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2023-07-18 05:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The reigning MVP now has 288 3-pointers in a season. We should also remind that this game was played on Feb. 27, and Curry wrapped up last season’s record in mid-April.


The Warriors had every right to be out of this game. The team hasn’t played at home since Feb. 9, and the nationally televised pairing with the Thunder marked the seventh and final game of a long road trip for a squad that has played more road contests than any other so far this season. The Thunder raced out to a 19-5 lead in the first quarter, looking to add a sixth loss to Golden State’s ledger as the Warriors (now 53-5) chase down Chicago’s 20-year old record for wins in a season.

其 实勇士哪怕放弃这场比赛都不为过。这支队伍从2月9日开始就已经没在主场打过球了,与雷霆这场全国电视直播的比赛是他们这次漫漫客场之旅的第七场也是最后 一场,对这支球队来说,截止到目前为止,这个赛季他们的客场之旅比其他任何球队都要多。雷霆首节就打出了一个19-5的开局,企图送勇士赛季第六败,勇士 (现在53-5)正在追赶芝加哥公牛队在20年前创造的单赛季胜场记录。

That 72-10 Bulls team never had to face anything like Curry, though, as the MVP nailed 12 of 16 from deep and 14 of 24 overall, while adding six assists. Standout performances from Klay Thompson (31 points, several key defensive plays) and Draymond Green (versatile defense, with 14 rebounds, 14 assists, six steals and four blocks) also aided in the Warriors’ comeback.

然而那支72-10的公 牛队从来没有面对像库里这样的球员,这位MVP整晚24投14中,三分球16中12,外加6个助攻。克雷-汤普森(31分以及几个关键的防守)和德雷蒙德 -格林(全能的防守,14个篮板,14个助攻,6个抢断和4个盖帽)突出的表现也帮助勇士反败为胜。

Oklahoma City’s Kevin Durant added 37 points, 12 rebounds and five assists prior to fouling out in overtime, while Russell Westbrook came through with 26 points, seven rebounds and 12 assists, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing ever seems to be against Golden State.


Despite the hot start, Thunder turnovers and strong bench play helped Golden State make a game of it by halftime. The teams were trading baskets with OKC up 57-52 with 10 1/2 minutes left in the third when Curry appeared to badly sprain his left ankle on a fruitless fast break. Worse, Westbrook inadvertently stepped on Curry’s ankle right after the twist. Curry, who struggled through several ankle sprains and a right ankle surgery in his first few seasons, stayed on the ground and called for an intentional foul to pause play before heading to the locker room.

尽 管开局很顺,但雷霆的失误以及勇士强大的板凳实力帮助勇士半场紧咬比分。下半场两队互换篮筐,在第三节还剩十分钟半的时候雷霆队57-52领先,此时库里 在一次不成功的快攻中受伤,他的左脚踝看起来严重扭伤。更糟糕的是,威少无意中正好踩到了库里扭伤后的脚踝。库里坐在地板上,请求队友故意犯规以中止比 赛,之后回到了更衣室,要知道库里前几个赛季一直饱受脚踝扭伤的困扰,并且做过一个右脚踝的手术。

Emerging after missing just five minutes of game time (with the Thunder having added just a single point to their lead), Curry started to warm up by adding 11 points before the end of the third. Oklahoma City kept the Warriors at arm’s length for most of that period and the fourth, though the Thunder added just another point to their lead when the MVP took a rest midway through the fourth quarter.


By the time Durant hit a three to put Oklahoma City up 103-99 with 14 seconds left, though, things seemed wrapped up. Klay Thompson hit a quick layup following a timeout, but with OKC inbounding the ball to Durant (an 89 percent free-throw shooter) prior to an expected intentional foul, Golden State seemed set for its sixth loss in 59 games.

比赛还剩14秒的时候杜兰特投进一记三分,帮助雷霆 以103-99领先,尽管还有时间,但比赛胜负似乎已定。暂停回来克雷-汤普森完成一个快速上篮,但随着雷霆在故意犯规(雷霆预料的)之前将球送到杜兰特 (罚球命中率89%)手中,勇士似乎就要收下他们59场比赛里的第6场失利了。

The Warriors did not foul, however, trapping Durant and forcing him into a long cross-court pass that Klay Thompson tipped. Draymond Green chased down and dove for the loose ball, sending it to Thompson, who proceeded to do just about everything wrong: Klay declined to call a timeout and looked off an open Stephen Curry in order to pass ahead to Andre Iguodala. The 2015 Finals MVP then decided to take a shot that is hardly in his repertoire with less than a second remaining – a 20-foot jumper with Kevin Durant closing out.

然 而,勇士并没有犯规,而是夹击杜兰特迫使他长传,这个传球被克雷-汤普森点了一下。德雷蒙德-格林追过去将球救了回来,并传给汤普森,然而汤普森接下来所 做一切似乎都错了:他没有喊暂停,也没有传给空位中的库里,而是传给了伊戈达拉。比赛还剩不到一秒,这位上赛季总决赛MVP决定投出这记自己完全没有把握 的球——迎着杜兰特防守的一记20英尺处的跳投。

Durant fouled Iguodala, though, sending him to the line as the buzzer sounded. Iguodala, a 61 percent free-throw shooter who has been the target of Hack-a-Dre intentional fouls both this season and last, calmly nailed both to send the game to overtime.


The Thunder raced out to an early five-point lead in the extra frame, but Durant was baited into hacking Curry on a drive with 4:13 left in overtime, fouling himself out of the game in the process. Sensing blood in the water, going small as Oklahoma City fuddled with its lineup, the Warriors pounced.


Curry managed 10 in the overtime run prior to the game-winner that sent the NBA into conniptions:


@StephenCurry30 needs to stop it man!! He’s ridiculous man! Never before seen someone


Curry is UNREAL!!!!——DWade (@DwyaneWade) February 28, 2016


He can’t be human.——DeMar DeRozan (@DeMar_DeRozan) February 28, 2016


.@StephenCurry30 has a chance to be the greatest player we’ve ever seen, if he plays at this level for the next 4-5yrs!—— Earvin Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) February 28, 2016


These two teams will pay each other on Thursday evening on TNT.









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