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clear well是什么意思

2023-04-07 02:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

clear well clear well 双语例句 It was sunny and clear, and all was well in the world.这是阳光和明确的,所有的世界各地。 Good shake clear ring tones, can help babies develop auditory nerve as well.清脆好听的摇铃声,可以帮助宝宝听觉神经发展 Twenty-four hours later she was feeling actively well, had lost half a stone and had amazingly clear skin.24个小时之后,她感觉好多了,人开始活跃了,她减去了半英石的体重,皮肤出奇的洁净。 The methodology and principal conclusions of this dissertation are of obvious physical significances and give a more clear insight to the spatial distribution and characteristics of the elements, local parts and the whole visual system, as well as the mechanisms of temporal and spatial information processing in the system.此外,本文还提出了用复色光建立光学模拟系统的原理和方法。本文研究的方法论和得出的基本结论对于深入认识视觉系统的单元、局部和整体的形态、功能和特性,以及系统的时间、空间信息处理的本质,为视觉系统理论模型研究和实验研究之间建立起更为紧密的联系,推动视觉研究的发展具有十分明显的理论意义。 Advise you keep well clear of sea area South Bay because search and rescue are in operation.建议你宽让South Bay水域,因为那里正在进行搜救作业。 Why You Need to Ask: You need to be on the same page as your new manager, as well as be clear on what the initial expectations are and that you can deliver.理由:你必须与你的新经理保持一致,清楚的知道他的原始的期望是什么以便你可以发挥出你的特点。 Considering the nonuniqueness and instability of ultrasonic computerized tomography for structural concrete as well as the ultrasonic transmission characteristics in concrete, a natural weight matrix with clear physical meaning, which gave heavy weights to ultrasonic rays with short travel time and image meshes passed by more rays, was introduced in the inverse algorithm.针对混凝土超声波层析成像结果不惟一和稳定性差的问题,依据超声波在混凝土中的传播特点,在反演算法中引入物理意义明确的自然权矩阵,对走时较小的射线和射线较密的成像单元加以重权,形成了二次增广目标函数方程;然后,通过混沌模拟退火回火算法来寻求其全局最小值,从而得到各网格单元的声速计算值。 Come 3 years, each district of the Anhui province takes storage facilities construction seriously generally, build, transformed a batch of storehouse, commissariat is bought, safety stores ability enhances; to acquire apparently, replaced a batch of facility, store level of carry exercise mechanization, automation raises; apparently but also put in a few problems that not allow to ignore, need to improve knowledge further, do well program, aggrandizement management, will build storage facilities to build devoted mechanism length effect. 1 main effect saves state-owned food company nearly 3 years to throw 1.01 billion yuan to be used at storage facilities to build in all completely (finance 70 million yuan, the bank borrows money 190 million yuan, the enterprise prepares 750 million yuan of) oneself, among them 578 million yuan use one million one hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred tons at building Cang Rong, occupy 8% what appearance of total storehouse of state-owned food company saves completely by 2004, year the 1.8 times; 2.88 that all adds Cang Rong newly to be allowed to add a storehouse newly 2004 uses 100 million yuan 100 million yuan at transforming a storehouse to allow twelve million six hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred tons of; 1.44 to be used at providing clear miscellaneous facility 1181 stage, conveyer pound of 1865 stage, ground 890, gather up suck.梗概:三年来,安徽省各地普遍重视仓储设施建设,新建、改造了一批仓库,粮食收购、平安储存能力明显增强;添置、更新了一批设备,储运作业机械化、自动化水平明显提高;但也存在一些不容忽视的新问题,需进一步提高熟悉、搞好规划、强化管理,将建立仓储设施建设投入长效机制。1主要成效近三年全省国有粮食企业共投入10.1亿元用于仓储设施建设(财政0.7亿元,银行贷款1.9亿元,企业自筹7.5亿元),其中5.78亿元用于新建仓容116.34万吨,占2004年底全省国有粮食企业总仓容的8%,年均新增仓容为2004年新增仓容的1.8倍;2.88亿元用于改造仓容1261.83万吨;1.44亿元用于配备清杂设备1181台、输送机1865台、地磅890台、扒粮机188台、烘干设备152台、散粮运输车76辆。 First, it makes it clear what is to be exchanged is not restricted to tangible products but can include concepts and services as well.首先,该定义明确了用来交换的不局限于有形产品,而且可以包括观念和服务。 Transcription, and analyzes Wangs inheritance, reproduction and development of Chinese ethical folk music. She also makes transverse comparisons between the musical forms of piano works by composers of both China and abroad, and illustrates that Wang uses for inference but not copies the western musical forms, that he attaches importance but not stickles to the framework of traditional Chinese music, and also that he demonstrates a characteristic of not sticking to one pattern. She makes contrastive comparisons as well of the melodies and harmonies of piano works by composers of both China and abroad, and indicates that in inquiries into the folk style of counterpoint, Wang is flexible and creative in harmonies by inheriting the character of a clear melody and the method of multi-voice in Chinese traditional music and also by absorbing the character of emphasizing the layers of texture in western piano music.拿民族民间音乐与钢琴改编曲作纵向比较,分析其对中国民族民间音乐的继承再现与发展;拿中外钢琴作品的曲式原则作横向比较,说明他借鉴但不照搬西方音乐曲式规范,重视但不拘泥于传统中国音乐结构方法,在作品的结构上,呈现出不拘一格的特点;拿中外钢琴作品在旋律、和声等方面作相异比较,指出了在探索多声部音乐的民族风格过程中,王建中一方面继承了传统音乐中旋律线条十分突出的特点,另一方面又吸收了西方钢琴音乐注重织体的网状结构的特点,有意识地运用了我国民间多声手法,在和声的运用方面表现出灵活多样而又富于创新的特点。 Later, I went to Liuzhou, a city with full of mountains and trees. when I walked on the street, a good smell of orange and grape-fruit came out from the two sides. a mountian, which I always thought was the thousands of mountians on the geography textbook, lies before school. when the fall falls, the mountian gets more clear as well as light yel-low, and the blue sky turns higher.帖主对此回复很满意,所以奖励 6 积分给江南1989后来,到了柳州,一城都是山,都是树。走在街上,两旁总夹着橘柚的芬芳。学校前面就是一座山,我总觉得那就是地理课本上的十万大山。秋天的时候,山容澄清而微黄,蓝天显得更高了。 So I steered clear of her, And the other one, I know from....Well, you know.所以我离开远远的,另外一个我也知道,原因你也知道。 We must also reflect that of desires some are natural, others are groundless; and that of the natural some are necessary as well as natural, and some natural only. And of the necessary desires some are necessary if we are to be happy, some if the body is to be rid of uneasiness, some if we are even to live. He who has a clear and certain understanding of these things will direct every preference and aversion toward securing health of body and tranquillity of mind, seeing that this is the sum and end of a happy life.我们也必须思考这样的事实:有些欲望是自然的,有些是毫无理由的;自然的欲望中有些是自然而且必要的,有些仅仅只是自然的,必要的欲望中,有些对我们快乐生活是必要的,有些对我们的身体除弃病痛是必要的,有些对我们的生存是必要的,对此有明确理解的人将以此指导自己的每一个行为和偏好,以确保身体的健康和精神的平和,因为幸福人生的含义和目的不外乎如此。 Besides, it is hoped that whichever assignment and task can be well accomplish by officials; nonetheless, there is no specific explanation how they can achieve it, and there is, as well, no clear stipulation of items with its description.早期的官箴书主要是观念式的叙述,强调官员的道德操守,要求官员要廉节、为民服务,希望官员能做好哪些工作,但是并没有明确的说明要如何做;在叙述上也没有订定细目。 It is clear that foraging of skuas near Great Wall Station was dependent on both of natural resources and station garbage. This is much related to environmental status as well as management of waste material in the stations.贼鸥食性对考察站废弃物有一定的依赖性,与本区环境质量下降,尤其考察站对废弃物的疏于管理有着直接的关系。 During production of industrial water, filtration of a take-off of the clear run can be used to save valuable drinking or well water.在生产过程中的工业用水,一个起飞的明确运行可以用来节省宝贵的饮用水或井水过滤。 Western Hills II ginnala knot tight, neat and well-spaced slender, was shaped spouts, 黛绿silver tip, and dried cents front cover shoot, lasting delicate fragrance, mellow taste鲜爽back Gambari, liquor color clear green, bright green Securinega.西山茶条索紧结,纤细匀整,呈龙卷状,黛绿银尖,茸毫盖锋梢,幽香持久,滋味醇和回甘鲜爽,汤色碧绿清澈,叶底嫩绿明亮。 A simple zero-order flat model is usually used to characterize the well-mixed convective boundary layer under clear sky.作者中文名:卢萍;郑琴;宇如聪;穆穆摘要:晴天充分混合的对流边界层中常采用相对简单的零阶近似平板模式。 Well, our business policy is very clear.我们公司的经营政策是很明确的。 To be clear, if you're going to commit that kind of money to anyone, it might as well be to Santana, who is dominant, in the prime of his career and seems to be at the top of his game.我要厘清一点,如果你用钱去量化每个人,就桑塔那来说,以他职业生涯中的优秀表现来看,他绝对属於顶尖的地位。 clear well 单语例句 The ship's wooden frame was well preserved, giving a clear sound when hit with an object. He believes French dishes are well established over many decades and have a clear taste. Lin's victory leaves him well clear in the overall Super Series standings. But the well where Liu drank clear water out of her hands after work remains to this day. Its deliberate antique decorations as well as the furniture indicate a clear vow to provide a flavor that is one hundred percent local. If left unchecked by the company managers as well as the local officials, we would advise jobseekers to steer clear of such employers. The Chinese No 10 did well to try and finish off a rapid break, but his shot hit Casillas'outstretched leg and bounced clear. The keeper then did well to clear from Torres after Spain looked to catch out an advanced China back line. The CPC Central Committee's conduct demonstrated the Party's clear attitude to safeguard Party discipline and the country's law as well as people's fundamental interests. And it's clear from the shouts of the spectators that the sense of unity amongst the ethnic groups is alive and well - and competing. clear well 中文翻译 1 un. 清洁井;清水井;净水井 2 [网络] 清水池;清水库;客林渥 相关单词 clear well 相关单词辨析 either, likewise, as well, also, too 的区别和用法

这组词都有“也”的意思,其区别是: either: 用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。 likewise: 是书面语用词。 as well: 一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。 also: 比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。 too: 语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。

clear, obvious, evident, apparent, manifest, definite, plain, distinct 的区别和用法

这组词都有“清楚的,明白的,明显的”的意思,其区别是: clear: 普通用词,侧重清楚明白。 obvious: 语气较强,指极为明显,有目共睹,无需说明和论证。 evident: 指根据事实成为显然的。 apparent: 强调显而易见或一想便知。这个词从动词appear派生而来,故有时含有表面如此而事实上未必的意味。 manifest: 语义较强,书面用词,强调一目了然,暗示不要任何推论就一清二楚。 definite: 语气肯定,着重明白无误,无可怀疑。 plain: 普通用词,含义与clear很接近,可通用,但plain着重简单明了,不复杂。 distinct: 较正式用词,指轮廓的清楚或定义、含义的明确,不会弄错。

scrub, clear, clean, dust, wipe, mop, sweep 的区别和用法

这组词都有“使干净”的意思,其区别是: scrub: 指用硬刷、肥皂或水用力地擦洗某物。 clear: 指清除不要的东西。 clean: 是这些动词中最常用的词,指将某物或某处的污物等清除掉,弄干净。 dust: 指将积落在物体表面的尘土抹去、掸掉或擦去以保干净。 wipe: 多指用布、纸等物把东西擦净,也指擦掉某物。 mop: 侧重指用拖把擦洗地板,有时也指擦干净或擦去。 sweep: 指用扫帚等进行清扫,也用作比喻。

clear, transparent 的区别和用法

这组词都有“透明的”的意思,其区别是: clear: 指视力不受阻碍,强调清晰透澈。 transparent: 指某物完全透明状态,通过它能清楚看到其它东西。

wholesome, fit, robust, strong, sound, tough, healthy, sturdy, vigorous, well 的区别和用法

这组词都有“健康的,强健的”的意思,其区别是: wholesome: 多指能给人留下身体健康、思想健全或品德良好等印象。 fit: 既可指健壮又可指健全无病。 robust: 强调身体强健。 strong: 既指体格健壮,又指体力或精神上的力量。 sound: 侧重身体各部分或器官没有病,无任何缺陷,即健康。 tough: 着重指人的体格健壮。 healthy: 指身体无病,也可指身心健全、正常的。 sturdy: 侧重于结实的体格。 vigorous: 指人强健有力,精力充沛。 well: 仅指没有疾病,但不一定很健康。

good, well 的区别和用法

good: 形容词, well: 副词,但指身体状况是形容词 He is well again.






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