Password Protected – WordPress 插件 您所在的位置:网站首页 securityprotected翻译 Password Protected – WordPress 插件

Password Protected – WordPress 插件

2023-09-02 03:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


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Password Protected for WordPress allows you to secure your website with a single password. The ultimate password protection plugin protects your WordPress categories, posts, products, and more with the simplest of ease.

Password Protected does not protect images or uploaded files, so if you enter an exact URL of an image file, it will still be accessible.

Password Protected Features Easy to set up – Password protect your WordPress site with a single password. Set a description – Display text (description or instructions) above or below the password field. reCaptcha v2/v3 – You can enable Google reCAPTCHA v2 or V3 to increase bot security measures. Allow administrators – Option to allow administrators access without entering the password. Allow logged-in users – Option to give logged-in users access to the website. Allow RSS Feeds – Option to allow access to feeds. Allow Rest API Access – Allow admin to access pages and posts. Customization – Customize the password-protected screen, including the background, font, logo, and colors (using Login Designer)

Please note, this plugin works by setting a cookie to allow access to the site. If you are using a caching plugin or web hosting such as WP Engine that has in-built caching, you will need to configure the caching service to be disabled if the Password Protected cookie is set.

Password Protected Pro

Password Protected Pro is equipped with powerful features that will take your WordPress website security to the next level.

Exclude page posts & post types – Option to exclude specific pages and post types from password protection. Limit login attempts – Limit the user’s attempts to enter a password for a specified interval. Lockdown time – Set a time (in minutes) during which users can not enter the password after their login attempts are limited. Usage limits – Set a usage limit after which a password can not be used. Status control – You can change the status of the password (Active, Deactivated, Expired). Manage multiple passwords – Edit, activate, deactivate, or delete passwords (individual or bulk action). Set Expiry Dates – Options to select the expiry date for specific passwords Activity Log Reports – View the Activity Logs of each user, including their IP address, browser, status, date, and time of password attempts. Priority Support – Our team of support professionals will make sure to handle your queries on high priority. Detect hackers and bots from abusing password protection with reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA v2 or v3 empowers your WordPress website to prevent password abuse against automated software, bots, hackers, etc. This anti-spam tool will allow any real user to access your website easily.

Password protect any post type

You can include or exclude any post type from password protection. All of this can be done from the back end using a single password.

Password protect your WordPress site with a single password

Password Protected has the ability to secure your entire website with a single password. Everything from pages to posts will also be protected.

Display password protected content in RSS feeds

You can allow RSS feeds to show a login page after which user accessing the feed can view the password protected content. Disabling the option will restrict any user’s access to the website even if the RSS feed is public.

Password usage limits and complexities

Limits users from entering the password using Password Protected’s Usage Limit counter. Password greater than that limit can not be applicable on the login page.

Usage limits can also be restricted by setting a password expiry from the calendar settings. This prevents users from re-using any given password. Regular password changes mitigate the risk of any security breach.

Limiting password attempts prevents security issues like the Brute Force attack, where hackers keep trying to guess your password until they get it right. A complimentary solution to this feature is the Lockdown Timer, which resets the user’s right to log in after exceeding their login attempt limit.

Monitor and review activity logs for Password Protected

Password Protected’s Activity Log is similar to an audit log that gives you a record of the events that have taken place on your website. To provide you with a better understanding, here is a list of the details you will find in the activity log:

Filter options for passwords used in a specific range (All-time, Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month) IP addresses of the system from where the passwords were attempted. Country names from where the passwords were attempted. Browser names where the password was attempted. Status of the password attempts (successful or failed)

The admin can also perform the search operation on the activity log. You can search by IP, Country, Browser, and Status. For e.g., searching Success will search all the passwords with successful attempts, and searching Failure will search all the orders with failed attempts.

Documentation and support Password Protected Technical Documentation You can open a support ticket here 翻译

If you would like to translate this plugin, you can easily contribute to the Translating WordPress page. The stable plugin needs to be 95% translated for a language file to be available to download/update via WordPress.

屏幕截图 Login page perfectly mimicks the WordPress login.Login page with reCaptcha v3Login page with reCaptcha v2Password Protected general settings page.Password Protected advanced settings page. 安装

To install and configure this plugin…

Upload or install the plugin through your WordPress admin. Activate the plugin via the ‘Plugins’ admin menu. Configure the password options in the Password Protected settings. Upgrading

If you are upgrading manually via FTP rather that through the WordPress automatic upgrade link, please de-activate and re-activate the plugin to ensure the plugin upgrades correctly.

常见问题 How can I change the WordPress logo to a different image?

Install and configure the Login Logo plugin by Mark Jaquith or the Uber Login Logo plugin. This will change the logo on your password entry page AND also your admin login page.

How can I enable feeds while the site is password protected?

In the settings, check the ‘Allow Feeds’ checkbox.

Can I prevent administrators having to enter password?

In the settings, check the ‘Allow Administrators’ checkbox.

I cannot preview my changes in the Theme Customizer

You must be an administrator (have the manage_options capability) and in the Password Protected settings, check the ‘Allow Administrators’ checkbox.

How can I log out?

Just add a “password-protected=logout” query to your URL. eg.

I have forgotten the password. How can I disable the plugin?

If you go to your WordPress admin login page /wp-login.php and it shows the admin login fields, you should still be able to login and disable the plugin.

If the admin login screen insteads shows the Password Protected field, you will need to access your site via SFTP/SSH and delete the Password Protected plugin folder in the plugins folder wp-content/plugins/password-protected.

How can I redirect to a different domain name when logging out?

If passing a redirect URL using ‘redirect_to’ when logging out you need you may need to use the allowed domain names filter to allow redirecting to an external domain.

Where can I report bugs and issues?

Please log issues and bugs on the plugin’s GitHub page. You can also submit suggested enhancements if you like.


If you can, please fork the code and submit a pull request via GitHub. If you’re not comfortable using Git, then please just submit it to the issues link above.

How can I translate this plugin?

If you would like to translate this plugin you can easily contribute at the Translating WordPress page. The stable plugin needs to be 90% translated for a language file to be available to download/update via WordPress.

评价 work ciriman 2023年8月12日 work fine after some settings Love this app and support is 5stars!! burldavep 2023年7月25日 I love this app for 4 months. I had a issue yesterday but they fixed within 24 hours and I bumped the rating back to its well deserved 5 Stars!! Perfect AndyBrunner 2023年7月3日 Simple to use and works as expected! Thanks Simple and lightweight AtDevep 2023年5月29日 Very simple to use. I use this almost on every project protecting the site before publishing. Thank you! Works Great! notanonymous 2023年5月26日 We've been using this plugin for years. Does what it's supposed to and simple to use. Does the job! JerseyAl 2023年5月25日 Simple to setup and use, works as it should, and their support is super-responsive and helpful. 阅读所有103条评价 贡献者及开发者

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更新日志 2.6.4 Fixed – Added compatiblity for PHP version 8.2 Update – Feedback library updated Fix – Parse error related to PHP version 7.2 2.6.3 New – Added Freemius SDK integration. New – Added functionality to login with transient if the cookies are blocked. Fix – Fixed Redirect Issue from excluded page to password protected page. 2.6.2 Fix – Parse error related to PHP version 7.2 2.6.1 Fix – Parse error related to PHP version 7.2 Update – Link to official Google Re-captcha documentation 2.6.0 Improved admin settings interface and introduced NEW tabs structure. NEW: Added Google Recaptcha v2 and v3 to make it more secure. NEW: Added Password Protected top-level admin menu for ease. NEW: Added option to add text above password Field. NEW: Added option to add text below password Field. 2.5.3 Improved Settings HTML structure Added Note regarding compatibility with login designer within dashboard 2.5.2 Made compatibility with Login Designer; Now you can customize the password-protected screen with the customizer using login designer plugin. 2.5.1 Fix – Author name conflict resolved 2.5 Deprecate wp_no_robots and replace with wp_robots_no_robots for WordPress 5.7+ 2.4 Add a Nocache header to the login page redirect to prevent the browser from caching the redirect page. Props De’Yonte W. Remove ‘password-protected’ query from redirects on successful login or logout. Check “redirect_to” query var is set in hidden form field. Props Matthias Kittsteiner. Add favicon to password protected login page. 2.3 Adds password_protected_cookie_name filter for the cookie name. Props Jose Castaneda. Let developers override the capability needed to see the options page via a password_protected_options_page_capability filter. Props Nicola Peluchetti. Don’t use a “testcookie” POST query as it is blocked by Namecheap (and possibly other hosts). Fix warnings in W3 validator – script and style “type” attribute not required. Props @dianamurcia. Translations now via Updated URL references. Props Garrett Hyder. 2.2.5 Added password_protected_login_password_title filter to allow customizing the “Password” label on the login form. Props Jeremy Herve. Fix stray “and” in readme. Props Viktor Szépe. Update Portuguese translation. Props Jonathan Hult. Update Russian translation. Props Alexey Chumakov. 2.2.4 Check that $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is set. 2.2.3 Restrict REST-API-access only if password protection is active. Added viewport meta tag to login page. Added password_protected_show_login filter. Cookie name is not editable in the admin so display just for reference. Use default WordPress text domain for “Remember Me” and “Log In” buttons. 2.2.2 Change locked admin bar icon to green. Fix REST option and always allow access to REST API for logged in users. 2.2.1 Fixed PHP error when calculating cookie expiration date. 2.2 Added admin bar icon to indicate wether password protection is enabled/disabled. Option to show “Remember me” checkbox. Props Christian Güdel. REST API access disabled if password not entered. Admin option to allow REST API access. More robust checking of password hashes. 2.1 Update caching notes for WP Engine and W3 Total Cache plugin. Tested up to WordPress 4.8 2.0.3 Declare methods as public or private and use PHP5 constructors. Show user’s IP address beside “Allow IP Addresses” admin setting. Add and 2.0.2 Check allowed IP addresses are valid when saving. Only redirect to allowed domain names when logging out. 2.0.1 Split logout functionality into separate function. Security fix: Use a more complex password hash for cookie key. Props Marcin Bury, Securitum. 2.0 Added password_protected_logout_link shortcode. Load ‘password-protected-login.css’ in theme folder if it exists. Added password_protected_stylesheet_file filter to specify alternate stylesheet location. Added is_user_logged_in(), login_url(), logout_url() and logout_link() methods. Added Basque, Czech, Greek, Lithuanian and Norwegian translations. Better handling of login/out redirects when protection is not active on home page. 1.9 Fixed “Allow Users” functionality with is_user_logged_in(). Props PatRaven. Added option for allowed IP addresses which can bypass the password protection. Added ‘password_protected_is_active’ filter. 1.8 Support for adding “password-protected-login.php” in theme directory. Allow filtering of the ‘redirect to’ URL via the ‘password_protected_login_redirect_url’ filter. Added ‘password_protected_login_messages’ action to output errors and messages in template. Updated translations. Use current_time( ‘timestamp’ ) instead of time() to take into account site timezone. Check login earlier in the template_redirect action. 1.7.2 Fix always allow access to robots.txt. Added ‘password_protected_login_redirect’ filter. Updated translations. 1.7.1 Fix login template compatibility for WordPress 3.9 1.7 Remove JavaScript that disables admin RSS checkbox. Added ‘password_protected_theme_file’ filter to allow custom login templates. Add option to allow logged in users. 1.6.2 Set login page not to index if privacy setting is on. Allow redirection to a different URL when logging out using ‘redirect_to’ query and full URL. 1.6.1 Language updates by (Arabic, Dutch, French, Persian, Russian). 1.6 Robots.txt is now always accessible. Added support for Uber Login Logo plugin. 1.5 Added note about WP Engine compatibility to readme.txt Requires WordPress 3.1+ Settings now have their own page. Fixed an open redirect vulnerability. Props Chris Campbell. 1.4 Add option to allow administrators to use the site without logging in. Use DONOTCACHEPAGE to try to prevent some caching issues. Added a contextual help tab for WordPress 3.3+. Updated login screen styling for WordPress 3.5 compatibility. Options are now on the ‘Reading’ settings page in WordPress 3.5 1.3 Added checkbox to allow access to feeds when protection is enabled. Prepare for WordPress 3.5 Settings API changes. Added ‘password_protected_before_login_form’ and ‘password_protected_after_login_form’ actions. Added ‘password_protected_process_login’ filter to make it possible to extend login functionality. Now possible to use ‘pre_update_option_password_protected_password’ filter to use password before it is encrypted and saved. Ready for translations. 1.2.2 Show login error messages. Escape ‘redirect_to’ attribute. Props A. Alagha. 1.2.1 Added a “How to log out?” FAQ. Only disable feeds when protection is active. 1.2 Use cookies instead of sessions. 1.1 Encrypt passwords in database. 1.0 First Release. If you spot any bugs or issues please log them here.






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