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#Thursday是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Thursday 情景对话


A:Did you get the job?      你得到那份工作了吗?

B:Yes, I’ll be working in the development department.      是的,我将在发展部工作。

A:Did you meet your boss?      你见过老板了吗?

B:Just briefly. She seemed nice.      只是简单地见了一面。她看上去不错。

A:Will you have to work overtime?      你需要加班吗?

B:Sometimes. They said I should expect to work overtime once or twice a month.      有时需要,他们说我一个月可能会加一俩次班。

A:Is it paid or unpaid?      有加班费吗?

B:It’s unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.      没有。但是我可以调休一天,也就是说,如果我周四晚上多工作了八个小时,周五就可以休息一天。

A:That’s alright. It might be tiring, but then you can at least have a three-day holiday.      那还好,可能会比较疲劳,但之后就可以享受至少三天的假期了。

B:I think it’s great.      我觉得这样也挺好的。


A:How about your daily office hours?      你白天的工作时间是怎样的?

B:It’s just a 9-5 job, with a 30 minute lunch break.      朝九晚五,中午有30 分钟的午休时间。


A:Did you meet your other colleagues?      你见过其他同事了吗?

B:I met the people from my department. They all seemed nice.      见过我这个部门的了,他们看上去都很好。

A:Do you have an office?      你有自己的办公室吗?

B:Not yet. For now, I have to sit in a cubicle.      还没有,现在只能坐在格子间里。


A:How do you feel about that?      感觉怎么样?


B:I’m not ecstatic about it, but if nothing else, it will motivate me to work harder so I can get an office!      不是太满意,但是如果没有其它选择,这倒可以激励我努力工作,那样就能有自己的办公室了。

A:You’re always looking on the bright side of things!      你总是看到事物好的一面。

Thursday 网络解释

1. 周四:讲述了Melanie和朋友Tim之间的电话谈话,Tim打电话为自己失约向Melanie道歉,并约Melanie第二天再一起吃饭,但她已有约,两人最后决定周四(Thursday)再见.

2. Thursday的意思

2. (名)星期四:比如星期二(Tuesday)以战神铁尔(Tyr)的英文名命名;星期三(Wednesday)以主神奥丁(Woden是古英语的奥丁)的英文名命名;星期四(Thursday)以雷神索尔(Thor)的英文名命名;星期五(Friday)是以奥丁之妻芙丽嘉(Frigg)来命名.

3. 木曜日:| 星期一(Monday) 晴分类:未分类 | 评论: 33 | 涉猎:706 | 推荐指数:0 | 星早期两(Tuesday) 晴分类:已合类 | 评论: 8 | 阅读:597 | 推举指数:0 | 木曜日(Thursday) 阴分类:未合类 | 评论: 18 | 阅读:938 | 推举指数:0 | 礼拜六

Thursday 双语例句

1. Thursday的解释

1. Mussina didn't have a problem with math or with much else in a brilliant career that ended, officially, Thursday afternoon.    穆帅对於算数或是他璨烂生涯的结束,正式来说是星期四的下午,当然没有什麼问题。

2. On Thursday the final act as European champions will be completed. Final, but always enthralling and prestigious.    本周四,米兰作为欧洲冠军的最后表演即将上演,但是欧洲冠军依然是令人神往而且享有盛誉的。

3. Thursday

3. SZEGED, Hungary, Oct 1-Hungary, the Crech Republic and Romania will host a 500-million-euro($728.5 million) pioneering laser facility with a wide range of advanced sientific applications, Hungary said Thursday.    路透社匈牙利塞格德10月1日报道,匈牙利在周三宣布,她和捷克共和国、罗马尼亚将共同主办一项耗资5亿欧元(约合7.285亿美元)的开拓性的激光装置以用于大范围的先进科学应用。

4. SELLING TOBACCO 售卖烟草 Zimbabwean farmer Chipo Chisya waited with her baby to sell her tobacco on the first day of the selling season in Harare, Zimbabwe, Thursday.    周四是津巴布韦哈拉雷售卖季节的第一天,一位当地农民带着自己的孩子等待烟草买主。

5. Thursday

5. Francie Rehwald, left, tosses her hat into the air, while posing for friends, Thursday, June 26, 2008, in Malibu, Calif., as she realizes her dream of turning an old 747 aircraft into a home is about to come true.    2008年6月26日,加州,女商人Francie Rehwald在废旧波音747机翼前丢起帽子与之合影,她的飞机豪宅梦即将实现。


6. Four days after closing the 2008 Beijing Games in triumph, China lit the 2008 Paralympics torch amid pomp and ceremony at Beijing's Temple of Heaven Thursday.    周四,北京2008奥运会圆满落幕4天后,在北京天坛,中国在盛大的仪式中又点燃了2008残奥会圣火。

7. On Thursday, I taught them to how to pronounce by spelling the different parts of an animal.    在周四,我教他们动物身体各部位的拼写发音。

8. Thursday

8. Why don't you give me a buzz in Thursday and we'll have dinner before you go.    你何不星期四打电话给我,让我们在你走之前一起吃顿饭。

9. By the way, we shall attend the prayer meeting this Thursday. If you have    请为Samuel弟兄的毋亲代祷,伯毋将於5月18日接受子宫癌手术。

10. Descriptions of Xu Yuyuan, the alleged perpetrator in Thursday's attack on 29 students in Taixing, a city in Jiangsu province, indicate that he was a troubled participant in China's economic rise.    在江苏省泰兴市砍伤29名学生的案犯徐玉元的相关信息显示,他在中国经济急速发展的过程中遭遇了困境。

11. It is on Thursday that Venus returns to your sign, beginning one of the most important Venus returns on record.      本周四,金星回到了你的命宫,开启了一次重要的金星回归记录。

12. Thursday

12. In America, Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of November.      美国的感恩节,是在十一月的第四个星期四。

13. Thursday的意思

13. Greece's bank workers union, OTOE, said it would stage a 24-hour strike Thursday in memory of three people who were killed.      希腊的银行工会组织OTOE说,火灾中死亡的三人为Marfin银行的雇员。

14. In this photo made Thursday, July 9, 2009, Pet Airways Co-founder Alysa Binder's dog, Zoe, walks by one of the upstart airline's aircraft in Omaha, Neb, United States. Agencies      阿丽莎宾德和她的丈夫丹威斯尔曾经让他们的杰克罗素梗在飞机的货舱里待过一次,这次不愉快的经历让他们认为宠物需要更好的运送方式。

15. Thursday的反义词

15. In this photo made Thursday, July 9, 2009, Pet Airways Co-founder Alysa Binder's dog, Zoe, walks by one of the upstart airline's aircraft in Omaha, Neb, United States....      而对于处于极度愤怒中的人来说难免也需要口头发泄发泄,但为了避免那。。。

16. The mood at Chelsea`s training ground was already good on Thursday afternoon following the team`s successful passage through to the next round of the Carling Cup the night before.      t# I! `在联赛杯上进入下一轮的车子,训练场上的气氛十分愉快。

17. Stern, and a doctor were jailed Thursday on charges ofconspiring to furnish drugs to Smith before her death in 2007, authoritiessaid.      斯特恩和一名医生在周四被捕,被指控于2007年在史密斯死前合谋向她提供药品,权威称。

18. Playing in gusty winds Thursday, Zhou bogeyed three of the first five holes.      星期四风很大,周训书在前五洞中三洞打出了柏忌。

19. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

19. I'd like to reserve a seat on the ten thirty flight to Phoenix City, on Thursday.      我想订一张星期四10点半到凤凰城的机票。

20. Thursday的意思

20. Chinese officials say a space mission set to include China's first spacewalk will be launched on Thursday.      中国官员说,包括中国第一次太空漫步的太空船发射将於星期四进行。

Thursday 词典解释

1. 星期四    Thursday is the day after Wednesday and before Friday.

    e.g. On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink...           星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。    e.g. We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday morning...           每周四上午,我们会去采购一周的日用品。

Thursday 单语例句

1. Head of Canada's largest trade and industry organization on Thursday urged the country's business community to lose no time in entering the lucrative Chinese market.

2. Israel TV reported Thursday that Sharon said it was possible that Israel would act against Arafat in the future.

3. Kupchak and Lakers executive Jim Buss slept on the trades before making them on Thursday.

4. Before Thursday night's exhibition game against Golden State in Honolulu, some members of the Lakers said they weren't aware of Buss'comments.

5. " I would certainly listen, " the newspaper quoted Buss as saying on Thursday.

6. Lakers owner Jerry Buss has been hospitalized with cancer, the Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday.

7. Since it was placed over the busted well on Thursday, the cap has been siphoning an increasing amount of oil.

8. But Imus was scheduled to meet with the team Thursday evening, according to the Rev.

9. The responses came after US President Barack Obama signed on Thursday the National Defense Authorization Act of the 2013 fiscal year.

10. The judge on Thursday encouraged Butler to get his client's financial information to the court, saying it was past due.






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