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#slip造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Here is a withdrawal slip already filled in.这是一张填好的取款(存款)凭条。

2、Automatic Leveling Device is the key element for a slip form cement concrete paver.自动找平装置是滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机的关键部份。


4、Power frequency slip source based on DDS technology基于DDS技术的工频频率滑差源

5、Research on grout concrete interface split and slip judgement锚固体中砂浆与混凝土界面开裂滑移判据研究

6、Tucked inside one of the little vases is a slip of paper that reads “Lord Buckingham's china”.其中一个小花瓶中藏着一张纸条,上面写着“白金汉勋爵所属瓷器”。

7、She let the chance of a lifetime slip through her fingers.她让一生中难得的好机会错过了。

8、If you slip up, don't give up! Major changes sometimes have false starts.如果你遇到一些挫折,请不要就此放弃有时候一些重大的改变始于错误的开始。

9、Implementation of CDPD MES API Based on SLIP Server基于SLIP服务器的CDPD MES应用程序接口的实现

10、His slip of tongue brought titters from the crowd.他的口误引起了人群的哄堂大笑。

11、The tax withheld by a withholder shall be noted on the interest settlement slip issued to a client.扣缴义务人代扣税款,应当在给储户的利息结付单上注明。

12、Some countries will slip toward balance of payments crises.一些国家将会出现出现国际收支危机。

13、The structure of a large slip ring for continuous signal is described.介绍一种大型连续式信号汇流环的结构。

14、Texture Simulation of Slip Deformation in FCC Metal of Cold RollingFCC金属滑移形变冷轧织构模拟

15、I wrote it down on a slip of paper.我把它写到一张纸上。

16、Speaking to his new hires, Hastings lets slip a rare glimpse of immodesty.谈到他的新员工,黑斯廷斯滑过一个罕见的不谦虚的一瞥。

17、Making mistakes is part of being a parent, and discipline is an area where we slip up constantly.犯错误是为人父母的一部分,惩戒则是最常犯错误的领域。

18、The parvenu was much too foxy to let slip even a hint of his working - class background.暴发户十分狡猾,他决不暴露自己是工人出身这一事实。

19、He would dress up like various Eastern figures to try and slip into different cultures.他会打扮成不同的东方人物,尝试融入不同的文化。

20、Frightened, you'll slip away.因为害怕,你会就此离去。

21、And I'll slip off in such a way so as to impose silence.我将会以这种方式溜走,为了赋加沉默。

22、Journalists are not meant to leave without a minder but many slip out.记者们在无人陪同的情况下是被禁止外出,但有许多人偷溜出去。

23、Slip - A defect pattern of small ridges found on the surface of the wafer划伤-晶圆片表面上的小皱造成的缺陷。

24、We cannot let this moment slip away.我们不能让机会溜走了。

25、So now I don't want to rappel down on the back side of this slip knot, that would be dangerous.好现在我不要在这个可以拽开的结的这一段下降,太危险了。

26、He is trying to slip out of the pursuers.他竭力摆脱追赶者。

27、Don't let slip such a golden opportunity.机会难得,幸勿失之交臂。

28、A great screaming, and then, slip away.接着一声尖叫,然后滑至一边开走。

29、a friction clutch that will slip with the torque is too great用转矩滑动的摩擦离合器。

30、Keep slippers and a housecoat beside your bed so you can slip them on when you get up.把你的拖鞋和家居服放在床边,这样早上起床的时候就可以直接穿上。

slip翻译n. 滑, 滑行, 事故, 溜, 差错, 滑台, 下降, 插条, 后裔, 板条, 瘦长的年轻人vi. 滑动, 滑倒, 失足, 溜走, 滑落, 犯错, 变坏vt. 使滑动, 滑过, 摆脱, 闪开, 塞入 详情






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