《纯粹理性批判》英文版 读书笔记 1.1.1论空间 您所在的位置:网站首页 us和we和me有什么区别 《纯粹理性批判》英文版 读书笔记 1.1.1论空间

《纯粹理性批判》英文版 读书笔记 1.1.1论空间

2023-03-23 21:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

①On space 论空间

By means of outer sense (a property of our mind) we represent to ourselves objects as outside us, and all as in space. In space their form, magnitude, and relation to one another is determined, or determinable.

outer sense:外感官


Inner sense, by means of which the mind intuits itself, or its inner state, gives, to be sure, no intuition of the soul itself, as an object;10 yet it is still a determinate form, under which the intuition of its inner state is alone possible, so that everything that belongs to the inner determinations is represented in relations of time.

Inner sense:内感官



Time can no more be intuited externally than space can be intuited as something in us.


Now what are space and time? Are they actual entities? Are they only determinations or relations of things, yet ones that would pertain to them even if they were not intuited, or are they relations that only attach to the form of intuition alone, and thus to the subjective constitution of our mind, without which these predicates could not be ascribed to any thing at all?In order to instruct ourselves about this, we will consider space first.

康德正式发出提问,空间和时间到底是什么。这里他列举了两种可能:determinations of things还是attach to the form of intuition alone,即它们到底是依附于物体的还是依附于心灵的。接下来进行空间的先验阐明。

1)Space is not an empirical concept that has been drawn from outer experiences. For in order for certain sensations to be related to something outside me (i.e., to something in another place in space from that in which I find myself), thus in order for me to represent them as outside one another, thus not merely as different but as in different places, the representation of space must already be their ground. Thus the representation of space cannot be obtained from the relations of outer appearance through experience, but this outer experience is itself first possible only through this representation.


2)Space is a necessary representation, a priori, which is the ground of all outer intuitions.[A 29] One can never represent that there is no space, although one can very well think that there are no objects to be encountered in it. It is therefore to be regarded as the condition of the possibility of appearances, not as a determination dependent on them, and is an a priori representation that necessarily grounds outer appearances.



3)The apodictic certainty of all geometrical principles and the possibility of their a priori construction are grounded in this a priori necessity. For if this representation of space were a concept acquired a posteriori, which was drawn out of general outer experience, the first principles of mathematical determination would be nothing but perceptions. They would therefore have all the contingency of perception, and it would not even be necessary that only one straight line lie between two points, but experience would merely always teach that. What is borrowed from experience always has only comparative universality, namely through induction. One would therefore only be able to say that as far as has been observed to date, no space has been found that has more than three dimensions.


contingency :偶然性




4)Space is not a discursive or, as is said, general concept of relations of things in general, but a pure intuition.[A 25] For, first, one can only represent a single space, and if one speaks of many spaces, one understands by that only parts of one and the same unique space. And these parts cannot as it were precede the single all-encompassing space as its components (from which its composition would be possible), but rather are only thought in it. It is essentially single; the manifold in it, thus also the general concept of spaces in general, rests merely on limitations. From this it follows that in respect to it an a priori intuition (which is not empirical) grounds all concepts of them. Thus also all geometrical principles, e.g., that in a triangle two sides together are always greater than the third, are never derived from general concepts of line and triangle, but rather are derived from intuition and indeed derived a priori with apodictic certainty.


essentially :本质上


5)Space is represented as a given infinite magnitude. A general concept of space (which is common to a foot as well as an ell) can determine nothing in respect to magnitude. If there were not boundlessness in the progress of intuition, no concept of relations could bring with it a principle of their infinity.






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