Thrift介绍以及Java中使用Thrift实现RPC示例 您所在的位置:网站首页 thrift怎么记忆 Thrift介绍以及Java中使用Thrift实现RPC示例


2023-06-15 19:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

场景 Thrift

Thrift最初由Facebook研发,主要用于各个服务之间的RPC通信,支持跨语言,常用的语言比如C++, Java, Python,PHP, Ruby, Erlang,Perl,Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, and OCaml都支持。

Thrift是一个典型的CS(客户端/服务端)结构,客户端和服务端可以使用不同的语言开发。既然客户端和服务端能使用不同的语言开发,那么一定就要有一种中间语言来关联客户端和服务端的语言,这种语言就是IDL (Interface Description Language)。


RPC, 远程过程调用,直观说法就是A通过网络调用B的过程方法。


RPC 会隐藏底层的通讯细节(不需要直接处理Socket通讯或Http通讯) RPC 是一个请求响应模型。

客户端发起请求,服务器返回响应(类似于Http的工作方式) RPC 在使用形式上像调用本地函数(或方法)一样去调用远程的函数(或方法)。


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实现 Thrift数据类型


byte:有符号字节 i16:16位有符号整数 i32:32位有符号整数 i64:64位有符号整数 double:64位浮点数 string:字符串类型










就像C语言一样,Thrift支持struct类型,目的就是将 一些数据聚合在一起,方便传输管理。struct的定义 形式如下:

struct People{ 1:string name; 2: i32 age; 3: string gender; } Thrift枚举


enum Gender{ MALE, FEMALE } Thrift异常


exception RequestException{ 1:i32 code; 2: string reason: } Thrift服务


service HelloWordService { // service中定义的函数,相当于Java interface中定义的方法 string doAction(1:string name,2: i32 age); } Thrift类型定义


typedef i32 int typedef i64 long




const i32 MAX_RETRIES_TIME=10 const string MY_WEBSITE= "' 命名空间

Thrift的命名空间相当于Java中的package的意思,主要目的是组织代码。thrift使用关键字namespace 定义命名空间:

namespace java com.bdao.thrift

格式是: namespace 语言名 路径



include "global.thrift" 注释



Thrift提供两个关键字required, optional,分别用于表示对应的字段是必填的还是可选的

struct People{   1:required string name;   2:optional i32 age; } Thrift IDL示例文件 namespace c_glib TTest namespace cpp thrift.test namespace delphi Thrift.Test namespace go thrifttest namespace java thrift.test namespace js ThriftTest namespace lua ThriftTest namespace netstd ThriftTest namespace perl ThriftTest namespace php ThriftTest namespace py ThriftTest namespace py.twisted ThriftTest namespace rb Thrift.Test namespace st ThriftTest namespace xsd test (uri = '') // Presence of namespaces and sub-namespaces for which there is // no generator should compile with warnings only namespace noexist ThriftTest namespace cpp.noexist ThriftTest namespace * thrift.test /**  * Docstring!  */ enum Numberz {   ONE = 1,   TWO,   THREE,   FIVE = 5,   SIX,   EIGHT = 8 } const Numberz myNumberz = Numberz.ONE; // the following is expected to fail: // const Numberz urNumberz = ONE; typedef i64 UserId struct Bonk {   1: string message,   2: i32 type } typedef map MapType struct Bools {   1: bool im_true,   2: bool im_false, } struct Xtruct {   1:  string string_thing,   4:  i8     byte_thing,   9:  i32    i32_thing,   11: i64    i64_thing } struct Xtruct2 {   1: i8     byte_thing,  // used to be byte, hence the name   2: Xtruct struct_thing,   3: i32    i32_thing } struct Xtruct3 {   1:  string string_thing,   4:  i32    changed,   9:  i32    i32_thing,   11: i64    i64_thing } struct Insanity {   1: map userMap,   2: list xtructs } (python.immutable= "") struct CrazyNesting {   1: string string_field,   2: optional set set_field,   // Do not insert line break as test/go/ is removing this line with pattern match   3: required list list_field,   4: binary binary_field } union SomeUnion {   1: map map_thing,   2: string string_thing,   3: i32 i32_thing,   4: Xtruct3 xtruct_thing,   5: Insanity insanity_thing } exception Xception {   1: i32 errorCode,   2: string message } exception Xception2 {   1: i32 errorCode,   2: Xtruct struct_thing } struct EmptyStruct {} struct OneField {   1: EmptyStruct field } service ThriftTest {   /**    * Prints "testVoid()" and returns nothing.    */   void         testVoid(),   /**    * Prints 'testString("%s")' with thing as '%s'    * @param string thing - the string to print    * @return string - returns the string 'thing'    */   string       testString(1: string thing),   /**    * Prints 'testBool("%s")' where '%s' with thing as 'true' or 'false'    * @param bool  thing - the bool data to print    * @return bool  - returns the bool 'thing'    */   bool         testBool(1: bool thing),   /**    * Prints 'testByte("%d")' with thing as '%d'    * The types i8 and byte are synonyms, use of i8 is encouraged, byte still exists for the sake of compatibility.    * @param byte thing - the i8/byte to print    * @return i8 - returns the i8/byte 'thing'    */   i8           testByte(1: i8 thing),   /**    * Prints 'testI32("%d")' with thing as '%d'    * @param i32 thing - the i32 to print    * @return i32 - returns the i32 'thing'    */   i32          testI32(1: i32 thing),   /**    * Prints 'testI64("%d")' with thing as '%d'    * @param i64 thing - the i64 to print    * @return i64 - returns the i64 'thing'    */   i64          testI64(1: i64 thing),   /**    * Prints 'testDouble("%f")' with thing as '%f'    * @param double thing - the double to print    * @return double - returns the double 'thing'    */   double       testDouble(1: double thing),   /**    * Prints 'testBinary("%s")' where '%s' is a hex-formatted string of thing's data    * @param binary  thing - the binary data to print    * @return binary  - returns the binary 'thing'    */   binary       testBinary(1: binary thing),   /**    * Prints 'testStruct("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of comma separated values    * @param Xtruct thing - the Xtruct to print    * @return Xtruct - returns the Xtruct 'thing'    */   Xtruct       testStruct(1: Xtruct thing),   /**    * Prints 'testNest("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of the nested struct    * @param Xtruct2 thing - the Xtruct2 to print    * @return Xtruct2 - returns the Xtruct2 'thing'    */   Xtruct2      testNest(1: Xtruct2 thing),   /**    * Prints 'testMap("{%s")' where thing has been formatted into a string of 'key => value' pairs    *  separated by commas and new lines    * @param map thing - the map to print    * @return map - returns the map 'thing'    */   map testMap(1: map thing),   /**    * Prints 'testStringMap("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of 'key => value' pairs    *  separated by commas and new lines    * @param map thing - the map to print    * @return map - returns the map 'thing'    */   map testStringMap(1: map thing),   /**    * Prints 'testSet("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of values    *  separated by commas and new lines    * @param set thing - the set to print    * @return set - returns the set 'thing'    */   set     testSet(1: set thing),   /**    * Prints 'testList("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of values    *  separated by commas and new lines    * @param list thing - the list to print    * @return list - returns the list 'thing'    */   list    testList(1: list thing),   /**    * Prints 'testEnum("%d")' where thing has been formatted into its numeric value    * @param Numberz thing - the Numberz to print    * @return Numberz - returns the Numberz 'thing'    */   Numberz      testEnum(1: Numberz thing),   /**    * Prints 'testTypedef("%d")' with thing as '%d'    * @param UserId thing - the UserId to print    * @return UserId - returns the UserId 'thing'    */   UserId       testTypedef(1: UserId thing),   /**    * Prints 'testMapMap("%d")' with hello as '%d'    * @param i32 hello - the i32 to print    * @return map - returns a dictionary with these values:    *   {-4 => {-4 => -4, -3 => -3, -2 => -2, -1 => -1, }, 4 => {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, }, }    */   map testMapMap(1: i32 hello),   /**    * So you think you've got this all worked out, eh?    *    * Creates a map with these values and prints it out:    *   { 1 => { 2 => argument,    *            3 => argument,    *          },    *     2 => { 6 => , },    *   }    * @return map - a map with the above values    */   map testInsanity(1: Insanity argument),   /**    * Prints 'testMulti()'    * @param i8 arg0 -    * @param i32 arg1 -    * @param i64 arg2 -    * @param map arg3 -    * @param Numberz arg4 -    * @param UserId arg5 -    * @return Xtruct - returns an Xtruct with string_thing = "Hello2, byte_thing = arg0, i32_thing = arg1    *    and i64_thing = arg2    */   Xtruct testMulti(1: i8 arg0, 2: i32 arg1, 3: i64 arg2, 4: map arg3, 5: Numberz arg4, 6: UserId arg5),   /**    * Print 'testException(%s)' with arg as '%s'    * @param string arg - a string indication what type of exception to throw    * if arg == "Xception" throw Xception with errorCode = 1001 and message = arg    * else if arg == "TException" throw TException    * else do not throw anything    */   void testException(1: string arg) throws(1: Xception err1),   /**    * Print 'testMultiException(%s, %s)' with arg0 as '%s' and arg1 as '%s'    * @param string arg - a string indicating what type of exception to throw    * if arg0 == "Xception" throw Xception with errorCode = 1001 and message = "This is an Xception"    * else if arg0 == "Xception2" throw Xception2 with errorCode = 2002 and struct_thing.string_thing = "This is an Xception2"    * else do not throw anything    * @return Xtruct - an Xtruct with string_thing = arg1    */   Xtruct testMultiException(1: string arg0, 2: string arg1) throws(1: Xception err1, 2: Xception2 err2)   /**    * Print 'testOneway(%d): Sleeping...' with secondsToSleep as '%d'    * sleep 'secondsToSleep'    * Print 'testOneway(%d): done sleeping!' with secondsToSleep as '%d'    * @param i32 secondsToSleep - the number of seconds to sleep    */   oneway void testOneway(1:i32 secondsToSleep) } service SecondService {   /**    * Prints 'testString("%s")' with thing as '%s'    * @param string thing - the string to print    * @return string - returns the string 'thing'    */   string secondtestString(1: string thing) } struct VersioningTestV1 {        1: i32 begin_in_both,        3: string old_string,        12: i32 end_in_both } struct VersioningTestV2 {        1: i32 begin_in_both,        2: i32 newint,        3: i8 newbyte,        4: i16 newshort,        5: i64 newlong,        6: double newdouble        7: Bonk newstruct,        8: list newlist,        9: set newset,        10: map newmap,        11: string newstring,        12: i32 end_in_both } struct ListTypeVersioningV1 {        1: list myints;        2: string hello; } struct ListTypeVersioningV2 {        1: list strings;        2: string hello; } struct GuessProtocolStruct {   7: map map_field, } struct LargeDeltas {   1: Bools b1,   10: Bools b10,   100: Bools b100,   500: bool check_true,   1000: Bools b1000,   1500: bool check_false,   2000: VersioningTestV2 vertwo2000,   2500: set a_set2500,   3000: VersioningTestV2 vertwo3000,   4000: list big_numbers } struct NestedListsI32x2 {   1: list integerlist } struct NestedListsI32x3 {   1: list integerlist } struct NestedMixedx2 {   1: list int_set_list   2: map map_int_strset   3: list map_int_strset_list } struct ListBonks {   1: list bonk } struct NestedListsBonk {   1: list bonk } struct BoolTest {   1: optional bool b = true;   2: optional string s = "true"; } struct StructA {   1: required string s; } struct StructB {   1: optional StructA aa;   2: required StructA ab; } struct OptionalSetDefaultTest {   1: optional set with_default = [ "test" ] } Thrift传输






TBinaryProtocol:二进制格式; TCompactProtocol:压缩格式; TJSONProtocol:JSON格式; TSimpleJSONProtocol:提供JSON只写协议, 生成的文件很容易通过脚本语言解析; TDebugProtocol:使用易懂的可读的文本格式,以便于debug TTransport(传输层),定义数据传输方式,可以为TCP/IP传输,内存共享或者文件共享等)被用作运行时库。

TSocket:阻塞式socker; TFramedTransport:以frame为单位进行传输,非阻塞式服务中使用; TFileTransport:以文件形式进行传输; TMemoryTransport:将内存用于I/O,java实现时内部实际使用了简单的ByteArrayOutputStream; TZlibTransport:使用zlib进行压缩, 与其他传输方式联合使用,当前无java实现;  


TSimpleServer:简单的单线程服务模型,常用于测试; TThreadPoolServer:多线程服务模型,使用标准的阻塞式IO; TNonblockingServer:多线程服务模型,使用非阻塞式IO(需使用TFramedTransport数据传输方式);












然后打开cmd ,输入

thrift -version












dependencies {     compile (             [group:'org.apache.thrift', name: 'libthrift', version: '0.13.0']     ) }




namespace java thrift.generated typedef i16 short typedef i32 int typedef i64 long typedef bool boolean typedef string String struct Person {     1:optional String username,     2:optional int age,     3:optional boolean married } exception DataException {     1:optional String message,     2:optional String callback,     3:optional String date } service PersonService {     Person getPersonByUsername(1:required String username) throws (1:DataException dataException),     void savePerson(1:required Person person) throws(1:DataException dataException) }


 thrift --gen java src/thrift/MyData.thrift






package com.badao.Thrift; import org.apache.thrift.TException; public class PersonServiceImpl implements PersonService.Iface {     @Override     public Person getPersonByUsername(String username) throws DataException, TException {         System.out.println("getPersonByUsername被调用并收到参数:" + username);         Person person = new Person();         person.setUsername("公众号:霸道的程序猿");         person.setAge(100);         person.setMarried(true);         return person;     }     @Override     public void savePerson(Person person) throws DataException, TException {         System.out.println("savePerson方法被调用,接收到的参数为:");         System.out.println(person.getUsername());         System.out.println(person.getAge());         System.out.println(person.isMarried());     } }





package com.badao.Thrift; import org.apache.thrift.TProcessorFactory; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.server.THsHaServer; import org.apache.thrift.server.TServer; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingServerSocket; public class ThriftServer {     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception     {         //设置服务器端口  TNonblockingServerSocket-非堵塞服务模型         TNonblockingServerSocket serverSocket = new TNonblockingServerSocket(8899);         //参数设置         THsHaServer.Args arg = new THsHaServer.Args(serverSocket).minWorkerThreads(2).maxWorkerThreads(4);         //处理器         PersonService.Processor processor = new PersonService.Processor(new PersonServiceImpl());         arg.protocolFactory(new TCompactProtocol.Factory());         arg.transportFactory(new TFramedTransport.Factory());         arg.processorFactory(new TProcessorFactory(processor));         TServer server = new THsHaServer(arg);         System.out.println("Thrift 服务端启动成功");         server.serve();     } }



package com.badao.Thrift; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; public class ThriftClient {     public static void main(String[] args) {         TTransport transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket("localhost", 8899), 600);         TProtocol protocol = new TCompactProtocol(transport);         PersonService.Client client = new PersonService.Client(protocol);         try {   ;             Person person = client.getPersonByUsername("公众号:霸道的程序猿");             System.out.println(person.getUsername());             System.out.println(person.getAge());             System.out.println(person.isMarried());             System.out.println("------------------------");             Person person1 = new Person();             person1.setUsername("公众号:霸道的程序猿");             person1.setAge(50);             person1.setMarried(true);             client.savePerson(person1);         }catch (Exception ex){             throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage(),ex);         }finally {             transport.close();         }     } }













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