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中石油模拟托福语法每日一练 2

2023-03-29 03:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1990-1 语法部分 21-30CNPC-TOEFL 2020年2月25日

21. Due to its excellent tensile strength, acetate rayon is an important material for products so as balloons, parachutes, fire hoses, and webbing.

答案:C测试点:习语。分析:看到紧接其后的耶,应想到这里要用 such。Such as 是固定短语。解题要点:such as 是 TOEFL 考题中常见的短语.

22. It has not been determined how years sea turtles can live in their natural environment, but they will reach a very old age if left undisturbed by humans.

答案:A测试点:缺词. 分析:how是副词,后面不能直接加名词.应为how many years.

23. A footnote is characteristically employed to give information that is too long or too detailed be included in the body of a text.

答案:D测试点:too…to…的用法. 分析:看到前文的两个 too,应立即注意后面是否有 to…的部分.此处动词 be 前缺 to.

24. Watercolors dry more faster than other paints.

答案:C测试点:比较级形式重复。分析:遇到形容词或副词的比较级,应注意其比较形式是否重复。此处应去掉 more.

25. In mathematical terms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or relating those objects.

答案:B测试点:冠词. 分析:set 是可数名词,它前面一定要有冠词.应为…a set(of)…. 解题要点:TOEFL 同类考题还有 a group of,a series of, a blend of.

26. Alike most fruit trees, the quince is normally propagated from shoots or cuttings.

答案:A测试点:like 和 alike 的用法. 分析:alike 是副词或形容词,like 才是介词,这里要用 like. 解题要点:alike 和 like 的用法是 TOEFL 常考题型。见到划线的 alike,应立即注意是否用错。

27. A patent gives inventors exclusive rights to their inventions for a fix period of time.

答案:C测试点:词性.分析:fix 是动词,这里要用形容词 fixed 修饰名词 period.

28. In 1981 the fossil jaw of a previously unknown small mammal was found onto a Navaho reservation in Arizona.

答案:D测试点:介词. 分析:onto 表示动作,而表示地点要用 on.on the reservation 是固定搭配.

29. The wild carrot, knew as Queen Anne’s lace, gave rise to the cultivated carrot in its domesticated form.

答案:B测试点:习语/分词. 分析:固定说法, known as 是分词短语在句中作后置定语.

30. A statue, a monumental, a building, or a park may be dedicated to commemorate a distinguished individual.

答案:A测试点:词性. 分析:冠词 a后接名词,而 monumental 是形容词,应为 monument. 解题要点:这里是由 or 连接的4个并列结构。or 和 and 一样,要求所连接的部分同词性、同性质。






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