Dr.eye 譯典通 您所在的位置:网站首页 victim例句 Dr.eye 譯典通

Dr.eye 譯典通

#Dr.eye 譯典通 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The victim uttered anguished cries.    受害人發出痛苦的呼喊。

The victim gave a bleat of terror.    那個受害者發出一聲恐懼的哀鳴。

He became a victim of circumstances.    他成了命運的犧牲品。

the hapless victim of a misplaced murder attempt    一起謀殺案中被不幸誤殺者

He is the victim of a masked holdup.    他是一次蒙面搶劫的受害者。

Due to a police mix-up, the robber went free and the victim was jailed.    由於警察搞混了,小偷逃逸而受害者卻入獄了。

He was a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game.    他上當受騙了。

The cancer victim was reduced to skin and bones.    那個癌症患者瘦得皮包骨。

The victim was smothered to death.    受害人被窒息致死。

The witness testified that he had seen the man shoot at his victim.    證人作證說他看到那男人向其受害者開槍。

A bazaar was held for the benefit of the victims of the natural calamity.    為災民舉辦了義賣。

Many who have believed his words have become victims of this beguilement.    許多相信了他的話的人成了這個騙局的受害者。

They camped the quake victims in tents.    他們把地震受害者暫時安頓在帳篷裡。

The fire victims received food and clothes from several charities.    火災災民從數個慈善團體收到食物和衣服。

The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims.    政府把應急食品發給水災受害者。

New Age hippies love fashion but don't want to be fashion victims.    新時代嬉皮喜愛流行,但是不願意成為流行的受害者。

Bob gave freely to the fund for victims of the earthquake.    鮑伯向地震災民慷慨捐款。

The flood victims were in instant need of help.    水災難民急需救助。

We pity the victims of war.    我們同情戰爭受害者。

Provision of shelter was their main concern for the disaster victims.    為災民提供避難處是他們最關切的事。







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