visit的用法是什么? 您所在的位置:网站首页 visit怎么读 visit的用法是什么?


2022-06-07 20:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



visit [vizit] n. 拜访, 访问, 游览, 参观, (作客)逗留, 视察, 调查 vt. 拜访, 访问, 参观, 视察, 降临 vi. 访问, 参观, 闲谈 visit [5vIzIt] vt., vi. 去…游览;参观;访问 People who visit the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names. 到美国来旅游的人有时会问美国各州的名字是怎么得来的。 He will soon visit Darwin. 他不久将去达尔文港。 When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben. 当你参观伦敦时,首先看到的东西之一就是`大本钟'。 I visited museums and sat in public gardens. 我参观了博物馆,还在公园里坐过。 We visited our friends in town. 我们去看望了城里的朋友。 视察 (灾难等)降临 (与with连用)与…交谈 (常与upon连用)惩罚 visit n. 参观;访问 pay a visit 访问(某人); 参观(某地) She paid us a visit. 她拜访了我们。 visit AHD:[v¹z“¹t] D.J.:[6vizit] K.K.:[6v!z!t] v.;; vis.its; visit To call on socially: 拜访: visit friends. 拜访朋友 To go to see or spend time at (a place) with a certain intent: 参观为一特定目的去看或花时间于(一地方): visit a museum; visited London. 参观博物馆;游览伦敦 To stay with as a guest. 留下作客 To go to see in an official or professional capacity: 视察以官方的或职业性的资格去看: visited the dentist; a priest visiting his parishioners. 看望牙科医生;巡视他教区的牧师 To go or come to: 去或到: visits the bank on Fridays. 星期五去银行 To go to see in order to aid or console: 探望为了帮助或安慰去看: visit the sick and dying. 看望病人和奄奄一息的人 To make itself known to or seize fleetingly: 突然出现或抓住: was visited by a bizarre thought. 突然出现一个奇异的念头 To afflict or assail: 侵袭,降临折磨或攻击: A plague visited the village. 瘟疫降临到了这个村庄 To inflict punishment on or for; avenge: 使…受惩罚;报复: The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants. 祖先的罪恶报应到他们后代的身上 visit v.intr. To make a visit. 拜访 Informal 【非正式用语】 To converse or chat: 谈论或聊天: Stay and visit with me for a while. 留下来和我聊一会儿 visit n. The act or an instance of visiting a person, place, or thing. 访问,参观拜访人、参观地方或事物的行为或例子 A stay or sojourn as a guest. 逗留作为客人的逗留或临时寄居 The act of visiting in a professional capacity. 巡视,视察以职业性身份视察的行为 The act of visiting in an official capacity, such as an inspection or examination. 巡视,检查以官方的身份察看的行为,如视察或检查等 Middle English visiten 中古英语 visiten fromOld French visiter 源自古法语 visiter fromLatin vºsit³re,frequentative of vºsere ,frequentative of vid¶re[ to see ] 源自拉丁语 vºsit³re, vºsere的重复动词 , vid¶re的重复动词[ 看 ] *See Also : vision visit [5vizit] vt. 访问, 拜访, 探望; 游览, 参观 视察, 巡视; 出诊 (灾害、疾病等)侵袭, 降临 突然出现[来临] (基督教《圣经》用语)惩罚; 惩治; 施加; 报应 [古]降福于 visit the sick 慰问病人 Famine visited this region. 饥荒侵袭了这一地区。 Poets were often visited by fits of gloom. 诗人常有一阵阵忧郁。 visit [5vizit] vi. 访问; 作暂短逗留; 参观, 视察 [美]叙谈, 闲谈(with) visit in the country 乡间小住 visit with one's friend 留住在朋友家 visit [5vizit] n. 访问 游览, 参观 在某处暂住(作客) [俚]聊天 视察; 出诊 (战时)海军人员对中立国船只的检查 the right of visit and search 登船及搜查权 visitable adj. angels' visits 难得的愉快的访问 a domiciliary visit 【律】住所搜查 医生对病人的家访 a farewell visit 辞行 give [make, pay] sb. a visit 访问某人 make [pay] a visit to 参观, 访问, 拜访 on a visit to 访问某人; 参观某地; 在...家里作客 pay ... a long visit 在...家里住一段很长时间 receive a visit from sb. 受某人访问 return a visit 回拜, 答访 school visit (师范生)见习 (学生)校外参观 visit from the stork 婴儿的诞生 visit on [upon]sb. 惩罚[报应]某人 visit with 访问; 看望 [美]找...聊天[闲谈]

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