DUSTTALE REVENGE: Unheard Massacre 故事线 您所在的位置:网站首页 timelines翻译 DUSTTALE REVENGE: Unheard Massacre 故事线

DUSTTALE REVENGE: Unheard Massacre 故事线

2023-03-21 09:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

DUSTTALE REVENGE: Unheard Massacre

Genocide and Pacifist routes are causing timelines to collide with each other, Player starts messing around with files and game programming, changing lines of code and fun values. Monsters start to have "Deja-vus" in relation to past lines due to this. How far could it go?

Papyrus, a kind skeleton who thought that everyone could be a good person, is your worst nightmare. After death of his brother, Flowey manipulates him, telling him "It's KILL or BE KILLED". Papyrus with nothing left to do takes that advice, doing what his brother could not, killing other monsters in order to become powerful enough to defeat the Player. This plan did not work as expected, he was defeated by Undyne and thrown in a river. After some time, he woke up in an entirely different world, where he spent most of his time in, with a new "friend". A strange Man who is playing with Papyrus' mind in order to make him powerful, bringing back past events and every innocent life he took away. After all, he needs to make sure that experiment will succeed.


种族灭绝和和平路线导致时间线相互冲突,玩家开始摆弄文件和游戏编程,改变代码行和有趣的值。由于这一点,怪物开始有“Deja vus”与过去的路线有关。它能走多远?...?Papyrus,一个善良的骷髅,认为每个人都可以成为好人,这是你最可怕的噩梦。在他哥哥死后,Flowey操纵他,告诉他“要么被杀,要么被杀”。无事可做的Papyrus听从了他的建议,做了他哥哥做不到的事,杀死了其他怪物,以变得足够强大,击败玩家。这个计划并没有如预期的那样奏效,他被Undyne击败并被扔进了河里。过了一段时间,他在一个完全不同的世界醒来,大部分时间都在那里度过,和一个新的“朋友”在一起。一个奇怪的人,他在玩弄Papyrus的思想,以使他变得强大,带回过去的事件和他夺走的每一条无辜的生命。毕竟,他需要确保实验会成功。






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