distress和urgency的区别 您所在的位置:网站首页 urgency例句 distress和urgency的区别


2023-11-20 09:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、And Heidi sat down on the ground looking as full of distress as if everything had really come to an end.───海蒂坐在地上看起来非常伤心,似乎所有东西真的到了尽头。

2、Others will say that it was a mistake all along to embark on expensive reform at a time of acute economic distress.───其他人会说,在经济不景气的时候开始代价昂贵的改革自始至终就是个错误。

3、His wild behavior was a great distress to his mother.───他的放荡的行为使他的母亲极为苦恼。

4、You normally don't see sharks like this running around on the surface, but this animal looks like it's in distress.───通常情况下,你不会看到鲨鱼在水面上游来游去。但是这条鲨鱼看上去好像遇险了。

5、Thus ended Frank Cowperwood's dreams of what Butler and his political associates might do for him in his hour of distress.───这样就结束了法兰克·柯帕乌要巴特勒和他的政治上的伙伴,能在他处境危难的时候帮助他的梦想。

6、The USAF radar reports all but ceased Jan. 11, then appeared to show "signs of orbital distress" when resumed temporarily a few days later.───美国空军在1月11日停止公布雷达报告,当几天后短暂恢复公布时,显示发生了“轨道灾难迹象”。


1、I still remember the urgency I felt, along with the annoyance that this woman was trying to keep me from reaching my goal.───我依然清晰地记得我当时急迫而又烦躁的心情——那个女人不停的在我旁边干扰我。

2、The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others.───领导者必须能与他人分享知识和主意,以向他人传输一种紧迫感和热情。

3、I made sure to keep splitting the company into smaller companies, ensuring that we kept our sense of competition and urgency.───我肯定如果继续分裂成更小的公司的公司,能够确保我们保持我们的竞争和紧迫感。

4、Mr. Obama said the statistics were further proof that his multi-billion-dollar stimulus package needed to be passed as a matter of urgency.───奥巴马说数据会进一步证明他的几十亿元的促进打包需要被作为紧急事件通过。

5、This is often done with some urgency, since the open wound is a site of potential hemorrhage and infection.───这是经常做一些紧迫性,因为伤口感染部位是一个潜在的出血和。

6、enjoy problem solving, have a keen desire to be rewarded for results and a strong sense of urgency and intensely dislike losing.───善于解决问题,结果型导向,有强烈的忧患意识,不轻言失败。






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