Tracing back to the Great Wall and the splendid imperial palaces, the ancient Chinese were addicted to the massive impact created by building gigantic constructions.

5. Brazil mounted attack after attack in search of the equaliser but the great wall of Chinese red shirts stood firm.

6. Chinese shares rose for a second consecutive day on Friday, boosted by gains on Wall Street and neighbouring markets.

7. On the inside wall surrounding the peacekeeping compound, huge Chinese characters meaning " Keep the Spirit of Nanniwan " were written.

8. The lighting and interior decor creates an artistic and surreal atmosphere and the ancient Chinese poems on the wall are a great effect.

9. Taiwan graphic designer Nick Wu won best wall covering design for a series of wallpapers featuring distinctly Chinese patterns.

10. Graphic designer Nick Wu won best wall covering design for a series of wallpapers featuring distinctly Chinese patterns.






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