excel宏设置之一键生成多张sheet并写入内容与格式 您所在的位置:网站首页 vba新建一个sheet excel宏设置之一键生成多张sheet并写入内容与格式


2024-01-21 06:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265









Sub 按钮2_Click() ' 批量新建多个sheet表,新建一个cresheet的宏 Dim a As Integer '定义a变量 Dim strArr As Variant '定义字符数组 Dim alpArr As Variant '定义字母数组 Dim length '用length表示数组的长度 a = 5 '初始值,从第5行开始,可以更改 Set st = Worksheets("纳税企业申报信息表") ' 表初始值,定位源数据表,可以更改 'while开始根据本表D5列生成sheet Do While st.Cells(a, "D") "" ' 设定循环条件,从纳税企业申报信息表中的D5开始,如果数据不为空,执行该循环 On Error Resume Next ' 若表名不存在,忽略代码引起的运行错误 'if每一次循环生成一个新sheet并设置好里面的内容 If Worksheets(st.Cells(a, "D").Value) Is Nothing Then '判断是否存在对应的工作表 Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) '永远将新表加入到最后一个工作表之后 ActiveSheet.Name = st.Cells(a, "D").Value '新的工作表为当前活动的工作,将工作表的名称更改为纳税企业申报信息表中对应单元格的名字。 '单元格设置内容并设置水平垂直居中 Range("A1").Value = "企业名称:" Range("A1").HorizontalAlignment = Excel.xlLeft Range("A1").VerticalAlignment = Excel.xlCenter Range("B1").Value = st.Cells(a, "D").Value Range("B1").HorizontalAlignment = Excel.xlLeft Range("B1").VerticalAlignment = Excel.xlCenter Range("A2").Value = "纳税人识别号:" Range("A2").HorizontalAlignment = Excel.xlLeft Range("A2").VerticalAlignment = Excel.xlCenter Range("B2").Value = st.Cells(a, "E").Value Range("B2").HorizontalAlignment = Excel.xlLeft Range("B2").VerticalAlignment = Excel.xlCenter '单元格设置高 Range("A1").RowHeight = 30 Range("A2").RowHeight = 30 Range("A3").RowHeight = 30 Range("A4").RowHeight = 40 '列名 strArr = Array("序号", "工号", "*姓名", "*证照类型", "*证照号码", "*国籍(地区)", "*性别", "*出生日期", "*人员状态", "*任职受雇从业类型", "手机号码", "任职受雇从业日期", "*本期收入", "本期免税收入", "离职日期", "个人投资额", "个人投资比例(%)", "基本养老保险费", "基本医疗保险费", "失业保险费", "住房公积金", "累计子女教育", "累计继续教育", "累计住房贷款利息", "累计住房租金", "累计赡养老人", "企业(职业)年金", "商业健康保险", "税延养老保险", "其他", "准予扣除的捐赠额", "免税额", "是否残疾", "是否烈属", "是否孤老", "残疾证号", "烈属证号", "是否境外人员", "中文名", "涉税事由", "出生国家(地区)", "首次入境时间", "预计离境时间", "其他证照类型", "其他证照号码", "户籍所在地(省)", "户籍所在地(市)", "户籍所在地(区县)", "户籍所在地(详细地址)", "居住地址(省)", "居住地址(市)", "居住地址(区县)", "居住地址(详细地址)", "联系地址(省)", "联系地址(市)", "联系地址(区县)", "联系地址(详细地址)", "电子邮箱", "学历", "开户银行", "银行账号", "职务", "备注") alpArr = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AH", "AI", "AJ", "AK", "AL", "AM", "AN", "AO", "AP", "AQ", "AR", "AS", "AT", "AU", "AV", "AW", "AX", "AY", "AZ", "BA", "BB", "BC", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BI", "BJ", "BK") '列长度 length = UBound(strArr) - LBound(strArr) + 1 'for循环在sheet生成列名 For i = 0 To (length - 1) Range(alpArr(i) + "4").Value = strArr(i) Range(alpArr(i) + "4").Interior.Color = RGB(204, 204, 255) '单元格背景颜色 Range(alpArr(i) + "4").ColumnWidth = 10 '单元格设置宽 Range(alpArr(i) + "4").HorizontalAlignment = Excel.xlCenter '文字水平垂直居中 Range(alpArr(i) + "4").VerticalAlignment = Excel.xlCenter Next Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(500, 63)).Borders.LineStyle = xlDash '单元格边框格式虚线 '下面是冻结窗口 Set wd = ActiveWindow With wd .SplitColumn = 13 .SplitRow = 4 End With ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True Set wd = Nothing '冻结窗口完毕 '设置字体颜色为红色 Range(Cells(4, 3), Cells(4, 13)).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) '设置数据有效性 With [e4:e4].Validation '证照号码提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "当证照类型为""居民身份证"",请输入18位居民身份证号" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [c4:c4].Validation '*姓名提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "证照类型为外国护照时,录入证件上的英文姓名,其他证件录入中文姓名" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [f4:f4].Validation '*国籍提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "证照类型为""居民身份证""时,允许为空" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [g4:g4].Validation '*性别提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "证照类型为""居民身份证""时,允许为空" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [h4:h4].Validation '*出生日期提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "证照类型为""居民身份证""时,允许为空。请严格按照如下格式填写:2018-12-12" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [k4:k4].Validation '手机号码提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "当""任职受雇从业类型""为""雇员""时必须填写。请输入11位手机号码。" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [l4:l4].Validation '任职受雇从业日期提示 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="1" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "当""任职受雇从业类型""为""雇员""、""保险营销员""和""证券经纪人""时必须填写。请严格按照如下格式填写:2018-12-12" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [d5:d65536].Validation '*证照类型下拉 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="居民身份证,中国护照,港澳居民来往内地通行证,台湾人民来往大陆通行证,外国护照" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [f5:f65536].Validation '*国籍下拉 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="中国,中国澳门,中国香港,中国台湾" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [g5:g65536].Validation '*性别下拉 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="男,女" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [i5:i65536].Validation '*人员状态下拉 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="正常,非正常" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With With [j5:j65536].Validation '*任职受雇从业类型下拉 .Delete .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:="雇员,保险营销员,证券经纪人,其他" .IgnoreBlank = True .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "" .InputMessage = "" .ErrorMessage = "" .IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With '数据有效性设置完毕 'if结束 End If a = a + 1 '行号加1,继续新增下一个 'while结束 Loop MsgBox ("生成个税工资表完毕,请前往填写!") End Sub







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