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2023-03-22 06:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

3. 使用关键词造句:

This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether X therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in Japan; it reports improved cognitive function. (28字)

4. 删去赘字(如:study of、investigates)以及重复字;连结剩下句子。

This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether X therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in China; it reports improved cognitive functionRandomized trial of X therapy for improving cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in Japan (18字)

5. 删去不必要信息后再润色

Randomized trial of X therapy for improving cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in China reports improved cognitive function

Randomized trial of X therapy for improving cognitive function in 40 dementia patients (13字)


X therapy improves cognitive function in 40 dementia patients: A randomized trial (12字)






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