Backward Slash Symbol (\) 您所在的位置:网站首页 slash插画 Backward Slash Symbol (\)

Backward Slash Symbol (\)

2024-03-18 17:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Backward Slash Symbol \ Symbol Format Data \ Code Point U+005C SVG All symbols Usage

The backward slash symbol is used in computing as an escape character. In the typesetting language the symbol denotes the start of a command or specific symbol. Typically, the symbol is used in an expression like this:


In plain language, the backslash symbol is indicating the start of a TeX command. In this case, the command is the “pi” command and the symbol gets rendered like shown below:

Related Underscore | Symbol

The underscore character is a keyboard character that is used for various poses. In math, the underscore character is used in typesetting systems to denote subscript expressions.

Forward Slash | Symbol

The forward slash operator is used in computing to represent the division operator.

Union | Symbol

The set union symbol, also called the cup symbol, represents the union operator in set theory.

Intersection | Symbol

The cap symbol is used in mathematics as the set intersection operator. It also is used in probability to represent the occurrence of two events.

Links TeX

TeX is a popular typesetting system for authoring technical documents and math expressions.






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