(新课标单元教学设计) Unit 2 My week B Let's talk & Let's learn课件+单元整体教学设计+练习+素材(共32张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 unit2myweek教学设计 (新课标单元教学设计) Unit 2 My week B Let's talk & Let's learn课件+单元整体教学设计+练习+素材(共32张PPT)

(新课标单元教学设计) Unit 2 My week B Let's talk & Let's learn课件+单元整体教学设计+练习+素材(共32张PPT)

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台五上Unit 2 My week单元整体教学设计单元主题:School course arrangement and weekend plans该主题属于“人与自我”,涉及“学校、课程,学校生活与个人感受”和“学习与生活的自我管理”。教学理论《2022年新课标》首次使用了“大观念”一词,强调“以学科大概念为核心,使课程内容结构化,以主题为引领,使课程内容情景化”。基于真实语言运用视角,分析教材内容与学生情况,确定学习发展的内容主题,初定真实任务(鲁子问,张荣干,2005)。确定单元大任务和具体的小任务。秉持真实语言运用的语言理念,围绕主题语境,依托语篇,联结英语课堂与真实生活,设计语言、思维、文化相融合的层次性学习活动,使学生在追求达成真实任务成果的过程中学习和尝试运用语言或非语言手段理解与表达意义,实现深度学习,从而培养文化意识,发展多元思维形成学习能力。基于学生学习视角,设定以达成真实任务成果为目标的学生学习过程,以及教师对学生任务成果达成和素养学习发展的相应支持引导过程(张荣干,2017),形成主题意义引领下基于真实任务的任务前、任务中、任务后等阶段及其环节的师生活动流程。二、单元内容分析本单元内容围绕School course arrangement and weekend plans这一主题展开,涉及五个语篇包括两节对话词汇融合课、一节阅读课、一节语音课和一节配图故事课。语篇一是一节对话词汇融合课。教材通过John和爷爷的聊天,谈论学校一周的课程安排的情景和爷爷的日常生活,询问并回答某天的课程和生活安排,培养学生热爱校园生活的情感。语篇二也是一节对话词汇融合课。教材通过Sarah和Zhang Peng讨论周末活动的对话情景,询问他人经常从事的周末活动并作答,引导学生学会合理安排周末活动。语篇三是一节语音课。教材通过故事作为情景导入,归纳总结字母组合ee,ea在单词中发长音/i:/的规则。语篇四是一节阅读课。教材通过吴彬彬和机器人之间关于课程安排和周末活动对话情景展开,了解吴彬彬繁忙的一周生活,引导学生合理安排周末活动,积极参加体育训练。语篇五是一节配图故事课。教材通过Zip和Zoom根据课程表一起为新学期课程购物的情景展开,购买完必须的学习用品后,Zoom想要一个新足球,但Zip发现钱不够的故事。引导学生树立正确的价值观,懂得做事要有计划,要合理利用零花钱。三.学情分析——知识基础、认知(心理)特点、生活经验等五年级的学生已经学习过两年的英语,他们活泼好动、模仿能力强,能简单表达一些日常生活用语,对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣。学生在四年级学过关于课程名词,如Chinese, maths, English等,同时也能运用一般疑问句Do you have... Yes, I do. / No, I don’t来询问对方是否有某物。对于学习本单元句型Do you ... Yes, I do. / No, I don’t起到了铺垫的作用四单元教学结构图单元教学目标单元教学目标 语篇本单元学习后,学生能够:1.在情景中,运用句型What do you have /do on... I have...询问并回答某人某天的课程或活动安排,学习一周中星期几的名词表达。 1对话与词汇融合课 Colourful school life(1课时)2.在情景中,运用句型Do you often read books... Yes, I do./No, I don’t.询问对方经常从事的周末活动,引导学生学会合理安排周末活动。 2对话与词汇融合课Great weekend life(1课时)3.在语篇中归纳出ee和ea在单词中发长音/i:/的规则。 3语音课Make a reasonable schedule(1课时)4.巩固本单元所学的核心句型,引导学生合理安排周末活动,积极参加体育训练。 4阅读课Make a reasonable schedule(1课时)理解故事内容,,引导学生树立正确的金钱价值观,懂得做事要有计划。 5故事课Make a correct value(1课时)分课时单课语篇教学设计Unit 2 My week B Let’s talk & Let’s learn语篇研读What: 本课时是一节对话和单词的融合课。教材通过Sarah与Zhang Peng讨论周末活动展开,学习有关周末活动的动词词组,以及询问他人是否经常从事某种周末活动并作答,引导学生学会合理安排周末活动。Why: 教材中学生运用所学句型询问身边人的周末活动,在与他人交流了解的过程中学会合理安排周末活动。How: 本节课将词汇教学和句型教学融合成为一体,通过Sarah与Zhang Peng之间的对话,展开核心词汇的学习,wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football,融合句型Do you often... Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 如I often do homework, watch TV and draw pictures on the weekend.讲述自己的周末活动。(二)教学目标通过学习本课时,学生能够:能够听、说、读、写描述周末活动的词组wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football;能够在图片和教师的提示下理解对话大意,按照正确的意群和语音、语调朗读对话,了解他人的周末活动;(学习理解)在教师的帮助下,分角色表演对话,根据语言框架,描述他人的周末活动;(应用实践)评价教材人物的周末活动,学会合理安排自己的周末活动,注意劳逸结合;(迁移创新)教学重难点教学重点:在语境中正确理解动词短语wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football的意思,并正确发音,理解对话内容,并能按照正确的意群和语音、语调朗读对话。教学难点:能够在情境中运用所学句型询问对方经常从事的周末活动并回答,转述他人的周末活动并做出评价。【核心词汇】wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football;【核心句型】Do you often...on the weekend Yes, I do.No, I don’t.What do you often do on the weekend I often...三.教学过程教学环节 教学步骤 学生活动 设计意图导入新课 观看动画,激趣导入仔细观看小动画音乐Days of the week,激发学生兴趣。Free talk:What day is it today What do you have today What do you often do on the weekend 1.Sing the song together.2.Talk about the English in your real life. 动画短片的引入,不仅营造了一个轻松、愉快的学习氛围,同时激发学生听说英语、学习英语的兴趣。讲授新课 Listen and tickIt is Saturday morning. Zhang Peng calls Oliver. Listen and tick.Tips:听音前,听音前,引导学生看图理解,接着学生预览题目尝试猜测答案。播放录音,让学生听完后完成Q1: Does Oliver often clean his room on Saturdays Q2: Do they play football this afternoon 接着课件点击出示图片,学习新词play football,并且操练句型Do you often play football on the weekend Yes, I do.接着引导学生思考:Oliver often cleans the room on the weekend. Anything else 同样的方法学习其他新词wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read booksPoint and sayRead in groupsWhat do they do on the weekend Can you read them out Look and answer: It’s Saturday afternoon. Zhang Peng meets Sarah. Q1: Where are they Q2: What do they have Q3: What are they talking about Let’s watch the video.Q4: Does Sarah often read books in the park Q5: Does Zhang Peng often play football in the park Listen and imitate.听录音并且跟读,注意语音语调,模仿朗读,理解意思。 1.Listen and circle2.Watch the video and answer the questions.3. Read the talk and act 设置问题引导学生读图与听音,理解语境,激发学生的学习兴趣。用录音进行课文的示范朗读,是培养学生良好的朗读习惯的关键,同时也能为学生的朗读树立榜样。设置两种梯度的问题,学生带着问题观看视频,找出答案,达到对对话的理解和掌握。趣味操练 Read in groups.学生四人一组,在小组内分角色表演对话Read and act.;上台展示Good memory。设计记忆游戏加深学生对对话的记忆和理解。Ask and answer: A: Do you often play ping-pong on the weekend B: Yes, I doA: Do you often listen to music B: No, I don’t. Let’s memorizeAsk and answer 在对话表演的环节,鼓励学生用自己的语言和肢体动作表现对对话的理解,让英语情景化、生活化。在本环节让学生通过多次系列的机械操练,增强孩子们对新词、新句的理解,帮助他们正确无误地记忆句型,并能自动地初步掌握句型。拓展延伸 Make a dialogue: Tips:小组合作,和同伴讨论周末活动A. What do you often do on the weekend B. I often(经常)______________. Sometimes(有时) I_______________.A.Your weekend is__________.B. Do you often_____________ A. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Finish the work with your partner. 让学生把已有的认识和经验和新知识联系起来,在模拟真实环境中去感受、去体验。总结 1. 学习了单词:wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football2. 学习了句型: Do you often ... on the weekend? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.作业 1. Listen and repeat.2. Finish the exercises.3. Talk about your weekend plan with your friends by using the sentence patterns we have learned. 作业的设计意图是想让孩子们将所学的知识真实地运用到日常生活中去,并设计了分层次作业.板书 Unit 2 My weekwash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com/" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共32张PPT)Unit 2 My weekPart B Let’s talk & Let’s learnPEP人教版 五年级上Enjoy a songWhat day is it today What do you have today What do you often do on the weekend Free talkIt is Saturday morning. Zhang Peng calls Oliver. Listen and tick.√Let’s try1.Does Oliver often clean his room on Saturdays Yes, he does.2. Do they play football this afternoon No, they don’t.play footballDo you often play football on the weekend Yes, I do.Zhang Peng:Hi, Oliver. This is Zhang Peng. Let’s playfootball this afternoon.Oliver:Sorry. I will clean my room this afternoon.Zhang Peng:Do you often clean your room on Saturdays Oliver:Yes, I do.Zhang Peng:OK, bye then. See you on Monday.Oliver:Bye.听力材料:Oliver often cleans the room on the weekend. Anything else do homeworkDo you often do homework on the weekend Yes, I do.Oliver often cleans the room and do homework on the weekend. How about other children read booksDo you often read books on the weekend Yes, I do.watch TVDo you often watch TV on the weekend Yes, I do.wash my clothesDo you often wash the clothes on the weekend Yes, I do.Point and sayListen and imitatewatch TVdo homeworkplay footballWhat do they do on the weekend Can you read them out I often watch TV on Saturday evening. I like football very much.I often do homework on Saturday morning. Then I can go out to play.I often play football on Sunday afternoon. I like football, too.oftenoftenoften经常,常常Read in groupsIt’s Saturday afternoon. Zhang Peng meets Sarah.Where are they What do they have In a park.Zhang Peng has a football. Sarah has a book.What are they talking about Let’s watch the video.Look and answerWatch and answerWhat are they talking about A. Activities(活动) in this park.B. Lessons(课程) in school.Does Sarah often read books in the park Does Zhang Peng often play football in the park Watch and answerWatch and answerDoes Sarah often read books in the park Does Zhang Peng often play football in the park Watch and answerNo, she doesn’t.Yes, he does.Listen and imitate—Do you often read books in the park —No, I don’t.【详解】这组对话常用来询问及回答对方是否经常做某事。 句型结构:Do + 主语 + often + 动词/动词短语 + 其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + do.否定回答: No, 主语 + don’t.Language points(It’s Saturday afternoon.)Zhang Peng:Hi, Sarah. What’s that Sarah:It’s a storybook.Zhang Peng:Do you often read books in this park Sarah:No, I don’t. Do you often play football here Zhang Peng:Yes, I do. I like this park very much.Sarah:Me too.Read in groups(It’s Saturday afternoon.)Zhang Peng:Hi, Sarah. What’s that Sarah:It’s a storybook.Zhang Peng:Do you often read books in this park Sarah:No, I don’t. Do you often play football here Zhang Peng:Yes, I do. I like this park very much.Sarah:Me too.Good memoryplay ping-pongplay footballlisten to musicYes, I doDo you often play ping-pong on the weekend No, I don’t.Do you often listen to music Ask and answerMake a new dialogueA. What do you often do on the weekend B. I often(经常)______________. Sometimes(有时) I_______________.A.Your weekend is__________.B. Do you often_____________ A. Yes, I do./No, I don’t.Word banks:(周末活动)watch TV, read books, play ping-pong, play football,do homework, wash my clothes, play basketball, listen to music...(形容周末)good, great, nice, busy(忙碌的), boring(无聊的)...What have you learned today 今天你们学到了什么?1. 学习了词汇:wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football2. 学习了句型:Do you often...on the weekend Yes, I do.No, I don’t.SummaryHomework1. Listen and repeat.2. Finish your exercises.1. Talk about your your weekend plan with your friends by using the sentence patterns we have learned.https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台本套响应“双减”政策的课后检测包括口语练习和笔试练习两部分。口语能帮助学生丰富词汇量,提高学生口语表达能力,与此同时口语有助于培养学生的语感,促进学生听力和思维能力的发展。Unit 2 My week PB Let’s talk & Let’s learn口语训练一.读出下列单词。根据图片运用下列句型完成练习表达。S1: What do you often do on your weekend S2: I often ...S1: Do you often ... S2: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.笔试训练【基础达标】完成句子。What do you do ________________ I often __________________.Do you often ______________________ We often ___________________.二.单项选择。( ) 1. _____ you often go to school on Mondays A. Are B. Do C. Is( ) 2. —Do you often play football on Tuesdays —No, I _____.A. am B. don’t C. do( ) 3. Do they listen to music ____ the weekend A. on B. at C. in根据中文意思填空或翻译句子。我经常洗衣服。I often _________________ the ___________________.他们有时早上看书。They sometimes ________ ___________in the morning他晚上看电视吗?Does he _________ _______ in the evening 你经常听音乐吗?Do you often __________ ________ __________ 我们一起做家务吧!Let’s _______ ___ _________ together!选择合适的选项,补全对话。A: Hi, this is Crystal. What do you have with you B: It’s my pipa. I can play it.A: That’s great. _______you also make music B: No, I ________.A: That’s OK. I ______listening to music very much.B: Do you ______ listen to music A: ______, I do. I love it.B: Me too. Let’s ______ it together when we are both free.【能力培优】五.连词成句。1. you, this, often, park, books, do, read, in, ( )___________________________________2. you, on, do, play, the, often, football, weekend ( )___________________________________3. like, very, I, this, park, much (.)___________________________________参考答案:一.1.on the weekend 2.play football 3.listen to music4.watch TV二.1-3 BBA三.1.wash clothes 2.read books 3.watch TV4.listen to music 5.do housework四.1.Do 2.don’t 3.like 4.often 5.Yes 6.do五.1.Do you often read books in this park 2.Do you often play football on the weekend 3.I like this park very much.on the weekendwash my clothesread booksdraw pictures plane planebraryplay footballdo homeworkwatch TV footoftenschoolDo, often, Yes, No, like, don’t, do21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)








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