SCI论文催稿信怎么写? 您所在的位置:网站首页 science的中文怎么写 SCI论文催稿信怎么写?


2024-07-09 23:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


在科研领域中,SCI(Science Citation Index)期刊是广大研究者们展示研究成果、促进学术交流的重要平台。然而,随着科研竞争的日益激烈和期刊的审稿周期不确定性,研究者们常常面临着SCI论文投稿后长时间无任何回音的尴尬局面。在这种情况下,撰写一封得体、专业的催稿信成为了促使论文审稿进程的一种重要方式。




明确提及原投稿时间: 在催稿信中,首先应当明确提及您的论文原始投稿时间。这有助于编辑和审稿人了解您的论文在期刊中的审稿进程已经进行了多长时间。例如:“我于[原投稿时间]向贵刊提交了题为[论文标题]的稿件”。指出审稿周期: 您可以简要提及目前SCI期刊的审稿周期情况,这样编辑和审稿人就能更好地理解您的担忧所在。例如:“鉴于目前SCI期刊的审稿周期通常较长,我希望能尽快获得您的反馈。”表达期望的催稿时间: 有礼貌地表达您希望得到审稿结果的时间框架,但同时也要注意避免给出过于紧迫的期望时间。例如:“鉴于我们对该研究的兴趣以及相关领域的最新进展,我希望能在接下来的几周内收到您的审稿意见。”强调对审稿进程的关注: 最后,再次强调您对于论文审稿进程的关注和重视,以及您期待着尽快得到审稿结果的渴望。例如:“我对于您和您团队对于论文的审阅工作充满信心,并期待着您的专业意见。” 综上所述,在写催稿信时,要清晰地说明原投稿时间、提及审稿周期、表达期望的催稿时间,并强调对审稿进程的关注和期待。同时,催稿信要措辞得体、真诚耐心,以促进良好的沟通和理解。通常不是特别着急的话,不建议催稿,有被拒稿的风险。实在想催稿的话,如果投稿后4-5个月,没有收到大修审稿意见,此时可以考虑催稿。小修想催的话,建议在revision提交后的4-5个月。 催稿信模板 模板一

Dear Editor,

I have submitted my revised manuscript titled “标题” [manuscript id: xxx-xxxx] to your journal via the online submission system on xxx(月) xx(日), xxxx(年). The status of " under review " for my manuscript has been lasting for approximately xxx(three) monthes. I would be grateful if you could let me know any further information about my manuscript at your earliest convenience. With best regards! Yours sincerely Your Name [email protected]


Dear [Editor/Reviewer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the status of the manuscript titled “[Title of Your Paper]” submitted to [Journal Name] on [Original Submission Date].

Understanding the rigorous review process that manuscripts undergo, I appreciate the time and effort you and your team invest in evaluating submissions. However, it has been some time since the initial submission, and I wanted to kindly inquire about the progress of the review process for our manuscript. Given the significance of our research findings and the rapidly evolving landscape of our field, we are eager to receive feedback from your esteemed journal. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could provide an update on the status of our submission or an estimated timeline for completion of the review process. Please be assured of our continued commitment to addressing any concerns or queries that may arise during the review process. Should you require any additional information or materials to aid in the evaluation of our manuscript, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Dear Editor,

I hope everything is going well with you. This is xxxfrom xxxUniversity. We submitted the paper titled “XXXXX(Manuscript ID:xxxx)” about xxx months ago. Now we found that the status of our paper is still peer review. According to those papers in the several previous issues of your journal, we found the regular time needed for the review process is about xxx month. So, we would like to ask if the status of our paper is correctly reflected in the submission system. Than you, and we look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Your Name [email protected]


Dear Editor, I hope this email finds you well. It seems that our manuscript(ID:xxx; and titlt: xxx; submitted in xxx of 20xxx) takes a relatively longer review process than those papers published in the previous issues. We would like to ask you can help to send a remainder to those reviewers. Many thanks for your time and support! your sincerely, Your Name [email protected]


Dear Manager,

Manuscript ID: xxxxTitle: xxxx

I am not sure if this is the right time to send you this email. I would like to ask if there is any way to accelerate the review process. This is because I will graduate within xxx month that I urgently need this paper ready for graduation. Many thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes! Your Name [email protected]


Dear Manager,

How are you today? We understand that you need to deal with many manuscripts every day. We have submitted our manuscript about xxx months ago. We would like to check about the review progress. This paper means a lot to us, and a fast publication is much appreciated. Here are the details for the manuscript mentioned above:

Manuscript ID: xxxTitle: xxx Thank you. Yours sincerely, Your Name [email protected] 中文模板

[您的姓名] [您的联系方式] [您的地址] [日期]














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