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success [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/səkˈsɛs/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/səkˈsɛs/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(sək ses) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 success n (satisfactory outcome)SCSimplified Chinese 成功的事物,成功的例子 chéng gōng de shì wù,chéng gōng de lì zi   SCSimplified Chinese 成功,成就 chéng gōng,chéng jiù TCTraditional Chinese 成功,成就  The project was a success because the customer was happy.  这个项目很成功,因为客户很满意。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 多年努力后,他终于取得了成功。 success n (wealth and popularity)SCSimplified Chinese 发迹 fā jì   SCSimplified Chinese 发达 fā jì,fā dá TCTraditional Chinese 發達  You could see his success by the size of his house.  从他房子的大小,你就能看出他发达了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 success n (successful person)SCSimplified Chinese 成功人士 chéng gōng rén shì  He became a success thanks to hard work and determination.  多亏了勤恳以及决心,他成为了一名成功人士。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 achieve success v expr (become successful)SCSimplified Chinese 取得成功 qǔ dé chéng gōng be a success v expr (achieve popularity)SCSimplified Chinese 获得成功 huò dé chéng gōng TCTraditional Chinese 獲得成功  The chocolate cake was a real success with the guests. be an instant success, be an overnight success v expr (be immediately popular)SCSimplified Chinese 一举成功 yì jǔ chéng gōng TCTraditional Chinese 一舉成功  The TV show proved to be an instant success. brilliant success n ([sth] successful)SCSimplified Chinese 成功的事 chéng gōng de shì  My brother is a brilliant success at business, but he is sorely lacking in social graces. brilliant success n (great achievement)SCSimplified Chinese 卓越的成就 zhuó yuè de chéng jiù   SCSimplified Chinese 巨大成功 zhuó yuè de chéng jiù,jù dà chéng gōng  His performance at Carnegie Hall was a brilliant success. critical success n (book, etc.: positive reviews)SCSimplified Chinese 备受好评  Though the play was a critical success, very few people went to see it. great success n (event, etc.: popular, effective)SCSimplified Chinese 非常成功的人或事 fēi cháng chéng gōng de rén huò shì  The trade show was a great success, attracting a large number of visitors. great success n (person: accomplished)SCSimplified Chinese 杰出人士 meet with success v expr (succeed)SCSimplified Chinese 成功 chéng gōng TCTraditional Chinese 成功  He met with success early at his new job. overnight success n figurative ([sth] or [sb] suddenly popular)SCSimplified Chinese 一夜成名,突然成功 success fee n (lawyer's charge for winning a case)SCSimplified Chinese 诉讼成功费,胜诉费 success story n figurative (real-life example of [sb] succeeding)SCSimplified Chinese 成名史 without success adv (unsuccessfully, in vain)SCSimplified Chinese 徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì TCTraditional Chinese 徒勞無益   SCSimplified Chinese 白费力气 tú láo wú yì,bái fèi lì qì  Thomas Edison worked without success on his light bulb for many years, but he never gave up.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: success [səkˈsɛs] n [u/c] 成功 chénggōng without success 一无(無)所成 yī wú suǒ chéng 在这些条目还发现'success': 在英文解释里: advantage - ambition - ambitiously - arrive - be on a roll - be the making of - beginner's luck - Best of luck - bestseller - big hit - bomb - bounce-back - brand equity - brass ring - breakthrough - bring to fruition - career move - carry - cinch - coattail - come back - come off - congratulation - coup - defeat - educational achievement - failure - fall into place - fight a losing battle - flush - future prospects - gateway - get anywhere - go with a bang - great job - have it made - hit - home free - howling - key performance indicator - light at the end of the tunnel - like-for-like sales - make or break - make the big time - market position - moment of truth - new high - nonstarter - overnight sensation - pass 中文: 成功 - 一步登天 - 出奇制胜 - 功到自然成 - 功绩 - 成败 - 有成 - 胜 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - S, 更多……同义词: completion, consummation, culmination, fruition, breakthrough, 更多……习惯性搭配: an [instant, immediate, eventual] success, a success [rate, story, factor], a [resounding, surprise, total, complete, big, great] success, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'success' 的论坛讨论:

Be part of our success! Good luck and best wishes on your business success Learning from the success of... Wish you a lot of success in business and an excellent stay --- much with success - English Only forum ...(is\has) no guarantee of success... - English Only forum (the) key to success - English Only forum 'wish of success' or 'hopes of success'? - English Only forum A big success - English Only forum a Criterion "on" which the success should be judged - English Only forum a decade of success after bringing in - English Only forum a great success vs greatly successful - English Only forum a great success vs greatly successful - English Only forum a hazard of success or having such a recognizable voice - English Only forum A hit vs a success - English Only forum a key to success, the key to success - English Only forum a literary success - English Only forum A measure of success - English Only forum a one in 20 chance of success - English Only forum a precedent success - English Only forum a product of success - English Only forum a series of other gaps with bearing on their success - English Only forum A success - English Only forum a success / successful - English Only forum a success as many as - English Only forum a success occurs on three consecutive trials - English Only forum a success unparalleled... - English Only forum a vital little dynamo between you and Julia, to bring success - English Only forum accomplish/achieve a success - English Only forum acheive success in your field. - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'success'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "success" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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