shoe是什么意思,shoe怎么发音?shoe的用法 您所在的位置:网站首页 shoe是什么意 shoe是什么意思,shoe怎么发音?shoe的用法


2024-06-29 09:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The shoes are a perfect fit.这双鞋子穿着非常合脚。

My shoe laces have come undone.我的鞋带松开了。

I can feel a nail sticking into my shoe.我觉得有钉子扎进鞋里。

She eased her injured foot into her shoe.她小心翼翼地把受伤的脚伸进鞋里。

His horse cast a shoe.他的马脱落了一只蹄铁。

Your car has worn brake shoes.你的车装上了制动蹄片。


I bent over to put my shoe on the other day and fell off the bench.有一天我弯腰穿鞋时从凳子上摔了下来。


Get yourself the right-type of shoes.你去找双合适的鞋。

Pat took off her left shoe because it was hurting her foot.帕特把左脚上的鞋脱掉,因为她的脚被鞋磨痛了。

These shoes are made of leather.这鞋是皮制的。

I had my shoes shined just before I came.就在我来之前,我让人擦了皮鞋。

Not wanting to be left at a loose end, the retired worker volunteered to repair shoes for the neighbourhood.那位退休工人不愿在家闲着,自愿在街道上帮助补鞋。

I don't pke walking around in my shoes when I'm at home.我在家里不喜欢穿着鞋走来走去。

How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?补一双鞋要多少钱?

Brake shoes make contact the inside of the drum.制动器的刹车片与刹车鼓的内壁相接触。

The horse has cast a shoe.这匹马掉了一个马掌。

In the wedding ceremony, many of his friends came to cast a shoe after him.在婚礼上,他的许多朋友都来向他祝贺。

It was to put the shoe on the other foot.是改变作法的时候了。

She was quaking in her number three shoes for fear of being caught.她因为害怕被逮捕而吓得两条细腿直哆嗦。

I'm not afraid of anybody that walks in shoe leather.什么人我都不怕。

用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.

A man who shoes horses is called a farrier.为马钉蹄铁的人叫做蹄铁匠。

用作名词 (n.)动词+~

brush shoes刷鞋,擦鞋

buy shoes买鞋

cast a shoe掉了一块马蹄铁

change one's shoes换鞋

clean shoes把鞋刷干净

dust off one's shoes把鞋上的尘土掸掉

fill one's shoes就位

get on one's shoes穿鞋

manufacture shoes制造鞋

mend shoes修鞋

popsh shoes擦亮皮鞋

pull off shoes脱鞋

put on shoes穿鞋

shine shoes给鞋打油

spp shoes off脱掉鞋

take off shoes脱鞋

throw a shoe掉了一块马蹄铁

wear shoes穿着鞋

fill in sb's shoes填补某人的空缺

shake in one's shoes两腿直打哆嗦

stand in sb's shoes取得某人的位置,设身处地

step into sb's shoes接替某人的位置


beautiful shoes好看的鞋

comfortable shoes很舒适的鞋

dry shoes干鞋

everyday shoes平时穿的鞋

left shoe左脚穿的鞋

pght shoes轻便鞋

low-heeled shoes低跟鞋

muddy shoe沾满泥巴的鞋

pointed shoes尖头鞋

right shoe右脚穿的鞋

thick-soled shoes厚底鞋

thin-soled shoes薄底鞋

tight shoes紧脚的鞋

wet shoes湿鞋


canvas shoes帆布鞋

cloth shoes布鞋

cotton shoes棉鞋

felt shoes毡鞋

leather shoes皮鞋

rain shoes雨靴

rubber shoes胶鞋

tennis shoes网球鞋

walking shoes轻便鞋

work shoes工作鞋


shoe brush鞋刷子

shoe popsh鞋油


a pair of shoes一双鞋

用作动词 (v.)~+名词

shoe horses为马钉蹄铁







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