外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit3 Family matters Developing ideas and Reflection词汇导图语境速记课件(23张ppt) 您所在的位置:网站首页 season有没有复数 外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit3 Family matters Developing ideas and Reflection词汇导图语境速记课件(23张ppt)

外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit3 Family matters Developing ideas and Reflection词汇导图语境速记课件(23张ppt)

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(共23张PPT)词汇导图语境助记Unit 3 Family Mattersjudge导图速记v. 断定,判断;估计;评价judgement n. 判决;判断力;评价1. judgejudge sb. /sth. (on sth. )(根据某事)判断某人/某物judge wh-…判断…judge sb. /sth. to be认为某人/某物是…judging from/by根据…. 判断n. 裁判员;法官in one's judgement在某人看来make a judgement about. 对…作出评价Your judgement is right. Judging from his look he must be angry with us.你的判断是正确的。从他的表情判断,他一定是生我们的气了。语境助记常见的“make+名词”构成的短语:make a difference有影响,有作用 make a decision做出决定make a fire生火 make a living谋生make a mistake犯错误 make friends交朋友make money赚钱 make sense有意义make peace议和 make a joke开玩笑make an appointment约时间联想助记refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事1. He refused to take on any responsibility.他拒绝承担任何责任。2. She was really cut up when all her friends refused to help her.当她所有的朋友都拒绝帮助她时,她真的很伤心。词块积累The anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre is meant to remind us not to forget history. 南京大屠杀纪念日是为了提醒我们不要忘记历史。漫画助记contain导图速记v. 包含;包括;克制;抑制(感情);控制;含有(某种成分);容纳container n. 容器;集装箱2. contain1. 与 contain词形相近的词:certain a确定的curtain n. 窗帘2. contain指某容器中装有某物,也可指某物含有某种成分,而 include指某事物或某人为整体的部分。The container contains many kinds of fruits including apples.容器中装着许多种水果,包括苹果。联想助记be unable to do sth. 不能做某事,不会做某1. Faced with these difficulties,many students found they were unable to pay attention to their study.面对这些困难,许多学生发现他们不能专心学习。2. I tried to contact him but was unable to.我试着跟他联系,却没联系上。词块积累series导图速记series n. 一系列;连续;系列节目a series of一系列3. seriesTV series 电视连续剧后面常跟复数名词,作主语时谓语动词通常用单数形式1. 单复数同形的名词:deer鹿 sheep绵羊 works工厂means手段 Swiss瑞士人 Chinese中国人2. 常用复数形式的名词:trousers裤子 pants裤子 shorts短裤glasses眼镜 headphones耳机 chopsticks筷子联想助记put forward提出;将……提前1. His suggestion put forward at the conference Is worth considering.他在会议上提出的建议值得考虑2. We've put the wedding forward by one week.我们已把婚礼提前了一周。词块积累lead相关短语导图速记lead the way 引路;带路lead a. . . life 过着……的生活4. in the leadlead sb. to do sth.引导某人做某事take the lead 带头lead to导致;造成(后果);通向lead sb. to someplace带某人到某地He led the way,and led us to a village of Tibet We found the local people led a happy life.他带路,把我们带到了西藏的一个村庄。我们发现当地人过着幸福的生活。语境助记“in+the+名词(词组)”构成的短语:in the air流行,在传播中in the distance在远处in the long run从长远来看in the short run从短期来看in the past在过去in the first place第一,首先in the last place最后ln the extreme极度;非常联想助记catch up with赶上;达到(某水平)1. I think we shall soon catch up with them.我想我们很快就会赶上他们了。2. After missing a term through illness he had to study hard to catch up with the others.他因病休学一学期,不得不努力学习好赶上别的同学。词块积累obviously导图速记adv. 显然;明显地obvious adj. 显然的,明显的;易理解的;公认的;当然的;因显而易见而不必要的;平淡无奇的5. obviouslyobviously important显然重要obviously drunk显然喝醉了it is obvious(that)明显be obvious to. . 对……来说容易理解the/an obvious choice当然的选择the/an obvious ending平淡的结尾1. obviously的同义词有:evidently、patently、apparently, plain等She walked slowly down the road,evidently in a of pain.她沿着这条路慢慢地走,显然疼痛万分。联想助记2. 副词 obviously是由“形容词 obvious+后缀-ly”构成的。-y作为副词后缀,可以用在形容词后面,有以下几种用法:表示状态:cheerfully高兴地;兴高采烈地表示方式:financially财政上;经济上表示程度:greatly大大地;非常表示次序:thirdly第三表示时间:recently近来;最近联想助记no solution to. 没有……的解决方法1. There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation.人口过多的问题没有简单的解决方法。2. There is no effective solution to the problem.这个问题没有有效的解决办法。词块积累throughout导图速记prep. 各处,遍及v. 自始至终6. throughoutthroughout the world遍及世界各地prep. 自始至终贯穿整个时期throughout the year一年到头1. “throughout+表示地点的名词”=“all over+表示地点的名词”,意为“遍及”。throughout the world= all over the world 遍及全世界throughout the country=all over the country 遍及全国2. “throughout+表示时间的名词”=“all through+表示时间的名词”,意为“贯穿整个时期”.throughout the year= all through the year 整年throughout the night= all through the night 整夜联想助记remain silent保持沉默1. He had remained silent the whole time.他始终保持沉默。2. The three men remained silent.这三个人保持沉默。3. She remained silent,forcing Buchanan to continue.她保持沉默,逼着布坎南继续下去。词块积累








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