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托福口语TPO40[task1|task2|task3|task4]试题和答案汇总 2023-10-23 11:36:00来源:网络 【动态】2019托福考试日期托福考试报名费用报名入口考点大全考试指南转考退考 【推荐】托福资料箱 2019美国节假日安排 托福考位 2019托福考试改革深度解析发布会 【直播】学托福就上新东方在线!11.18-11.27,和我一起学!【申请】2019美国大学TOP100申请截止日期 【备考指导】托福听力备考全攻略最新世界大学排名新托福阅读背景知识《托福年度报告》


TPO 40-Task1试题

Talk about a country or culture that you would like to learn more about. What is the country or culture and why would you like to learn more about it?



细节1: 各种不同文化的交流。

原因2: 科技发达。

细节2: 对科技发展历史很感兴趣。

TPO 40-Task1答案

The country that I wanna learn more about is the United States. Because, we always call the United States a melting pot. We can find all different kinds of cultures here, like the Chinese culture, the Korean culture, or the Italian culture and so on. And I want to see how different kinds of culture interact with each other in that kind of an environment. And also, the United States is very famous for its technological development. There are a lot of high-tech companies like Apple, like Microsoft. And as an IT person, I’m really interested in how this industry got started and how it is developing right now.That’s why I wanna learn more about the United States.

TPO 40-Task2试题

Some people think that materials printed on paper, such as books and newspapers, will one day be replaced by electronic versions of those materials. Others believe that printed materials will always be popular. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why.

原因1: 方便;

细节1: iPad和纸质书的对比。

原因2: 更环保

细节2: 以后的人们更注重环保。

TPO 40-Task2参考答案

Well I do believe that one day electronic versions will replace all the paper versions of books and newspapers. Because first of all, we just cannot deny that electronic versions are way more convenient. Imagine that you need to carry like 100 books around from one place to another. It’s gonna be very heavy. But if you have a device like an iPad, you know, you just need to carry that device so it’s a lot more portable. And also, I believe that in the future, people will become more and more aware of the environmental protection. That means that we will try to reduce the amount of paper we use every day by replacing old-fashioned paper books with electronic versions.

TPO 40-Task3参考答案

The letter suggests that the school provides a lounge for commuter students, because they can socializing and relax in it, just like the dorm students, and they can use the bulletin board to share useful information. The woman agrees with it for two reasons. Firstly, the dorms have lounges and students spend a long time there. There are always a lot of people there too. It’s central to students’ life. The woman met people there that helped her school work. Secondly, she likes the idea of posting stuff, like sharing information about sharing rides to campus or students who want to get together. Students can save money if they know about ride-sharing.

TPO 40-Task4参考答案

Agonistic behavior is an aggressive way when animals from the same species demonstrate power to each other to compete for food, but they do not harm each other. The professor uses an example of the rattlesnake to explain it. Rattlesnakes eat small animals that live underground. Scientists observed that when two rattlesnakes found the same hole and both wanted to eat what’s in that hole. They would face each other in an upright position, and try to be as tall as possible. Then they would push each other instead of biting or injuring each other. In the end, one of them would win and push the loser to the ground, and release the loser. Then the winner went down to the hole to look for food.

TPO 40-Task5试题

Outline Problem: The woman forgot that tonight her theatre class needs to go the city to watch a play, she has a history test tomorrow morning and she needs to study for it. Solution 1+disadvantage: She can go see the play tonight, and study on the bus and after she gets back. But it’s not the perfect condition to study and she gets back really late. Solution 2+disadvantage: She can go see the play at another night. But she’d have to pay her own tickets, and theater tickets are a bit expensive. Recommendation: Solution 2 Reasons: 1. She still has enough time to finish the paper on the play, but the history test is tomorrow morning. So she needs to study for it tonight, and study in a quiet environment, instead of on the bus. 2. Since her theatre class professor knows the manager of the theatre, she can ask the professor if he could help her to waive the ticket for her next time she’s there. It doesn’t really make much difference, since she still a member of the theatre class, the theatre won’t lose more money just because she’s going there another time.

TPO 40-Task5参考答案

The main issue for the woman is that she forgot that tonight her theatre class needs to go the city to watch a play, she has a history test tomorrow morning and she needs to study for it. There are two solutions. One is that she can go see the play tonight, and study on the bus and after she gets back. Or she can go see the play at another night. If I were the woman, I would go see the play at another night and study tonight. Because firstly, she still has enough time to finish the paper on the play, but the history test is tomorrow morning. So she needs to study for it tonight, and study in a quiet environment, instead of on the bus. Also, since her theatre class professor knows the manager of the theatre, she can ask the professor if he could help her to waive the ticket for her next time she’s there. It doesn’t really make much difference, since she still a member of the theatre class, the theatre won’t lose more money just because she’s going there another time.

TPO 40-Task6参考答案

The professor talks about two strategies that salespeople use to address customer concerns. One is that they show something special about the product, like a special feature. For example, at a electronics store, there is a portable laptop and it’s really expensive. The customer may be concerned about the price. The salespeople will tell the customer that the laptop works really fast, and the advantage outweighs the expensive price. So the customer is convinced that it’s worth the money. Another way is that they use the product in front of the customer. For example, in the same store, the customer may question if the laptop is portable enough, because it looks difficult to pack. The salespeople can unplug the laptop, put it in a carrying case to show how easy it is to transport. This may eliminate the customer’s concern.




托福口语TASK 1评分标准

托福口语TASK 2准备、作答时间和得分点介绍



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更多>> 托福口语TPO36[task1|task2|task3|task4]试题和答案汇总


来源 : 网络 2023-10-19 11:49:56 关键字 : 托福口语 托福TPO模考 托福考试网

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托福独立口语部分,因为准备时间短、语料匮乏,更容易失分。本篇文章总结了来自国外托福考试专家的独立口语高分范文,大家可以来学习native speaker是如何回答托福口语的。

来源 : 新东方在线托福 2023-07-23 18:09:05 关键字 : 托福口语 托福口语高分范文

native speaker托福口语高分回答(4)

托福独立口语部分,因为准备时间短、语料匮乏,更容易失分。本篇文章总结了来自国外托福考试专家的独立口语高分范文,大家可以来学习native speaker是如何回答托福口语的。

来源 : 新东方在线托福 2023-07-23 17:47:25 关键字 : 托福口语 托福口语高分范文

native speaker托福口语高分回答(3)

托福独立口语部分,因为准备时间短、语料匮乏,更容易失分。本篇文章总结了来自国外托福考试专家的独立口语高分范文,大家可以来学习native speaker是如何回答托福口语的。

来源 : 新东方在线托福 2023-07-23 17:45:03 关键字 : 托福口语 托福口语高分范文

native speaker托福口语高分回答(2)

托福独立口语部分,因为准备时间短、语料匮乏,更容易失分。本篇文章总结了来自国外托福考试专家的独立口语高分范文,大家可以来学习native speaker是如何回答托福口语的。

来源 : 新东方在线托福 2023-07-23 17:43:25 关键字 : 托福口语 托福口语高分范文

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