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2024-06-28 08:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


英音 [spu:n] 美音 [spun]


n. 匙,调羹;一匙的量;匙状物,匙桨;

vt. 用汤匙舀取;向上击;

vi. 轻轻向上击;用匙状假饵钓鱼;痴爱,迷恋;

【英文释义】 Noun:

a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food

as much as a spoon will hold;

"he added two spoons of sugar"

formerly a golfing wood with an elevated face

Verb: scoop up or take up with a spoon;

"spoon the sauce over the roast"

snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others

【spoon相关词】 Witherspoon [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 威瑟斯庞语源不详,可能是住所名称,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“羊,公羊+一条狭地”(sheep,ram+a narrow strip of land);dessertspoon n. 餐后甜点匙;spoonbill n. 篦鹭;琵嘴;spoondrift n. 浪花,浪涛飞沫;spoonerism n. 斯本内现象,首音互换;spooney adj. 痴情的;多愁善感的;笨的;愚蠢的; n. 痴情的人;轻佻的情人;笨瓜;傻子;spoonful n. 一匙,一匙的量;“spoon”的派生;spoony adj. 痴情的;多愁善感的;笨的;愚蠢的; n. 痴情的人;轻佻的情人;笨瓜;傻子;tablespoon n. 大汤匙,大调羹;一大汤匙的量;teaspoon n. 茶匙;一茶匙的量;

【spoon相关词条】 measuring spoon 量匙;soup spoon n. 汤匙;spoon bit 匙头钻;spoon gouge 勺形扁凿;spoon-bait n. (钓鱼用的)匙状假饵;runcible spoon n. 有利刃的三齿叉,叉匙(一种有三根阔齿的匙状食具);bouillon spoon 肉羹匙;spoon-fed adj. 用匙喂的,被过分宠坏的,受填鸭式教育的; v. 用匙喂,填鸭式教育( spoon-feed的过去式和过去分词 );silver spoon n. 财富,电影(集合称),电影业;dessert spoon 点心用匙;tea-spoon n. 茶匙;test spoon [医] 试验用匙;palpation spoon [医]压迫器[透照检查辅助装置];tumor spoon [医]肿瘤取出匙;split spoon 对开式取土勺;glass spoon [医]玻璃匙,玻璃勺;spoon scaler 匙形洁治器;spoon bait n. 用作鱼饵的微曲金属片;spoon-net n. 捞网;spoon-feed v. 用匙喂,填鸭式教育;large spoon 大匙;






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