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#双语:中国开启发展新征程世界迎来共赢新机遇| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


China Embarking on a New Journey of Development Brings New Win-win Opportunities for the World



Chinese Ambassador to North Macedonia



10 December, 2020



In October 2020, the fifth plenary session of the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee adopted the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035, and considered the goal of building a well-off society will be realized as scheduled, from next year China will embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. This important session can be understood from four “New” perspectives, namely, new development stages, new development concepts, new development paradigms, and new development opportunities. Not only are they directly related to China’s future, but will also have a profound impact on the world’s development.



First, the new development stage will surely promote the building of a community with shared future for mankind. In 2020, China has calmly responded to various risks and challenges. The prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic has achieved major results. Its economic and social recovery is at the forefront of the world. It is expected that China’s GDP will exceed 100 trillion Yuan this year. It has built the world’s largest social security system, with basic medical insurance covering over 1.3 billion people, and basic pension system covers nearly 1 billion people. All the poor people in rural areas have been lifted out of poverty under the current standards. China’s economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and overall national strength have all jumped to a new level. The first centennial goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is about to be achieved, and a new journey of building a socialist modern country will begin. From next year, China will march towards the second centennial goal which is a great modern socialist country through 3 steps: the 14th Five-Year Plan to 2025, 2035 and all the way to 2049, the 100 anniversary of the founding of new China.



Upon entering a new stage of development, the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee has made a systematic and strategic plan for the 14th FYP period 2021-2025, and set the goal of essentially achieving socialist modernization by 2035, when GDP per capita reaches the level of moderately developed countries, people’s lives become better, the overall development of people, and the common prosperity of all people will make more tangible progress. China’s modernization is a modernization that takes the path of peaceful development. It will always adhere to friendly cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Fundamental Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, actively exchanges and mutual learning with countries, and promoting jointly building a new type of international relations and a community with shared future for mankind. For this, China will contribute more Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese strength to the world and make new and greater contributions to mankind.



Second, the new development concept is bound to open up new prospects for win-win cooperation. China will adhere to the people-centered approach, and unswervingly implement the new development concepts of Innovation, Coordination, Green, Open, And Sharing, leading China towards high-quality development, and continuously meeting people’s growing needs for a better life. The outstanding theme of the new development stage is high-quality development, which reflects the new concepts, including Innovation becoming the first driving force, Coordination becoming an endogenous feature, and Green becoming universal pattern and Open becoming the only way, and Sharing becomes the fundamental purpose of development. China will focus on serving high-quality economic development, deepening technological innovation, cultivating new sources of growth, promoting international cooperation, strengthening policy coordination, maintaining a fairer and more equitable international order and a win-win development environment through cooperation, which will not only provide a strong impetus for China’s economic development, but also releases its huge demand for world economic development.



In order to implement new development concepts, China will open up at a high level, promote international cooperation, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. The third China International Import Expo (CIIE), which concluded recently, saw 72.62 billion USD worth of deals reached for intended one-year import of goods and services, up 2.1% from the last expo. And China has signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with 14 countries. The “One Belt One Road” initiative has become an international public goods that have received most attention. Now it has entered the stage of high-quality joint construction. No matter how the international situation changes, China’s fundamental national policy of opening up will be here to stay. It will give full play to the leading role of free trade pilot zones and free trade ports, so as to promote an open economic system at higher-level, and to support business from all countries in exploring opportunities in China.



Third, the new development paradigm will act as an open and inclusive promoter. We will build a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. At present, economic globalization is experiencing a backlash, the world economy is in the doldrums, and the global market is shrinking. Since the 2008 international financial crisis, China’s economy has been transforming towards the new paradigm. As China advances into the ranks of high-income countries and its huge domestic market continues to expand, tremendous and lasting momentum can be unleashed, by adjusting the path of economic development to build a new development paradigm and expand domestic demand. The strategic base of the new development paradigm is to expand domestic demand and smooth the national economic circulation. It is not to move towards a closed domestic circulation, but to open up the domestic and international circulations mutually reinforcing and complementing each other, and promote better connectivity between the domestic and international markets.



As President Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the general debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, “We do not seek to develop only ourselves or engage in a zero-sum game. We will not pursue development behind closed doors. Rather, we aim to foster, over time, a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. This will create more space for China’s economic development and add impetus to global economic recovery and growth.” China will firmly promote economic globalization that is open, inclusive, universally beneficial, balanced and win-win, create favorable conditions for the common development of all mankind, jointly eliminate poverty and deprivation still faced by people in many countries, and jointly create a life without worrying about food and clothing for children around the world, so that the fruits of development will benefit all countries in the world and everyone will enjoy prosperity and well-being.



Fourth, new development opportunities will surely link up a global circle of friends. China’s development is still in an important period of strategic opportunity, but opportunities and challenges have undergone new developments. On the one hand, the world has entered a period of change and turmoil, during which the Covid-19 epidemic has challenged global governance, unilateralism has severely impacted international mechanisms, and the cold war mentality and power politics still linger on. On the other hand, peace and development remain the underlying trend of the times, multilateralism is still the mainstream of international relations. China will better coordinate the overall strategic situation of the great national rejuvenation and the unprecedented changes in the world, accurately identifying changes, adapting to changes scientifically, taking the initiative to seek changes, being adept at raising opportunities in crises, and opening new horizons in changes. China will continue to write a new chapter on the two major miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability.



By seizing new opportunities, responding to new challenges, creating new miracles of development, and integrating development and security, China will adhere to mutual respect and trust, actively develop global partnership, coordinate and promote its relations with different countries, and expand the points of convergence of interests with various parties. Once China is better, the world will be better. With a population of 1.4 billion, a per capita GDP of more than US$10,000, a middle-income group of more than 400 million, and an expected total import volume of more than US$22 trillion in the coming decade, China’s development momentum and vitality will continue to grow, bringing more opportunities for all countries in the world to share the fruits of China’s high-quality development. Therefore, China will hold high the banner of peace, development and win-win cooperation, stay as committed as ever to safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, maintaining world peace and promoting common development.


当前新冠病毒仍在全球肆虐,世界经济濒临衰退,根据经济合作与发展组织等多家机构最新预测,中国仍将是今年唯一实现正增长的主要经济体,到明年年底世界经济有望恢复到新冠疫情暴发前的水平,预计中国对2021年世界经济增长的贡献将超过1/3 。中方愿与世界各国深化合作,携手共进,为抗击疫情和经济复苏作出更大贡献。中北马虽然国情体制各异,但在两国领导人战略引领下,双方互信不断巩固,务实合作持续推进,携手开展国际抗疫,为两国友好关系发展开辟新前景。让我们继续携手,深化共建“一带一路”以及中国—中东欧国家合作,共创中北马关系更加美好的明天。

At present, the coronavirus is still raging around the world and the world economy is on the verge of recession. According to the latest forecasts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other organizations, China will remain the only major economy to achieve positive growth this year, and the world economy is expected to return to the level before the outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic by the end of next year, with China’s contribution to world economic growth in 2021 expected to exceed one-third. China is willing to deepen cooperation with all countries in the world and work together to make greater contributions to the fight against the epidemic and to economic recovery. Although China and North Macedonia have different national conditions and systems, under the strategic leadership of the leaders of both countries, mutual trust between the two sides has been strengthened, practical cooperation has been promoted, and international efforts to combat the epidemic have been made, opening up new prospects for the development of friendly relations between the two countries. Let us continue to work together to deepen the “One Belt, One Road” and China-CEEC cooperation, and create a better future for China-North Macedonia relations.






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