experience作为名词,有哪些同义词? 您所在的位置:网站首页 skill的短语搭配在某方面的技巧有哪些 experience作为名词,有哪些同义词?


2024-03-08 06:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Experience synonyms as a noun, meaning skills and previous work in somethingExperience作为名词,表示本领和以前的工作经验。

1.Skill 本领;技能

The skills that you have are the abilities you have to do something.你拥有的本领是要做某事必须要有的能力。


Your writing skills are incredible.你的写作技巧好得令人难以置信。

William has enough skill to win the tournament, but only if he keeps practicing.威廉有足够的技巧赢得比赛,但前提是他坚持练习。

2.Practical knowledge实用性知识

Having practical knowledge in something means to have done it.对某事有着实用性知识说明你已经做过这件事了。


Much of what a formal education is lacking is the practical knowledge you need to succeed in the world, especially concerning money and investing. 正规教育缺少的是你在世界上取得成功所需要的实用知识,尤其是涉及金钱和投资的知识。

Noah decided to do the internship instead of volunteering at his church like he did every summer because he wanted to get some practical knowledge in his field now that he was in college. 诺亚决定做这个实习,而不是像每年夏天那样去教堂做志愿者,因为他想在大学里获得一些实用的知识。

3. Practice实践;练习

Practice is the act of doing something over and over and slowly improving over time. For many skills, practice is required if you want to improve, such as for playing a sport, writing, designing, or public speaking. 练习是一遍又一遍地做一件事,慢慢地慢慢地改进。对于很多技能来说,如果你想提高自己的能力,比如从事体育运动、写作、设计或公开演讲,就需要练习。


It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something, according to Malcolm Gladwell. 马尔科姆·格拉德威尔说,要想成为某方面的专家,需要花费1万小时的时间练习。

All the athletes that you look up to spend the majority of their lives practicing their sport.所有你所敬仰的运动员,他们的大部分时间都在练习。


Training a special kind of instruction or education that helps you improve a certain skill.培训一种特殊的指导或教育,帮助你提高某种技能。


The training that Molly wants to attend will cost several thousand dollars, but she thinks it will be worth it.莫莉想参加的训练将花费几千美元,但她认为这是值得的。

Even animals have to receive training to be ready to perform at the circus or in a theme park show. 即使是动物也必须接受训练,才能在马戏团或主题公园表演中表演。


Learning is the process through which you gain knowledge or skills. It may be dependent on having a teacher to help you, but can also be done yourself.学习是你获得知识或技能的过程。这可能需要老师帮助你,但也可以自己完成。


If you cannot do something, you can try learning it before asking for help. 如果你不能做某事,在求助之前,你可以自己学习一下。

Jeremy’s teacher is not very clear, so he has to do a lot of learning by himself. 杰里米的老师不是很懂,所以他必须自己学很多东西。


Education is systematized learning and a transfer of skills from teacher to student. Most of the time, it refers to a formal school system, including university.教育是系统化的学习,老师将技能传授给学生。


While having a basic education is important, many skills can be learned on your own through the internet now. 虽然有基础教育是很重要的,但是现在你可以通过互联网自学很多技能。

Education often requires you to learn through books, but practical experience is just as, if not more, important. 教育通常要求你通过书本来学习,但是实践经验,即使不是更重要,也和书本同样重要。

7.Background 背景

Having a background or experience in something means to have some context in it. This can often include educational or work experience.在某事上有背景有经历,说明你曾经跟这件事有关联。这里通常包括教育或工作经验。


Even though Tyler has a background in psychology instead of marketing, he has shown that what he knows can bring a different perspective for our products.尽管泰勒没有市场营销的背景,有心理学背景,但是他已经证明了他所知道的可以为我们的产品带来不同的视角。

What is your educational and professional background? 你的教育和专业背景是什么?


The things that you know are your knowledge, whether it is something you know how to do or facts that you can teach to someone else.你所知道的东西都是你的知识,无论是做事方法或是你可以教给别人的事实。


A thirst for knowledge is the mark of a good student.求知欲是好学生的标志。

Some knowledge you can only learn from a book, but other knowledge you can only learn from doing something. 有些知识你只能从书本上学到,但其他知识只能从实践中学到。


Another term for know-how is the French savoir faire, which is also used in English to mean the ability to know what to do and handle a situation. Know-how的另一种说法是French savoir faire, 这在英语中也经常使用,意为知道该做什么和处理什么情况的能力。


Barney has outstanding know-how when it comes to getting people to do what he wants.巴尼有让别人按他的意愿做事的诀窍。

Being a great translator takes a lot of know-how, which can only be gained over years of practice and experience. 做一个伟大的翻译需要大量的诀窍,这只能在多年的实践和经验中获得,并且可能有一个好的导师。

Experience synonyms as a noun, meaning something that happens。Experience作为名词的同义词,表明已经发生的事情。


Anything that happens can be an incident, but the word sometimes refers to bad things that happen. 任何发生的事情都可能是一个事件,但是这个词有时指的是不好的事情。


There was an incident of misbehavior at the school, so the children’s parents were called. 学校里发生了一件不当行为引起的事件,所以孩子的父母被叫去了。

The incident at the office served as a warning for the leadership.办公室发生的这一事件是对领导层的警告。


An event is anything that happens as well, but events are usually of some importance or interest.Event也是发生的事情,但event通常指通常是重要的或有趣的事件。


Will you attend the events to raise money for the charity?你会参加这些活动来为慈善事业筹集资金吗?

Nancy invited me to her barbeque event for the Fourth of July, and I already told her that we would go. 南希邀请我参加她在七月四日的烧烤活动,我同意了。


Another word for experience, a happening usually refers to something informal and quick, such as a get-together between a group of friends. In some contexts, a happening may refer to a play or act.另一个指经验的词是happening,happening通常指一些非正式的、快速的事情,例如一群朋友之间的聚会。


Did you see the news about the new happening at the theater? 你看到那个剧院上演的新戏了吗?

Frank invited me to the happening at Tess and Jenna’s place tonight but I’m not sure I will go.弗兰克邀请我参加今晚在苔丝和珍娜的活动,但我不确定是否会去。


While an affair can be an instance of someone who is in a relationship cheating, in this context it means a type of event, usually something fancy and formal like a party or gala. 在某种情况下,affair可能是一种出轨的行为,但在这种情况下,它意味着一种事件,通常是一种奇特而正式的聚会或庆典。


The Winterbottoms are planning a Christmas affair to raise money for their charity foundation.温特伯顿公司正计划举办一场圣诞盛事,为他们的慈善基金会筹集资金。

No one would take responsibility for the disastrous media affair, but the company recovered anyway. 没有人会为这场灾难性的媒体事件负责,但公司还是恢复正常了。


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