牛津小学英语5AUnit 您所在的位置:网站首页 shapes是什么意思英语 牛津小学英语5AUnit


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牛津小学英语5AUnit 9 Shapes (第一课时)教案设计

一、Teaching Material: B. Look, read and learn

C. Ask and answer

二、Teaching Aims and Demands: A. 听、说、读、写单词: a star, shape

听、说、读、单词a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a square, a circle B. 听、说、读、写 句型:

What shape is it / the…? It’s a…

三、Important and Difficult points: A. Words: the pronounce of the words (compare with : rectangle and triangle ) B. Sentences: What shape is it / the…? It’s a…

四、Teaching Aids:

a. word cards b. a tape, CAI c. shapes

五、Teaching Procedures: 课前板书课题 Unit 9 Step1. Warm up Step2. Lead-in

1、Free talk(一方面让学生快速进入英语学习状态,另一方面对新知识的学习作铺垫) T: Boys and girls, do you like English? Ss: Yes, we do.

T: What can you see on the blackboard?

S1: I can see two big trees.(在两颗树上贴星星展开竞赛)

2、T: Today, we’ll learn Unit 9 shapes. (齐读课题,板书)

(通过Free talk引出四会单词 shape的教学,并揭题) Step 3 Presentation


(play a game: guess) T: What’s this? Guess!

Ss: It’s a …(ball) T: What shape is the ball?

Ss: It’s a circle. (说的过程中奖star)学生说The … is a circle.

2、同法教授rectangle 师做手势,请学生跟读, rec- rec -rec- tangle -tangle–tangle, rectangle,

T: Can you find some rectangles in our classroom?(师适当提示:I can find, look, the window is a rectangle.)

3、Square T: What shape is it?(由rectangle引入) S5: It’s a square.(贴黑板上)(学生若答不出,请学生问老师,提前出

示句型What shape is it?) (pass and say) 图形变化为若干个square 和 triangle

T:How many squares/ triangles can you see ? (说的过程中奖star)

4、triangle T: (公共标识) What shape is it? S: It’s a triangle.

课件出示教读该单词。师分音节领读,拿到黑板跟rectangle作比较。T: Look, what can you find? (贴黑板上)

请学生跟读2遍,ask: What shape is it?

Ss: It’s a triangle. (说的过程中奖star)

5、diamond 把用diamond 折成的triangle展开. T: Is it a triangle? What shape is it? S9: It’s a diamond. 教读单词,音标

(出示几样实物操练)学生ask and answer(奖 star)

6、star T(闭眼猜形状) What shape is it? S : It’s a star.

T: Do you have any stars? Ss: Yes. 说句子: Star, star, the star is a star. (要求拼读) Step4.Conolidation

1、.复习巩固circle, rectangle, square, triangle, diamond, star.

2、play a game: What shape do you like ?

3、Do some exercises(课件出示 look and complete) 请学生读一读,做一做,校对答案,师领读.

4、请学生仿照对话内容,make pictures and make dialogues.

Step6. Homework

1、Revise Part B & C. (listen, look, say, read )

2、Find the shapes in our life.


Unit 9 Shapes

What shape is it / the…?

It’s a…(单词卡片)

第二篇:《牛津小学英语》5A Unit9 Shapes 教案

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit9 Shapes 教案



一、 教学内容:

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit9 Shapes 第一课时

二、 教学过程:

Step 1.Warm up 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song:

Step 2.Presentation and practice 1. Present: What shape is…?及其回答 It’s a…

1>T通过实物及学生自制的图形卡片导入句型后利用课件出示句型。 2>T利用实物和图形卡反复演示句型并引导学生猜测其中文。 3>T出示句型卡片,S分组、分男女生读句型。

4>T与班上几个英语较好的学生示范编写对话后S同桌之间编写并表演对话。 2. Present: shapes 1>T通过课件出示本单元B部分单词,引导学生看图说单词。


3. Present:Can you draw…?及其回答 Yes ,I can. /No, I can’t.和Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.及其回答OK.

1>T出示图形卡片,问S:What shape is…? S回答Yes ,I can.的话就很自然的导入Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.并结合手势让S明白这句话的意思。 2>T出示句型卡片,S分组读句型。

3>T与班上几个英语学习较好的学生示范表演对话。 4>S之间相互操练句型。

4. 同法导入

Look at the blackboard.和How many …s can you see?及其回答I can see... 并操练。 5. 利用图片导入sun、moon后出示单词卡片并操练。

Step 3.

Say a rhyme: Step 4.Read and say: 1.通过看课件导入单词teaching和learning后出示单词卡片并操练。 2.Look at the flash then decide whether the statements true or false. 3.Read the dialogue after the tape. 4. Read the dialogue by yourselves. Step 5.

Consolidation: 1. Read the dialogue in roles. 2. Work in groups:

Step 6. Homework:




Unit 9






《牛津小学英语》5A Unit9 Shapes(Part A) 第一课时


教学目标: 1. 认知目标:

单词:四会单词:shape, teach, fly, us, the sun, the moon;

三会单词:square, rectangle, circle 句子:四会句型:What shape is it? It’s a/an… 2. 能力目标:


b.深入挖掘教材资源,利用图片、课文语境等教学资源帮助学生理解课文中的生词,并初步培养学生的猜词能力。 3. 情感目标:

通过巩固、运用环节:Talk about our classroom的设计,利用所学单词和句子讨论shapes,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并提高学生开口说话的意识和能力。 教学重点:

1. 能听懂、会说并读准形状类单词:square, rectangle, circle 2. 能理解并复述课文内容。

3. 能利用所学单词和句子讨论shapes。 教学难点:

1. 能理解并复述课文内容。

2. 能利用所学单词和句子讨论shapes。 教学准备: 课件,磁带 教学过程: A. Warming Up

1.Learn the song :Twinkle, twinkle, little star B. Presentation and practice

1. T:(由Twinkle , twinkle , little star引入) Look at the sky, there are so many stars in the sky.(新授star) T: Star is a star. Star is a shape. 新授shape( she tape) 出示并领读课题:Unit9 Shapes 2.学习各形状

a. T :Boys and girls, look at these pictures.. what shape is the cake? Ss: It’s a circle. 教授句型,板书。

T: What shape is the roof? Ss: It’s a triangle.

e. T: What shape is the window? Ss: It’s a square. 新授square f. T: What shape is this window? Ss:It’s a circle. 新授circle g. T: This is a circle, it’s the sun.新授the sun The moon is a circle, too.新授the moon 同法操练其它形状。 3. Listen and tick T: Miss Li and her students are talking about shapes, too. Listen carefully and then choose the right answer. 1.It is ____. A. an art lesson B. a music lesson 2.Miss li is teaching her students about____. A. colours B. shapes 3.The students are learning how to ___. A. draw pictures B. colour pictures 2.Let’s chant

What ,what , what are you doing? Teaching , teaching ,I am teaching. What , what , what are we doing? learning , learning ,You are learning. 整体感知语篇,找出关键词 3.

Watch and choose(看卡通选出文中所谈论到的物品)

在此过程中教授sun 和moon 4 Read and find(读课文找出各个物品的形状)

Square rectangle circle circle 5 Read and answer 1.Can Liu Tao draw a circle? Yes, he can. 2. How does Miss Li ask Liu Tao to draw the circles?李老师是怎样叫刘涛画圆的呢? Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. 到黑板前来,给我们展示怎样画它 6.

Let’s read Three tips for reading: 1. We should pause when reading a long sentence.在读一个长句时需要有停顿 2. We should use a rising tone at the end of a question.在一般疑问句末尾语调要上扬。

3. Pay attention to the linking part of a sentence.注意句子的连读部分。 C. Consolidation

1.Fill in the blanket(根据课文内容填空)

Now the students are having ___ ___ ____. Miss Li is _____ her students about _____. The students are _____ how to ____them. Look at the blackboard. A boy is ___ ___ ___. The kite is a ____ . The boy has a bag. It’s a _____. There are ____ circles on the blackboard. It’s a kite. Liu Tao can draw a circle. He is drawing the ____ and the____. 2.

Let’s draw

A: I have a watermelon.Guess! What shape is it? B: Is it a____? A: No, it isn’t./Yes, it is. B: Show us your picture

第四篇:《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes教学设计

《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 9 Shapes教学设计



本节课的教学内容是《牛津小学英语》(译林版)5A Unit 9 Shapes B Look, read, and learn & C Ask and answer部分。本单元主要围绕“形状”这一话题展开教学。本节课是这一单元第二教时,继续巩固学习词汇circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle star, shape以及句型What shape is the...? It’s a... 要求学生能熟练掌握这些词汇和句型,并能在一定情境中灵活运用。




1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇star, shape;

2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle;

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What shape is the...? It’s a...并能在一定情景中进行实际运用。

4. 培养学生的观察能力,发挥学生的想像力和创造力。


1. 教学重点:

(1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇star, shape;

(2)能听懂、会说、会读词汇circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle;

精品论文 参考文献

(3)能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What shape is the...? It’s a...并能在一定情景中进行实际运用。

2. 教学难点:

能用英文描述各种形状,并能在日常生活中用句型What shape is the...? It’s a... 谈论有关“形状”的话题。




Step Ⅰ Warming-up & Revision

1. Enjoy a song: Twinkle, twinkle, little star.


2. Revision.

(1)T: (拿出一个装有正方形毛巾、圆形盘子、长方形盒子的袋子)Look, here’s a bag. There’re three things in it. Do you want to know what they are? Let’s have a look.


T: (手指学生手中的正方形毛巾)What’s this?

Ss: It’s a towel.

T: What shape is it? (板书此句子)

Ss: It’s a square.

T: Good!(将一个正方形卡片贴在黑板上,然后手指学生手中的圆形盘子)Wow, it’s a plate. What shape is it? 精品论文 参考文献

Ss: It’s a circle.

T: (将一个圆形卡片贴在黑板上,然后手指学生手中的长方形盒子)The last thing is a box. What shape is it?

Ss: It’s a rectangle.

(2)T: (将一个长方形卡片贴在黑板上,然后接过学生手中的长方形盒子,这个盒子中装有星形橡皮、菱形书签、三角尺各一个)There’re also three things in it. Do you want to know what they are? Let’s have a look.

[用环节(1)中同样的方式复习单词star, diamond, triangle的听读]

T: (利用课件呈现以上所说到的6种形状)They are all shapes. We often draw shapes at Art lessons. Last class, we learned a text about it. Now let’s talk about the text. (呈现课文情景图)What is Miss Li doing? / What are the students doing? / Look at the blackboard. There’s a boy on it. What is the boy doing? / What shape is the kite? / The boy has a bag. Is it a square, too? / What shape is it? / (呈现另一幅课文情景图) How many circles can you see? / This is Liu Tao. Can he draw a circle?...

【设计意图:通过free talk环节带领学生对上节课的教学内容进行了回顾,并为本节课的教学作好了铺垫。】

Step Ⅱ Presentation

T: Miss Li is an Art teacher. She can draw nice pictures. I can draw pictures, too. Now, let me show you a picture.

T: What’s this? ... This is a robot. It’s made of many shapes. Look at his legs. What shape is the leg?(板书句型What shape is the...? It’s a...)

Ss: It’s a rectangle.


T: Look at his body. What shape is the body?

Ss: It’s a square. 精品论文 参考文献


T: Look at his eyes. What shape is the eye?

Ss: It’s a circle.


T: Look at his feet. What shape is the foot?

Ss: It’s a triangle.


T: (拿出一个纸三角形)What shape is the paper?

Ss: It’s a triangle.

T: Look at his hands. What shape is the hand?

Ss: It’s a diamond.


T: (拿出一张菱形折纸)What shape is the paper? (并利用课件呈现钻石的图片)What shape is it? ... It’s a diamond, too. (继续让学生观察机器人)Look at his mouth. What shape is the mouth?

Ss: It’s a star.


T: 利用课件呈现明星周杰伦的照片)Who’s he? ... He’s a super star, right?


Step Ⅲ Practice

1. Say the words.

T: Now, we can say all the shapes about the robot. Let’s say the words together.

2. Say a rhyme. 精品论文 参考文献

Shape, shape, what shape is the door?

Rectangle, rectangle, it’s a rectangle.

Shape, shape, what shape is the clock?

Diamond, diamond, it’s a diamond.

Shape, shape, what shape is the ruler?

Triangle, triangle, it’s a triangle.

【设计意图:引入富有节奏感且朗朗上口的歌谣,使课堂气氛变得更活跃。更重要的是,将比较难读的三个单词rectangle, diamond, triangle和重点句型设计在同一首歌谣中,可以使学生学得更轻松,起到很好的操练和巩固作用。】

3. Talk about the robot again.

T: You did a good job. Let’s talk about the robot again.



4. Play a game: What’s missing?


【设计意图:通过What’s missing?这个游戏吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的兴趣,使其积极参与到活动中来,学得轻松且记忆深刻。同时,这一游戏还可以培养学生的观察能力。】

5. Let’s draw.

T: Shapes are very interesting. They are very useful. Let’s learn how to draw the shapes. I say, you do, OK? Please draw a circle / square / diamond / rectangle / triangle...


【设计意图:设计任务型教学活动,让学生在听一听、画一画的活动中检测自己对单词的掌握程度,便于及时反馈。同时,还可以提高学生的听力以精品论文 参考文献 及对不同形状的辨识能力。】

6. Play a game: Touch and guess.

T: Most of you can draw shapes correctly. Can you feel the shapes? Let’s play another game.


T: Now play this game with your own things in pairs.


【设计意图:游戏Touch and guess的引入可以极大地调动学生参与课堂活动的热情,并帮助学生操练新学的单词和句型,同时使学生对不同的形状有了更真实的体验。】

7. Ask and answer.

T: Let’s talk about more things.(利用课件呈现教材中的图片)What can you see in the picture? What shapes are they? Please ask and answer in pairs. .

【设计意图:完成教材C Ask and answer部分的练习,培养学生的听说能力,同时巩固本节课的教学内容。】

8. Make a picture with shapes.

T: Shapes are very useful. We can use them to make pictures.(利用课件呈现如下图片)Look at this chicken. It’s made of four circles and three triangles. Can you do like this? Please make pictures with different shapes.

T: (待学生呈现出自己的作品后)You can make so many beautiful pictures. I want to say, “Diamond cuts diamond(强中自有强中手).”

【设计意图:通过拼一拼、画一画的活动使学生感受形状的作用和魅力所在,使他们意识到生活中处处有形状,且形状的组合能够构成无数美丽的画面,精品论文 参考文献 以此培养学生的审美和创新能力。同时,渗透跟单词diamond有关的谚语,扩大学生的知识面。】

9. Listen and write.

T: I want to show you a picture later. But first I’d like to introduce it to you. Please listen and fill in the passage. .

T: Can you guess what the picture is? ...(利用课件呈现如下图片)Look, here it is.


Step Ⅳ Conclusion

T: Today we learned six words about shapes. What are they? ... Shapes are very useful. You can talk about the shapes with these two sentences in your life.


Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Read and copy the new words.

2. Try to make different shapes with your fingers.

3. Draw a picture with the different shapes.

【设计意图:作业的布置使课堂教学延伸到了课外,目的是巩固本课时所学,并激发和保持学生的兴趣,同时培养学生的创造力。另外,这一作业也为下节课的学习(句型Show us how to... How many ... can you see? 的学习)作好了铺垫。】


精品论文 参考文献

第五篇:牛津小学五年级英语Unit 9 Shapes教案

牛津小学五年级英语Unit 9 Shapes教

五年级英语科目集体备课教案 课题:Unit9

Shapes本课初备 课时


教学目标:1.能准确地听、说、读、写四会单词shape四会句型whatshapeisthe...?It'sa...2.能准确地听、说、读三会单词circle,square,diamond,rectangle,triangle,star重点难点:1.掌握以上单词及句型2.注意单词shape,rectangle,triangle,diamond的正确发音课前准备:, 实物,



















五年级英语科目集体备课教案 课题:Unit9

Shapes本课初备 课时











五年级英语科目集体备课教案 课题:Unit9

Shapes本课初备 课时








五年级英语科目集体备课教案 课题:Unit9

Shapes本课初备 课时








五年级英语科目集体备课教案 课题:Unit9

Shapes本课初备 课时












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