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Unity Shader

2023-11-26 07:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 ShaderLab cginc固定 Vector.forward 方向的球形透视根据镜头任意视角方向的球形透视添加开始弯曲透视的 z 距离偏移 CurveWorldControl.cs需要修改的代码ProjectReferences


比如,球形投影前的效果 在这里插入图片描述

球形投影后的效果 在这里插入图片描述

GIF: 请添加图片描述

ShaderLab cginc 固定 Vector.forward 方向的球形透视

参考: Shader in Unity & Curved world shader & Change material color 实现的效果

实现的只能是 Vector.forward 方向的球形投影

#ifndef __CURVE_WORLD_LIB_H__ #define __CURVE_WORLD_LIB_H__ // jave.lin 2023/02/01 curve world library #ifdef _CURVE_WORLD_ON uniform float _Curve_Depth; uniform float _Depth_Divider; void CurveWorldApply(inout float3 positionWS, out float3 positionOS) { float3 deltaVec = positionWS - _WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz; float E = -_Curve_Depth * _Depth_Divider; float detlaVecZ2 = deltaVec.z * deltaVec.z; detlaVecZ2 *= E; float3 offset = float3(0.0, detlaVecZ2, 0.0); positionWS += offset; positionOS = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(positionWS, 1.0)).xyz; } #define CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(positionWS, positionOS) CurveWorldApply(positionWS, positionOS); #else #define CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(positionWS, positionOS) #endif #endif 根据镜头任意视角方向的球形透视 #ifndef __CURVE_WORLD_LIB_H__ #define __CURVE_WORLD_LIB_H__ // jave.lin 2023/02/01 curve world library #ifdef _CURVE_WORLD_ON uniform float _Curve_Depth; uniform float _Depth_Divider; //uniform int _CW_Enabled; uniform float4 _Cam_Forward; void CurveWorldApply(inout float3 positionWS, out float3 positionOS) { //float3 srcPosWS = positionWS; //float3 srcPosOS = positionOS; // jave.lin : zDist ref to : AutoLight.cginc float3 deltaVec = _WorldSpaceCameraPos - positionWS; //float zDist = dot(deltaVec, UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz); float zDist = dot(deltaVec, _Cam_Forward.xyz); float E = -_Curve_Depth * _Depth_Divider; float zDist2 = zDist * zDist; zDist2 *= E; float3 offset = float3(0.0, zDist2, 0.0); positionWS += offset; positionOS = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(positionWS, 1.0)).xyz; //positionWS = lerp(srcPosWS, positionWS, _CW_Enabled); //positionOS = lerp(srcPosOS, positionOS, _CW_Enabled); } #define CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(positionWS, positionOS) CurveWorldApply(positionWS, positionOS); #else #define CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(positionWS, positionOS) #endif #endif 添加开始弯曲透视的 z 距离偏移

留意: uniform float _Z_Dist_Offset;

#ifndef __CURVE_WORLD_LIB_H__ #define __CURVE_WORLD_LIB_H__ // jave.lin 2023/02/01 curve world library #ifdef _CURVE_WORLD_ON uniform float _Curve_Depth; uniform float _Depth_Divider; //uniform int _CW_Enabled; uniform float4 _Cam_Forward; uniform float _Z_Dist_Offset; void CurveWorldApply(inout float3 positionWS, out float3 positionOS) { //float3 srcPosWS = positionWS; //float3 srcPosOS = positionOS; // jave.lin : zDist ref to : AutoLight.cginc float3 deltaVec = _WorldSpaceCameraPos - positionWS; //float zDist = dot(deltaVec, UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz); float zDist = max(0, dot(deltaVec, _Cam_Forward.xyz) - _Z_Dist_Offset); float E = -_Curve_Depth * _Depth_Divider; float zDist2 = zDist * zDist; zDist2 *= E; float3 offset = float3(0.0, zDist2, 0.0); positionWS += offset; positionOS = mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(positionWS, 1.0)).xyz; //positionWS = lerp(srcPosWS, positionWS, _CW_Enabled); //positionOS = lerp(srcPosOS, positionOS, _CW_Enabled); } #define CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(positionWS, positionOS) CurveWorldApply(positionWS, positionOS); #else #define CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(positionWS, positionOS) #endif #endif CurveWorldControl.cs // jave.lin : curve world control using UnityEngine; [ExecuteInEditMode] public class CurveWorldControl : MonoBehaviour { private bool _last_on = false; public bool on = true; [Range(0.005f, 1.0f)] public float curveDepth = 0.015f; public float depthDivider = 0.0f; public Camera cam; private static int _Curve_Depth = Shader.PropertyToID("_Curve_Depth"); private static int _Depth_Divider = Shader.PropertyToID("_Depth_Divider"); private static int _Cam_Forward = Shader.PropertyToID("_Cam_Forward"); private void Update() { if (cam == null) { Shader.DisableKeyword("_CURVE_WORLD_ON"); return; } if (_last_on != on) { if (on) { Shader.EnableKeyword("_CURVE_WORLD_ON"); } else { Shader.DisableKeyword("_CURVE_WORLD_ON"); } _last_on = on; } if (_last_on) { Shader.SetGlobalFloat(_Curve_Depth, curveDepth); Shader.SetGlobalFloat(_Depth_Divider, depthDivider); var view_forward = cam.worldToCameraMatrix.GetColumn(2); Shader.SetGlobalVector(_Cam_Forward, view_forward); } } } 需要修改的代码

修改所有 3D shader 即可

pass添加代码: #pragma multi_compile _ _CURVE_WORLD_ON#include “CurveWorldLib.cginc”CURVE_WORLD_APPLY(posWorld.xyz, v.vertex.xyz) 要添加的pass ForwardBaseForwardAddShadowCaster CurveWorldControl.cs 的 DontDestryOnLoad对应场景才开启 CurveWorldControl Project

TestingSphereProjectionEffect - 参考: Shader in Unity & Curved world shader & Change material color 实现的效果



英文搜索关键字: 油管搜索关键字: curved-worldgoogle : curved-world Shader in Unity & Curved world shader & Change material colorMobile Optimized Curve Shader for Mobile Games || Universal Render Pipeline || Shader GraphCurved World shader bendingcurved world using vertex shaders, #threejs, #glslMaking of SHRINKING PLANET - Ludum Dare 38Make Awesome Curved Worlds! - Code Monkey 大佬的Animal Crossing World Bending Effect | Shader Graph | Unity TutorialCurved WorldUnity Endless Game - Part 16: Post Processing & Curved Shader






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