澳网友:若澳大利亚大幅提高铁矿价格或禁止出口,中国受得了吗? 您所在的位置:网站首页 subside的意思 澳网友:若澳大利亚大幅提高铁矿价格或禁止出口,中国受得了吗?


#澳网友:若澳大利亚大幅提高铁矿价格或禁止出口,中国受得了吗?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Most things in the world are not as simple as they seem. Australia is the largest supplier of iron ore to China. At the same time, China is also Australia's largest supplier of steel. This relationship shows that the relationship between the two sides is not so easy to resolve.


China imports iron ore from Australia, which generates hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue annually, accounting for 70% of China's iron ore demand


China imports iron ore from Australia because it has a higher iron content and is easier to smelt, not because China does not have a source of iron ore.

By stopping the supply of iron ore to China, China can quickly extract iron ore from low-grade iron ore. It is estimated that there is no problem solving 50% of the problem, or causing a maximum shortage of 20-30% for China.


Considering the current iron ore prices, the impact on China is not that significant.


Currently, no other customer can provide the amount of iron ore required by the Chinese people. What do you think will happen to the price of iron ore once they develop additional diversified suppliers?


China may only purchase 30% of its current production from Australia and obtain more affordable deals due to overcapacity.


"I think Australian miners will face a difficult decade or two because the Chinese people will not give up halfway, and they have the ability to build a terrible supply chain that other countries cannot imagine.".


Remember, China is the world's largest consumer of iron ore, more than twice the sum of the rest of the world in recent years. Australia's attempt to use iron ore to defeat China is somewhat beyond its means.



China is the largest buyer of iron ore on the planet, while Australia is the largest seller of iron ore. Therefore, in a commercial sense, there must be demand before there is supply. In the real world, buyers can choose from whom to buy products, and buyers choose first, rather than the seller deciding whether to sell to the buyer. In this case, China is the buyer and Australia is the seller. Therefore, if China stops buying, Australia will face some related issues.


First of all, if Australia cuts off trade with China, Australia will be troubled by a large output of iron ore. As mentioned above, China is the largest buyer, and Australia will have to find other countries or other countries to absorb the iron ore previously purchased by China. If Australia cannot find another buyer or multiple buyers to replace/purchase the amount of iron ore that China has purchased in the past, then Australia's large inventory of iron ore will not be digested.


Although it is still iron ore and will not deteriorate, it can be slowly retained and sold, but if this happens, the snowball effect will begin. As the company already has a large amount of unsold iron ore, there is no need to excavate new iron ore to replace existing inventory. Production will decline significantly. As production demand slows, the number of workers involved in iron ore production will be laid off because there is no longer a need to produce so much iron ore. Therefore, as workers are laid off/unemployment rates rise, housing income will decline, followed by a decrease in retail sales, service sales, and so on. Over time, this will affect Australia's GDP.


Now, why should I bother to express my answer in a long and easy to understand way? Quite simply, because after "discussing" and reading so many Australians' responses to China's trade with Australia... most of them are optimistic about the Australian iron ore industry, so they believe it can be easily sold to other buyers because they have the best iron ore quality. Most people believe that there are ready made buyers lining up at the door to buy their iron ore.


The simple relationship/connection between the buyer and seller does not seem to support their view of things.. China is the world's largest manufacturing country. In addition, when your biggest trading partner cuts you, it means; The bilateral relationship between the two countries is deteriorating, and the impact in reality will collapse continuously like a domino. We are talking about trade worth more than $190 billion, as well as other income that China brings to the Australian economy, such as students plus their land and tourism income, and we will lose them.


In short, once China ends its shopping spree, good luck to Australia.


China has a very clear steel strategy:


[1] Develop the "Bridge and Road" initiative to connect almost all countries in the world through modern infrastructure based on Huawei equipment and the "Internet of Things" (roads, bridges, ports - using steel) and ITC (Information Technology and Communications).

[1] 制定“桥与路”倡议,通过基于华为设备和“物联网”的现代基础设施(道路、桥梁、港口-使用钢铁)和ITC(信息技术和通信)连接世界上几乎所有国家。

[2] Develop the economy and lift all citizens out of poverty, including modern housing relying on steel and public transportation relying on steel.

[2] 发展经济,使所有公民摆脱贫困,包括依赖钢铁的现代住房和依赖钢铁的公共交通。

[3] To defend against war traffickers such as the US military industrial complex, steel is used at its defense bases, including the South China Sea and selected bases.

[3] 为了抵御美国军工复合体这样的战争贩子,在其国防基地使用钢铁,包括南中国海和一些选定的基地。

[4] To reduce its carbon footprint, from now on, this must include producing steel using hydrogen with minimal coal.

[4] 为了减少其碳足迹,从现在开始,这必须包括通过使用氢气以最少的煤炭生产钢铁。

You may have noticed the importance of steel... You may also have noticed the importance of Huawei and the Internet of Things. Australia has also banned Huawei nationwide.


Therefore, in the face of Australia's unfriendliness, with the help of multinational companies such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, China will seek alternative supplies of various raw materials. At the same time, they will also purchase iron ore from Australia (because China and Australia have made great efforts to build related mines, railways, and ports), but they will seek to reduce coal procurement (because there are other suppliers nearby), And will guide some of its large number of STEM experts in the research and development of using hydrogen to produce steel. Unfortunately, our STEM experts will miss out on research and development work.


At the same time, their B&R partners will be committed to supplying agricultural products to China and competing with us. Speaking of "us", our current main competitor for agricultural products is our powerful friend... The United States, under his guidance, foolishly opposed China. I think we were stabbed in the back by the United States.



Iron ore is not everything in the Australian economy, but it is indeed very important. "I am not opposed to Australia, and I do hope that this quarrel will eventually subside.".


But I also feel it necessary to point out that the logic of distance is bidirectional. China is a big demand country, while Australia is a big supply country. The close relationship between the two is inevitable and mutually beneficial.


Now, even if other iron ore sources are farther away from China, they will also replace Australia. Conversely, what other major buyers are close enough to Australia to make up for the decline in Chinese demand? The map below shows the same linear distance from Port Hedland to Dalian (the main iron ore export route). In order to preemptively solve the Indian problem, it is worth noting that India itself is basically self-sufficient in iron ore and will only increase imports when domestic supply is disrupted. Perhaps Vietnam can step in to narrow the gap?

Although Australia does have the most developed iron ore railway and transportation infrastructure, China does have the most advanced transportation infrastructure to transport iron ore and its finished products, as well as steel mills that convert iron ore into useful final products.


Finally, in the long run, will the development of more sources of supply such as Guinea ultimately shift the overall balance in favor of buyers? Iron ore supply can be expanded, but economic growth is difficult to achieve. This is detrimental to both China and Australia.

In terms of the overall impact of the mining industry on the Australian economy, a 2014 study by the Reserve Bank of Australia found that the mining boom of the previous decade (which coincided with the period of accelerated development by China due to its accession to the WTO) increased average household income by 13% and reduced the unemployment rate by approximately 1.25%. Therefore, although mining is not the only industry on which Australia relies, it has undoubtedly made a significant contribution to the extraordinary prosperity that Australia has enjoyed over the past few decades.


This study should also be reasonable, as it covers the "boom" stage of significant investment in mining. During the "steady state" phase, the economic impact is usually small due to reduced investment.


There is another important aspect of the value of mining and iron ore to the Australian economy. To some extent, China's economy can recover faster than the rest of the world, and exports such as iron ore and coal enable Australia to directly obtain this economic cushion during difficult economic times. During the 2008 global financial crisis and the recent COVID-19 crisis, we saw this impact. At that time, China's rebound speed exceeded that of other countries in the world. Therefore, even if other domestic economies in Australia were severely hit by COVID-19, iron ore and mining exports also increased significantly, making the largest contribution to GDP during this period.



The two countries have not yet reached the point of completely severing diplomatic and economic relations, so the purchase agreement previously signed will continue to be implemented.


However, China is stepping up efforts to expand other sources of iron ore, and is importing iron ore from Russia and Africa. Earlier this year, the first batch of iron ore was shipped to China from the port of Sierra Leone and was taken from the Tongcollili mine, which was restarted after being owned by China in 2020. Peter O'Connor, senior metals and mining analyst at Shaw and Partners, an Australian investment company, said that this dependency could change significantly by 2025.

According to market views, from a long-term trend, iron ore prices are expected to fall to around $60 per ton. In my personal opinion, China will establish a model for purchasing iron ore in the following ways:


1. A portion of Africa's iron ore supply;


2. Vale of Brazil supplies a portion of this, which will account for 50% of China's demand;


3. Low grade iron ore from China and other countries has been selectively resolved in part. The selected iron ore will increase costs, but if the price of iron ore is too high, it is still very cost-effective, which actually accounts for 30% of China's current demand

As part of the supply, Australia will also be an alternative. However, supply should be reduced from the current 70% to less than 20%, possibly even lower.


The key is that this Chinese procurement model will not take away supply from other markets. In other words, there will be no other new market demand to make up for the shortage of Chinese purchases from Australia. China's continued supply to the international market will continue to squeeze the capacity of other steel mills in the world.



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