魏剑峰:《三体》英文版的翻译水平怎么样? 您所在的位置:网站首页 sounded意思 魏剑峰:《三体》英文版的翻译水平怎么样?


#魏剑峰:《三体》英文版的翻译水平怎么样?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


《三体》译者是华裔科幻作家刘宇昆(Ken Liu),他在国内知名度可能不是很高,但在海外科幻圈非常有名。他是第一位获得星云奖和雨果奖两项世界科幻小说大奖的华裔作家,出版过一系列科幻作品,包括《蒲公英王朝》(The Grace of Kings),《手中纸,心中爱》(The Paper Menagerie)以及《风暴之墙》(The Wall of Storms)等。他翻译的《三体》在2015年获得雨果奖最佳长篇小说奖(《三体》第二部则是由外国译者Joel Martinsen翻译)。他翻译的郝景芳的小说《北京折叠》也在2016年获雨果奖最佳中短篇小说奖。可以说《三体》在国际上的成功离不开刘宇昆的贡献。


刘宇昆的译文读起来非常流畅、舒服,译者对原文意思的把握很精确,对翻译难点的处理也令人印象深刻。书中很多翻译细节值得玩味,比如“智子”被译为Sophon,这是一个由-soph-和proton(质子)组合成的词:-soph-在古希腊语中意思是wise,不少单词都含有这个词根,比如philosopher/philosophy/sophisticated/sophomore;又比如“三体人”书中译为Trisolaran,这个单词由三个部分组成:tri-, solar, -an,tri-这个词根表示“三”(例如triple/triangular),solar表示“太阳的”,-an则表示“与……有关的人”(比如librarian/Christian)。再比如三体世界的“元首”,刘宇昆译为Princeps,这是一个拉丁词,意思是"the most eminent or noble; the first man, first person",这一单词也用来指罗马帝国时代的首席元老。



The city at night gradually recovered the reality of visible light. But his eyes roamed, trying to capture other sights. By the entrance of the zoo across the street, there was a row of neon lights. One of the lights was about to burn out and flickered irregularly. Nearby, a small tree’s leaves trembled in the night breeze, twinkling without pattern as they reflected streetlight. In the distance, the red star atop the Beijing Exhibition Center’s Russian-style spire reflected the light from the cars passing below, also twinkling randomly.…


“一排霓虹灯中有一根灯管坏了,不规则地闪烁着”如果直译为:One of the lights didn't work, flickering irregularly. 理解起来会很奇怪。译者处理为:One of the lights was about to burn out and flickered irregularly. 这里burn out更加具体地说明了灯管坏的原因:是被烧坏的。同时灯管还在不规则闪烁,说明它还没有完全坏掉,处于即将烧坏的状态,因此译者用了was about to burn out来说明这种状态,意思传达很准确。

此外,节选段落中出现了三次“不规则地闪烁着”,译者每次译法都不一样:flickered irregularly / twinkling without pattern / twinkling randomly 这样处理能够增加用词多样性,使英文读起来更加生动。


"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a unique discipline. It has a profound influence on the researcher's perspective on life." Ye spoke in a drawn-out voice, as though telling stories to a child. "In the dead of night, I could hear in my headphones the lifeless noise of the universe. The noise was faint but constant, more eternal than the stars. Sometimes I thought it sounded like the endless winter winds of the Greater Khingan Mountains. I felt so cold then, and the loneliness was indescribable."

in the dead of night是一个固定搭配,意思是"in the middle of the night, during the darkest and quietest time",用来形容“夜深人静”非常准确。“噪声隐隐约约的”译者处理为:The noise was faint but constant. faint but constant 很好地写出了噪声那种微小但绵延不绝的状态。


One night, Ye was working the night shift. This was the loneliest time. In the deep silence of midnight, the universe revealed itself to its listeners as a vast desolation. What Ye disliked most was seeing the waves that slowly crawled across the display, a visual record of the meaningless noise Red Coast picked up from space. Ye felt this interminable wave was an abstract view of the universe: one end connected to the endless past, the other to the endless future, and in the middle only the ups and downs of random chance—without life, without pattern, the peaks and valleys at different heights like uneven grains of sand, the whole curve like a one-dimensional desert made of all the grains of sand lined up in a row, lonely, desolate, so long that it was intolerable. You could follow it and go forward or backward as long as you liked, but you’d never find the end.

这一段翻译的难度很高,但读完英文感觉译者翻起来毫不费力,一气呵成,这需要深厚的语言功底。译者使用crawl来指曲线在显示器上缓慢移动的状态,形象且准确。对于一些句子译者在翻译时也做了意思上的补充以使其更加符合英文表达习惯,比如“叶文洁感到这条无限长的曲线就是宇宙的抽象”,处理为:Ye felt this interminable wave was an abstract view of the universe. 如果直接译成:Ye felt this interminable wave was an abstraction of the universe. 在英语语境中会比较晦涩。







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