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06 短文填空20篇(期中真题+名校模拟)

2023-03-29 06:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台2022-2023年八年级英语下期期中高频考点专练(人教版)06 短文填空20篇(期中真题+名校模拟)(2022春·湖南衡阳·八年级校联考期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Last month, our dog welcomed me when I came home ____1____ school. He wanted a walk, but I was too tired. I ____2____ (throw) down my bag and went to the living room. The minute I ____3____ (sit) down in front of the TV, my mom came over.“Could you please take the dog for a walk ” she asked.“Could I watch one show first ” I asked. “No!” she replied ____4____ (angry). “You watch TV ____5____ the time and never help out round the house! I can’t work all day and do housework all evening.” “Well, I work all day at school, ____6____! I’m just as tired as you are!” I shouted back.My mom did not say ____7____ (something) and walked away. For one week, she did not do any housework and ____8____ did I. Finally, I could not find a clean dish ____9____ a clean shirt.The next day, my mom came home from work to find the house clean and tidy.“What happened ” she asked in _____10_____ (surprised).“I'm so sorry Mom. I finally understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home,” I replied.(2022春·江苏泰州·八年级统考期中)根据短文内容,填上适当单词,使短文完整、通顺。给出单词的空格不限一词,没有给出单词的空格限一词。Chinese people have got used to many old habits in our ____11____ (day) life. It’s very difficult for us ____12____ (change) them. For example, we often use our ____13____ chopsticks to take food from the dishes and share it with each other. However, it may make the virus(病毒) spread(扩散) ____14____ people, so local governments are asking people to change the old habit.On February 10, Beihai, a city in Guangxi, started an activity to advise people ____15____ (not use) their personal chopsticks or spoons to take food from the plates. In this way, it helped people stop the spread of the virus. Other cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou also ____16____ (take) action. Taizhou even made standards(标准) of the length and colour of spoons and chopsticks. Such rules could help customers ____17____ (easy) separate(区分) them from personal ones. Although it was not easy for people to follow the new rules at ____18____ (one), most people supported them.Also, people showed good manners(礼貌) in other ways. In Haikou, when lots of people waited outside a shop in a long line, they stood at least one ____19____ away from each other. Besides, Beijing added some new rules. Everyone was asked to cover the mouth and nose with a handkerchief when ______20______ (cough), and to wear a mask when having a cold.During the special time, nearly all the people do things according to the new rules. As we can see, the outbreak(爆发) of COVID-19 may become a turning point for people to give up their old and bad habits.(2022春·浙江绍兴·八年级校考期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。It was a very special day because Dylan Terry came to the West End Children’s Home! Dylan Terry is our favorite singer. We like him because he sings ____21____ (beautiful). He’s cute and he helps the kids a lot.We ____22____ (wait) near the door when a car stopped in front of us. Every one of us was very ____23____ (excite). Finally, he arrived ____24____ shook hands with us. He was so nice! He sang a few songs for us. Some of us even began ____25____ (dance) while he was singing. We enjoyed ____26____ (we) a lot.____27____ our surprise, Dylan joined us for lunch. He brought us a big cake. Everyone ate some and ____28____was delicious. While we were eating, Dylan told us many stories about himself. He even spent eight hours ____29____ (practice) singing when he was a child. But as long as we keep on, we will achieve your dream.It was time to say goodbye and he left. But we all thought it was such ____30____ unforgettable day that we would remember it forever.(2022春·浙江金华·八年级校考期中)Book Crossing, a new way of reading is developing, with book lovers leaving ___31___ (they) books in public places, to be picked up and “borrow” by others.The Belarusian National Technical University (BUTU) was ___32___ first to support the idea in their country. Three years ago, the director of its library, Alexey Kalaban, saw a large glass box of books which were available (可用的) for anyone ___33___ (read), in a Swedish airport. It was a great idea. The question was ___34___ to keep so many books in Minsk.“We put a bookcase in the main building. It is available to everyone ___35___ people can get books easily and read them.” Kalaban explained. “Inside the case, there is a number ___36___ (exact) showing who gave the book and when they gave the book.”Teachers, students and even people living nearby ___37___ (bring) their books. Besides, book sellers gave away some. ___38___ the help of so many people, a lot of bookcases were set in the university. Not long ago, a Minsk night club also placed ___39___ (bookshelf). During the dance break, people can pick up books or magazines which were left there by others and read.Nowadays, booking crossing is getting ___40___ (popular) than before. No doubt, it is a great way to push more people to read and make the whole world a library.(2022春·浙江金华·八年级校联考期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Beth Moon is a photographer ___41___ the US. She likes to travel around the world and take photos of old trees. By doing so, she wants people ___42___ (protect) and value these old trees.Moon began taking photos of trees twenty years ago. At that time, she lived in England. She saw ___43___ old yew(紫衫树) in the countryside. After that, she ___44___ (fall) in love with trees. Till now, she ___45___ (be) to ten countries to take photos of those old trees. The job was not easy, but Moon loved it. To take the ___46___ (good) pictures, she always needed to plan ahead(提前). “I have to ___47___ (careful) think about the best season to take photos of each tree. Most old trees grow in special places. There are few people ___48___ there is less pollution. We can only go there at certain times of the year,” she said.Later, Moon’s book about ___49___ (she) photos came out. There are sixty black-and-white photos in the book. Each one of them is special and they take readers in the ____50____ (wonder) world of trees.评卷人 得分二、短文首字母填空(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校考期中)Just as a famous saying g____51____, “Reading is to success what water is to fish.” Reading is very important for all humans. It can open many doors and can l____52____ you into a path to success. It’s quite clear that every successful person has a good h____53____ of reading. This is because reading is an important way to get the information required to understand something. For e____54____, a good doctor has to know the latest development in medicine by reading.Then, how can you develop an interest in reading There is only one way. Let me explain this to you. If you want to learn how to ride a bike, you have to get on the bike as many times as possible u____55____ you can ride skillfully. It works the same way with reading. If you want to improve your reading, try to read as m____56____ as you can. When you finish reading your first book, take another book and do the same. If you are going out, take a magazine, a book, an article or something e____57____ to read. When you are reading, try to understand w____58____ message the writer is giving to you.So, parents should help to get t____59____ children to read as early as possible. Studies have s____60____ that reading to your unborn child is very good. In this way, your child will like reading later.Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books are good friends.(2022春·江苏扬州·八年级校考期中)Chinese delivery(快递)driver, Gao Zhixiao, whose photo was put on the cover of Times magazine in March because he was picked by the magazine as one of the heroes.Ever since COVID-19 broke out, many restaurants shut down or only provided takeout services. Millions of people stayed at home to prevent t____61____ getting ill. People choose to order food o___62___ instead of going out. As a result, delivery o___63___ greatly increased(增加).Gao was born into a poor family in Ningxia. He l___64___ for Beijing after finishing middle school. A___65___ trying his hand as a dishwasher, a cook, and many other jobs, he worked as a deliveryman in 2012. When the corona virus broke out, Gao decided not to go back home during the Spring Festival and c___66___ working because he thought customers(顾客)might be in need.Later this February, Gao received a s____67____ order that asked him to send medicine for corona virus patients. He thought for a moment and picked up the order. Besides delivering goods, Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an elderly customer who was living a____68____ at her home. Gao said, “I just do w____69____ I think I should do.”On March 19, Times magazine published six covers for its corona virus issue under the theme “When the world stops”. If not for riders l_____70_____ Gao, many families would be infected(感染) while shopping or buying food.(2023春·全国·八年级期中)阅读短文,根据首字母提示,在空白处填入1个适当的单词。It’s a lovely day. Sarah is going to have a picnic in the park with her friends. She has prepared much food, some meat and some v____71____. All are the daily food in our life. But do you know where some of them came from ChickenChickens were once wild birds in the forest of Asia. Around 3,400 years ago, men b____72____ to use chickens. But the birds were small and their meat was hard to eat. So people only k____73____ chickens to fight for sport.ChocolateThe seed of the cocoa tree can be made into chocolate. But 2,000 years ago, people in Central America only d____74____ chocolate. In Europe, chocolate drinks were not popular u____75____ the 1500s when sugar was added.TomatoesAt first, people were a____76____ of eating tomatoes because they belong to a family of poisonous plants. One day, a brave man ate the first t____77____. People were surprised that he didn’t die. They tried the tomatoes and found that they tasted good. Soon tomatoes became very p____78____. The French even gave them a special name, Love Apples.Ice creamLong before ice cream, water ices were popular all over Asia. D____79____ the Tang Dynasty, some people created ice cream from milk. Later, travelers took this idea back to Europe. Soon, many people wanted to try it and the dessert became popular e____80____.评卷人 得分三、短文汉语提示填空(2022春·浙江金华·八年级校联考期中)根据中文提示完成短文。每空限填一词。Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Have you ___81___ (曾经) seen another person that looks exactly like you Of course, you may have seen people who look similar to you, but you may have never seen a person that looks “the same” as you. This is what makes people special. There is only one of each person on the ___82___ (地球). ___83___ (然而), cloning (克隆) technology may change all of this.___84___ (设想) that the person next to you looks, talks, and even acts exactly like you. He or she may think like you too. How would you feel You would be shocked and then grow afraid of getting into ___85___ (麻烦).This does not mean that cloning could only cause bad ___86___ (结果). The technology could be used to find ways to cure(治愈) serious ___87___ (疾病). It could also bring hope to people who can’t have babies.Cloning is a very hot topic. ___88___ (研究) on cloning technology is still going on. Then do you think cloning is ___89___ (有价值的) for humans _____90_____ (可能) only time will tell!(2022春·浙江绍兴·八年级校考期中)You are waiting in line. ____91____(几个)adults come and start talking to the person in front of you. It seems that they are friends, so they cut in line. You are angry and want to ____92____ (争吵;争论)with them. Maybe it’s ____93____(不公平的), but the only thing is to accept it.Yet none of this would happen in Israel here, you can always find a straight line of people waiting patiently. It never ____94____(造成)accidents or trouble. Some are drinking coffee or talking. They enjoy waiting in line and take the chance to relax a little. To Israel is, they know the ____95____(重要性)of following the rules.____96____(最近), I had to pick up a friend at the airport. I ran through a yellow light on my way. The moment I arrived at the airport, suddenly an old Israeli lady drove towards me and rolled down her car to tell me. “You can’t drive like that. Rules are made to make sure you and others are safe. Please obey the rules next time.” I was ____97____(完全地)surprised. I ____98____(认识到)she had been following me for five miles to tell me this! The ____99____(声音)was burned into my mind, and now whenever I see a traffic light ____100____(改变)yellow, I stop the car and rest for a moment.(2022春·浙江金华·八年级校考期中)There is no doubt that parents love us the most in the world. They give us ____101____ (生命) and look after us. They help us to be independent people. No matter what difficulties we face, they provide help for us. The way they love us are different and we can feel love is around.My mother has been a housewife ____102____ (自从) I was born. Nowadays, more and more people ____103____ (期待) mothers to be career(职业) women, and they are considered to be ____104____ (成功的) if they can manage the household chores well at the same time. My mother gave up her ____105____ (梦想). In my eyes, she does the greatest job in the world. She cleans the house and she cooks the food. Every job ____106____ (需要) a lot of patience and only the one with strong will can do it.When I was a child, my father didn’t say much, but he never ____107____ (错过) every important moment of me. Every night before I slept, he would check my homework and ask me the ____108____ (最新的) situation. The comfortable thing was that he ____109____ (鼓励) me and never pushed me hard.Love from parents makes me stronger and will _____110_____ (与……战斗) for my future.(2022春·浙江绍兴·八年级校联考期中)Nowadays, there are many stay-at-home children (留守儿童) in China. You can’t ____111____ (想象) how hard their life is. Firstly, they can’t live with their parents. They miss their parents so much that they often feel ____112____ (孤独的) and unhappy, especially when they are ____113____ (生病). ____114____ (第二), they can’t often talk with their parents so sometimes they can’t be in ___115___ (限制;约束) by other family members. It is easy for them to be ____116____ (疯狂的) and they may often ____117____ (争吵) with others. What’s more, some of them may have ___118___ (问题;困难) in their study and some are under too much pressure, but their parents can’t help them out in time. Luckily, more and more people ____119____ (意识到) the danger and they try to come up with some ways. I _____120_____ (希望) in the near future the life of stay- at -home children will be better.(2022春·浙江嘉兴·八年级校考期中)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出英文单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Dear Mum,I’m having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I ___121___ (更喜欢) Shanghai. Still, it’s a great place to visit and I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English ___122___ (课程). I live with an English family. They are friendly to me. We are getting on ____123____ (好) with each other. By the way, my host family will take me to an Indian film festival next ___124___ (周末).There are so many exciting things to see and to do here. Every day I have many ____125____ (活动) which take place after class. I can take trips to the beaches, Disneyland and so on. I can also go to different shopping ____126____ (中心), cinemas and concerts.There are different kinds of food here. Last night I went for Italian food before the concert. Do you like it I don’t know what to try next.Recently I have made great ____127____ (进步) with my speaking and listening ___128___ (技能). My host family also teaches me something about English ____129____ (文化).In short, I enjoy myself very much and don’t feel lonely, but I still _____130_____ (想念) you a lot.评卷人 得分四、短文语境提示填空(2022春·广东珠海·八年级校考期中)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在横线上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Have you ever seen guide dogs Guide dogs are the best “helping hands” for the ___131___. Most guide dogs are both their eyes and their good friends. What makes dogs become guide dogs The first requirement(要求)is that a guide dog must be healthy and have a good temper(脾气). ___132___, one of the dog’s parents must be a guide dog. Third, when they are two months ___133___ they would be sent to the training center. People there train them how to get along ___134___ people. Then they can understand ___135___ to help people. Fourth, when they are one year old, they have to return to the training center to learn more skills about ___136___ people. Then, if they pass the test, they will be guide dogs.Guide dogs help the blind ___137___. Can other animals help disabled people Now, some other animals are being trained to help them. In the USA, some monkeys have been specially ___138___ to help those people that can’t move anymore. The monkeys can put a CD into the CD player, open the fridge to get ___139___, turn on the light and even hand the owner the TV remote control(遥控器). ___140___ these tasks are simple, the monkeys have at least 18 months’ training to be able to do them. Animals are not only people’s pets, but also our best helpers.(2022春·广东韶关·八年级校考期中)Tom missed his teacher Ms. Zhou a lot, so he wrote a letter to her.How are you ____141____ Because ____142____ the epidemic(疫情), we have to stay at home for such a long time. During these special days, ____143____ we can only have classes online, you have made your classes so interesting ____144____ we want to have your lessons every day. It is you who care about us and often communicate ____145____ us through WeChat. With your help, I ____146____ great progress in the last exam. With your help, I understand the ___147___ of confidence(自信) and persistence(坚持). You also tell us that what we learn today will make ____148____ difference to my life in the future.I want to let you know that you are one of my favorite ____149____. And I really hope ____150____ you again in our beautiful campus soon.(2022春·广东珠海·八年级校考期中)短文填空It was the first day when we moved into this house. My son Roy ran around with great excitement and tried to move ___151___ own things into the house. Suddenly, he knocked a bottle of paint off the bookshelf. The tidy floor and the white wall are in ___152___ mess. “Oh, my God!” My wife rushed in right away and she was really ___153___ with Roy. I looked at my son, and he was so nervous.I smiled, held his hand and said, “Take it ___154___, Roy. Now let’s do something to make it look nice. “I came ___155___ with an idea and took out a brush. “Dad is a magician. I can change it into a big tree,” I said. We ___156___ the whole afternoon painting and laughing. In the end, a beautiful forest ___157___ plants and small animals showed on the wall. That day, everyone in the house knew something special happened.Many years later, before Roy left for Harvard University, he asked me ___158___ I still remembered that day. “Since then I’ve never worried about making mistakes,” he said. “I believe I can always find ___159___ ways to solve the problems.” I knew I made a ____160____ to him and felt happy.评卷人 得分五、短文综合填空(2022春·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·八年级统考期中)阅读短文,根据首字母或所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通顺。Do you often feel tired in the middle of a class If so, you may think the teacher’s class is not interesting, so you have the f____161____ of sleepiness. However, the real r____162____ is probably that you don’t have enough sleep. Perhaps you ____163____ (sleep) when your teacher gave you important points in yesterday’s English class!W____164____ do we need sleep every day Sleep can help our body heal (修复), grow, and keep ____165____ (health). Also it can give us energy (精力), so we can be active all day.Then how much sleep do we need The older you get, the ____166____ (little) sleep you will need. New-born babies sleep m____167____ of the time. They can sleep 20-22 hours a day. ____168____ (child) need 10-12 hours of sleep a day. Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep a day. Enough sleep can provide lots of energy f____169____ them to grow up. Grown-ups _____170_____ (usual) need only 6-8 hours of sleep to keep active.(2022春·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·八年级期中)Should kids do chores In our country, many parents believe that their children should not do chores. Some of them feel that their ___171___ (child) schoolwork is very important and that chores only take time away f___172___ those more important lessons. Some parents feel it’s just easy to do the job ___173___ (them)—chores for kids would w___174___ too much of their time. Still other parents would say, “You’re only young once.” and feel that children should have more playtime ___175___ (enjoy) themselves.It is also important for us to teach them life s___176___ when we care about their schoolwork. When our kids are at home with us, we need to d___177___ their independence by making them do some chores.Our kids hope to help out with chores at a very young age. Most young children really like to help their parents—they want to spend time with parents and ___178___ (do) the same things as their parents do. If you have young children, now it’s the b___179___ time to invite them to help out with the chores. You will find them very ____180____ (happy) to do that.(2022春·福建厦门·八年级厦门双十中学校考期中)阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。The Ph.D.degree(博士学位)is the highest degree one can get at university. _____181_____ [ ri sntli], an 89-year-old man named Manfred Steiner got a Ph.D.dergree in physics (物理学) and made the news. It is really difficult to _____182_____ [ m d n] such an old man could get a Ph.D.degree.In fact, Manfred Steiner didn’t really need another Ph.D.degree, because he already had two. He had been a professor(教授) for years.Manfred Steiner was very _____183_____ [ klev (r)] when he was young. He did very well in his studies. At high school, he showed great _____184_____ in physics. However, his parents advised him to study medicine. He followed their _____185_____ and went to study medicine at university. In 1955, he got his Ph.D.degree in medicine and in 1967, he got his _____186_____ (two) Ph.D.degree.In 2000, Manfred Steiner retired (退休), but he didn’t want to _____187_____ [we st] time. He still _____188_____ (remember) his childhood dream. He realized that he still had time to study physics. So he made a _____189_____ (decide) to take physics classes. After years of hard work, he finished enough classes to get a(n) collge degree. That’s when he decided to get a Ph.D.It took him a long time, but at the age of 89, he finally got his Ph.D.degree in physics.Manfred Steiner set a good example. Never give _____190_____ your dream if you have one. And remember: you are never too young or too old to learn.(2022春·福建厦门·八年级厦门五缘实验学校校考期中)阅读下面的短文,根据语境,音标或单词提示,在每个空格内填入适当的单词,使短文完整,行文连贯。Jane is a warm-hearted girl. She is only ten years old, but she has big ideas of helping other kids.Jane took part in a winter camp ____191____ the age of eight. During her stay in the camp, she went to visit some kids in poor areas and was sad to ____192____ / n t s/ that the kids there didn’t have new clothes to wear and toys to play with. After she came back home, she kept thinking about ____193____ to do to help those kids.One morning, Jane saw some elder kids ____194____ (sell) lemon juice by the street. They wanted to ___195___ /re z/ money to help their friends. Then she came up with an idea.Jane’s mom ____196____ (understand) her and helped her to set up her first lemonade stand (摊位). In a week, it made $52 in all. ____197____ it was only a little money, she helped 12 kids with it! She felt very ____198____ / k’sa t d/ when she saw smiles on their faces.After that, her mother helped her start a program called Jane’s Lemonade for Love. Up to now, she has already given away ____199____ (many) than $17,000 to the poor kids! She is going to spend the money on clothes, toys and books. A big thing always starts with many small things. When we are starting doing something small, we are making a big ____200____ (different) to this world.参考答案:1.from 2.threw 3.sat 4.angrily 5.all 6.too 7.anything 8.neither 9.or 10.surprise【导语】本文主要讲述了作者和母亲因为做家务发生了分歧,最后明白要共同承担家务的道理。1.句意:上个月,当我放学回家时,我们的狗欢迎我。根据“came home…school”可知是从学校回家,应用介词from,表示“从……”。故填from。2.句意:我扔下书包然后去了客厅。文章时态为一般过去时,此处谓语动词用过去式。故填threw。3.句意:我一坐在电视机前,我妈妈就过来了。此句是the minute引导的时间状语从句,主句时态为一般过去时,从句时态也用一般过去时。故填sat。4.句意:她生气地回答。此处应用副词修饰动词replied。故填angrily。5.句意:你一直在看电视,从不在家里帮忙!短语all the time表示“一直”。故填all。6.句意:好啊,我也在学校学了一整天。根据前文“I can’t work all day and do housework all evening.”可知妈妈表示不能整天工作,整晚做家务,因此作者表示自己也忙了一天,肯定句句末应用too表示“也”。故填too。7.句意:妈妈没有说什么然后就走了。此句是否定句,应把something改为anything。故填anything。8.句意:一个星期,她都没有做任何家务并且我也没有。根据连词and可知表示我也没有做家务,neither did I表示“我也没有”。故填neither。9.句意:最后,我找不到一个干净的碟或一件干净的衬衫。此句是否定句,应用or连接两个并列的成分。故填or。10.句意:她惊讶地问。短语in surprise表示“惊讶地”。故填surprise。11.daily 12.to change 13.own 14.among 15.not to use 16.took 17.easily 18.first 19.metre##meter 20.coughing【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了在疫情期间,各地采取了相关措施改变旧习惯,例如使用公筷、排队相距一米等。11.句意:中国人已经习惯了我们日常生活中的许多旧习惯。day“天”是名词,daily“日常的”是形容词,修饰名词用形容词,故填daily。12.句意:我们很难改变它们。it的固定句型“it is+形容词+ for sb to do sth”意思是“做某事对某人来说是……的”,故填to change。13.句意:例如,我们经常用自己的筷子从盘子里取出食物,并相互分享。根据后文“it may make the virus spread”可知,用自己的筷子取食物会扩散病毒。own“自己的”,故填own。14.句意:然而,它可能会使病毒在人群中传播,因此地方政府要求人们改变这个旧习惯。根据“it may make the virus spread...people”可知,病毒在人群中扩散。among the people“在人群中”,故填among。15.句意:2月10日,广西北海市开始了一项活动,建议人们不要用个人筷子或勺子从盘子里取食物。advise sb not to do sth“建议某人不要做某事”,故填not to use。16.句意:北京、上海和杭州等其他城市也采取了行动。根据该段可知时态是一般过去时,填take的过去式took。故填took。17.句意:这样的规则可以帮助客户很容易地将它们与个人规则区分开来。easy“容易的”是形容词,easily“容易地”是副词,用副词来修饰动词separate,故填easily。18.句意:尽管人们一开始遵守新规则并不容易。one“一”,first“第一”,at first“起初”,故填first。19.句意:在海口,当很多人在商店外排着长队等待时,他们站在相距至少一米的地方。根据“lots of people waited outside a shop in a long line, they stood at least one...away from each other.”可知,排队时要相距一米。“米”metre/meter,故填metre/meter。20.句意:每个人咳嗽时都被要求用手帕捂住口鼻,感冒时都要戴口罩。when引导的时间状语从句省略了主语和be动词,此处应填动词现在分词形式,故填coughing。21.beautifully 22.were waiting 23.excited 24.and 25.to dance##dancing 26.ourselves 27.To 28.it 29.practicing 30.an【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了迪伦·特里来西区儿童之家这一天发生的事情。21.句意:我们喜欢他,因为他唱歌唱得很好。通过对句子结构的分析可知,此处需填入副词,修饰前面的动词“sings”。beautiful“很好的,出色的”,其副词为beautifully“很好”。故填beautifully。22.句意:当一辆车在我们前面停下来时,我们正在门边等待。根据时间状语“when a car stopped in front of us”可知,主句表达的是过去某个时间点正在进行的动作,时态需用过去进行时。故填were waiting。23.句意:我们每个人都很激动。excite“使兴奋,使激动”,对应的形容词有excited“兴奋的,激动的”和exciting“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”。通常,-ed形式形容词修饰人,-ing形式形容词修饰物,根据“Every one of us was very...”可知,此处是描述人的情绪,需用-ed形式形容词excited。故填excited。24.句意:最终,他到达了,并和我们握手。根据“Finally, he arrived...shook hands with us.”可知,此处需填入表并列的并列连词,and符合题意。故填and。25.句意:当他唱歌时,我们中的一些人甚至开始跳舞。因为动词begin后既可以接不定式作宾语,也可以接动名词作宾语,所以,此处to dance或dancing都符合题意。故填to dance/dancing。26.句意:我们玩得非常开心。此处考查短语enjoy oneself“玩得开心”。we的反身代词为ourselves。故填ourselves。27.句意:令我们惊讶的是,迪伦和我们一起吃午餐。此处考查介词短语to one’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”。故填To。28.句意:每个人都吃了一些食物,并且,它很美味。通过对句子结构的分析可知,and连接的是两个并列分句,后面的分句无主语,所以,需填入代词充当主语。又根据“Everyone ate some and...was delicious.”可知,前面分句中的“some”等同于“some food”,设空处填入的代词要能够指代“some (food)”,it符合题意。故填it。29.句意:当他还是一个孩子时,他甚至花8小时练习唱歌。此处考查固定搭配spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。practice“练习”,其动名词形式为practicing。故填practicing。30.句意:但是我们都认为这是如此难忘的一天以至于我们会永远记得。根据空后的“unforgettable day”可知,此处需填入不定冠词an。故填an。31.their 32.the 33.to read 34.how 35.because 36.exactly 37.brought 38.With 39.bookshelves 40.more popular【导语】本文介绍“图书漂流”是一种新的阅读方式,爱书的人把自己的书放在公共场所,捡获这本书的人可以取走阅读,读完后再将其放回公共场所等待下一位读书人。31.句意:“图书漂流”,一种新的阅读方式正在发展中,爱读书的人把书放在公共场所,让别人捡起来“借”。此处作定语修饰books,用形容词性物主代词形式,故填their。32.句意:白俄罗斯国立技术大学 (BNTU) 是该国第一个支持这一想法的大学。the first to do sth“第一个做某事”,序数词前加定冠词the。故填the。33.句意:任何人都可以免费阅读。根据“They were free for anyone...”可知,此处是“主语+be+形容词+to do sth”结构,用不定式的主动形式表被动意义,主语they是不定式to read的逻辑宾语。故填to read。34.句意:问题是如何在明斯克保存这么多书。根据“The question was...to keep so many books in Minsk.”可知,此处指“如何在明斯克保存这么多书”,how“怎么”符合语境。故填how。35.句意:它对每个人都可用,因为人们可以很容易地获得书籍并阅读它们。根据“It is available to everyone...people can get books easily and read them.”可知,空处后为句子,此处应填连词,前后句为因果关系。故填because。36.在箱子里,有一个数字准确地显示了谁送了这本书,以及他们什么时候送的。此处在句中修饰动词showing,用副词形式。故填exactly。37.老师、学生甚至住在附近的人都带来了他们的书。根据“Besides, book sellers gave away some.”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,动词需变为过去式。故填brought。38.句意:在这么多人的帮助下,大学里布置了很多书柜。with the help of...“在……的帮助下”,句首需大写首字母。故填With39.句意:不久前,明斯克的一家夜总会也摆放了书架。此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式。故填bookshelves。40.句意:如今,图书漂流比以前更受欢迎。根据“than before”可知,此处应使用形容词比较级形式。故填more popular。41.from 42.to protect 43.an 44.fell 45.has been 46.best 47.carefully 48.and 49.her 50.wonderful【导语】本文主要讲述了Beth Moon通过拍摄树木的图片呼吁人们珍惜古老的树木。41.句意:Beth Moon是一位来自美国的摄影师。根据“the US”可知,Beth Moon来自美国,故填from。42.句意:通过这样做,她希望人们能够保护和珍惜这些古老的树木。根据“want sb to do sth”可知,需要用动词不定式,故填to protect。43.句意:她在乡下看到了一棵老紫杉。根据“old yew”可知,需要不定冠词表示泛指,old是元音音素开头的单词,an符合句意,故填an。44.句意:从那以后,她爱上了树。根据“She saw”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,fell符合句意,故填fell。45.句意:到目前为止,她已经去了十个国家拍摄这些古树的照片。根据“Till now”可知,句子时态是现在完成时,主语是she,助动词用has,故填has been。46.句意:为了拍出最好的照片,她总是需要提前计划。根据“the”可知,此处需要用最高级,故填best。47.句意:我必须仔细考虑拍摄每棵树的最佳季节。根据“think about”可知,副词修饰动词,故填carefully。48.句意:人口少,污染少。根据“There are few people”可知,前后两句是并列关系,and符合句意,故填and。49.句意:后来,Moon关于她的照片的书问世了。根据“photos”可知,需要形容词性物主代词修饰名词,her符合句意,故填her。50.句意:每一本书都很特别,带读者进入树木的奇妙世界。根据“world of trees”可知,需要形容词修饰名词,wonderful符合句意,故填wonderful。51.(g)oes 52.(l)ead 53.(h)abit 54.(e)xample 55.(u)ntil 56.(m)uch 57.(e)lse 58.(w)hat 59.(t)heir 60.(s)hown##(s)howed【导语】本文讲述阅读的重要性。阅读之于成功正如水之于鱼,阅读可以帮助我们得到更多的信息,进一步帮助我们获得成功。51.句意:正如一句名言所说:“读书之于成功,犹如水之于鱼”,根据“Reading is to success what water is to fish.”及首字母可知,空处用go,动词,a famous saying作主语,单数形式,所以谓语动词使用三单goes,故填(g)oes。52.句意:它可以打开许多门,并可以引导你走向成功之路。根据“a path to success”及首字母可知此空应填lead,情态动词can+动词原形。故填(l)ead。53.句意:很明显,每个成功人士都有一个阅读的好习惯。根据“Reading is very important for all humans. It can open many doors and can lead you into a path to success.”及首字母可推知,此处应用habit,名词,“习惯”; a冠词,一个,后跟名词单数,故填(h)abit。54.句意:例如,一个好医生必须通过阅读来了解医学的最新发展。根据“a good doctor has to know the latest development in medicine by reading”可知此处是举例子,其英文为for example。故填(e)xample。55.句意:如果你想学骑自行车,你必须尽可能多地骑,直到你能熟练地骑车。根据“you can ride skillfully (熟练地).”及首字母可知,此处填until连词,“直到”,引导时间状语从句,故填(u)ntil。56.句意:如果你想提高你的阅读能力,尽量多阅读。根据“as …as you can”及首字母可知此处是短语as much as you can。故填(m)uch。57.句意:如果你要出去,带一本杂志、一本书、一篇文章或其他东西去读。根据“a magazine, a book, an article”及首字母可知,此处指除杂志、书及文章以外别的东西,else形容词,“其他的”,修饰不定代词something时,else后置,故填(e)lse。58.句意:当你阅读时,试着去理解作者给你的信息。根据“try to understand w ... message the writer is giving to you”及首字母可知,此处应填what,在句中作宾语从句的连接词,what message“什么信息”,在宾语从句中作give的宾语,故填(w)hat。59.句意:所以父母应该帮助他们的孩子们尽早阅读。根据“parents”及首字母可知此处表达他们的孩子们。故填(t)heir。60.句意:研究表明给你未出生的孩子读书是很好的。根据语境可知,本句为现在完成时态,其结构为have/has + 动词的过去分词;又根据句意及首字母可知,此处指表明,show动词,“展现出、表明”;showed/shown过去分词,故填(s)howed/(s)hown。61.(t)hemselves 62.(o)nline 63.(o)rders 64.(l)eft 65.(A)fter 66.(c)ontinued 67.(s)pecial 68.(a)lone 69.(w)hat 70.(l)ike【导语】本文介绍中国快递员高治晓的事迹。他的照片于3月登上了《时代》杂志的封面,他被该杂志选为英雄之一。61.句意:数百万人呆在家里防止自己生病。根据“Millions of people stayed at home to prevent”和“getting ill”可知此处指“呆在家里防止自己生病”;主语Millions of people是复数名词,其相应的反身代词为themselves“他们自己”。故填(t)hemselves。62.句意:人们选择网上订餐,而不外出。根据“instead of going out”及首字母o可知此处应是指“网上订餐”,应用online来表示“在网上”。故填(o)nline。63.句意:因此,派送订单大幅增加。根据上文“People choose to order food…instead of going out”可知人们选择在网上订餐而不是外出,因此派送订单大幅增加;“订单”应用名词order,此处应用其复数形式orders。故填(o)rders。64.句意:他中学毕业后去了北京。根据“for Beijing”及首字母l可知此处应用动词短语leave for表示“出发去(某地)”,句子应用一般过去时,动词leave的过去式为left。故填(l)eft。65.句意:在尝试过做洗碗工、助理厨师和其它许多工作后,他在2012年成为了一名快递员。根据“he worked as a deliveryman in 2012”可知此处指“在尝试多种工作后,他成为快递员”;根据首字母A可知应用介词after表示“在……之后”。故填(A)fter。66.句意:当新型冠状病毒爆发时,在春节期间,高决定不回老家,继续工作,因为他认为顾客可能会有需要。根据“Gao decided not to go back home during the Spring Festival”可知他决定不回老家,说明是继续工作;根据首字母c可知“继续”应用动词continue,此处应用其过去式continued。故填(c)ontinued。67.句意:今年二月晚些时候,高收到了一份特别订单,叫他为新冠病毒患者送药。空格在不定冠词和单数名词之间,填形容词;根据“asked him to send medicine for corona virus patients”可知这订单要求他给新冠患者送药,可知这是一个特殊的订单;根据首字母s可知“特别的”是形容词special。故填(s)pecial。68.句意:曾经有一次,高热心地为一位独自住在家里的老年顾客做饭。根据“cooked for an elderly customer”和“at her home”可知是在老年顾客的家里给她做饭;由此可知,这个老年人是独居;空格在动词后,根据首字母a可知应填副词alone表示“独自”。故填(a)lone。69.句意:高说:“我只是做我应该做的。”分析句子成分可知此处是宾语从句的引导词,指“做我应该做的事”,根据首字母w可知应用what来引导该宾语从句。故填(w)hat。70.句意:如果不是像高这样的骑手,许多家庭在购物或购买食物时就会被感染。根据“riders”和“Gao”可知此处指“像高这样的骑手”;根据首字母l可知此处应用介词like表示“像”。故填(l)ike。71.(v)egetables 72.(b)egan 73.(k)ept 74.(d)rank 75.(u)ntil 76.(a)fraid 77.(t)omato 78.(p)opular 79.(D)uring 80.(e)verywhere【导语】本文介绍了几种常见食物的来源。71.句意:她准备了许多食物,一些肉和一些蔬菜。根据“All are the daily food in our life.”可知此处指吃的东西,结合v可知用vegetable表示“蔬菜”,some后接其复数形式。故填(v)egetables。72.句意:大约3400年前,人类开始使用鸡。根据“men b...to use chickens.”可知此处指“开始使用鸡”,begin“开始”,结合“Around 3,400 years ago”可知此处用一般过去时,begin用过去式began。故填(b)egan。73.句意:人们仅仅为了斗鸡运动养鸡。根据“...chickens to fight for sport”可知此处指养鸡,keep“喂养”,此处用一般过去时,keep用过去式kept。故填(k)ept。74.句意:但是2000年前,中美洲的人们只喝巧克力。根据下文“chocolate drinks”可知此处指喝巧克力,drink“喝”,结合“But 2,000 years ago”可知此处用一般过去时,drink的过去式drank。故填(d)rank。75.句意:在欧洲,巧克力饮料直到16世纪加入糖后才流行起来。根据“chocolate drinks were not popular u... the 1500s”可知用not...until...表示“直到……才……”。故填(u)ntil。76.句意:最初,人们害怕吃西红柿,因为它们属于有毒植物科。根据“because they belong to a family of poisonous plants”可知认为西红柿有毒,害怕吃西红柿,be afraid of“害怕”。故填(a)fraid。77.句意:一天,一个勇敢的人吃了第一个西红柿。根据“At first, people were afraid of eating tomatoes because they belong to a family of poisonous plants.”可知,之前人们害怕吃西红柿,但是这个勇敢的人吃了第一个西红柿,tomato“西红柿”,the first后接其单数形式。故填(t)omato。78.句意:很快西红柿变得非常受欢迎。根据“They tried the tomatoes and found that they tasted good.”可知发现西红柿很好吃,西红柿变得受欢迎,popular“受欢迎的”,形容词作表语。故填(p)opular。79.句意:在唐代,一些人从牛奶中创造出冰淇淋。根据“D... the Tang Dynasty”可推出此处指在唐朝年间,during“在……期间”。故填(D)uring。80.句意:很快人们想尝试它,并且这种甜点变得到处受欢迎。根据“Soon, many people wanted to try it and the dessert became popular...”可知此处指甜品在到处都受欢迎,everywhere“到处”。故填(e)verywhere。81.ever 82.earth 83.However 84.Imagine 85.trouble 86.results 87.illnesses 88.Research 89.valuable 90.Maybe【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了什么是克隆、克隆的优势与劣势,以及提问克隆研究是否有价值。81.句意:你曾经见过和你长得一模一样的人吗?该句是现在完成时,“曾经”ever,故填ever。82.句意:地球上每个人只有一个。“地球”earth,on the earth“在地球上”,故填earth。83.句意:然而,克隆技术可能会改变这一切。“然而”however表示转折,后加逗号,且句首字母须大写,故填However。84.句意:想象一下,你旁边的人看起来、说话甚至行为都和你一模一样。“设想”imagine,该句中that引导宾语从句,主句缺少主语,所以是祈使句,即动词原形开头,且句首字母大写,故填Imagine。85.句意:你会感到震惊,然后害怕惹上麻烦。“麻烦”trouble,不可数名词,get into trouble“陷入困境、惹上麻烦”,故填trouble。86.句意:这并不意味着克隆只会导致糟糕的结果。“结果”result,可数名词,根据“This does not mean that cloning could only cause bad...”可知,克隆引起的不好结果是复数,故填results。87.句意:这项技术可以用来寻找治疗严重疾病的方法。“某种疾病”illness,可数名词。根据“The technology could be used to find ways to cure serious...”可知,该句中“严重疾病”是复数,故填illnesses。88.句意:关于克隆技术的研究仍在继续。“研究”research,作主语,be动词是is,主语用单数,故填Research。89.句意:那么你认为克隆对人类有价值吗?be动词后加形容词,“有价值的”valuable,be valuable for“对……有价值”。故填valuable。90.句意:也许只有时间会证明一切!“可能”置于句首,用副词maybe,且句首字母大写,故填Maybe。91.Several 92.argue 93.unfair 94.causes 95.importance 96.Recently 97.completely 98.realized 99.voice 100.turn【导语】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要介绍了以色列人普遍知道遵守规则的重要性,并且,作者还讲述了一件发生在自己身上的事情来加以论证。91.句意:几个成年人来了,并且开始和你前面的人说话。several“几个”。several修饰adults作定语,且several位于句首,需大写首字母。故填Several。92.句意:你很生气,想要和他们争吵。argue“争吵,争论”。want to do sth.为固定搭配,表“想要做某事”,所以,此处需填入动词原形。故填argue。93.句意:可能这不公平,但是唯一能做的就是接受它。unfair“不公平的”。此处是形容词作表语。故填unfair。94.句意:它从不会造成事故或麻烦。cause“导致,造成”。通过对句子结构的分析可知,此处需填入谓语动词。又根据“Yet none of this would happen in Israel here, you can always find a straight line of people waiting patiently. It never...accidents or trouble.”可知,此处时态需用一般现在时。主语“It”为单数,所以,需用动词的三单形式作谓语。cause的三单形式为causes。故填causes。95.句意:对以色列人来说,他们知道遵守规则的重要性。importance“重要性”,为不可数名词。根据空前的“the”可知,此处需填入名词,importance符合题意。故填importance。96.句意:最近,我不得不去机场接一个朋友。recently“最近”,为副词,作时间状语,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Recently。97.句意:我完全震惊了。completely“完全地”,为程度副词,修饰后面地surprised。故填completely。98.句意:我认识到,为了告诉我这个,她跟了我五英里。通过对句子结构的分析可知,此处需填入谓语动词。realize“认识到”。又根据“I...she had been following me for five miles to tell me this”可知,主句时态应用一般过去时。realize的过去式为realized。故填realized。99.句意:这个声音深刻地留在我心中,现在,无论什么时候我看到交通信号灯变成黄色,我都会停下车,休息一下。voice“声音”,为不可数名词,在此处,充当句子的主语。故填voice。100.句意:这个声音深刻地留在我心中,现在,无论什么时候我看到交通信号灯变成黄色,我都会停下车,休息一下。turn/change“改变”。根据空后的“yellow”可知,此处只能填入系动词,turn符合条件。see sb./sth. do sth.“看见某人或某物做某事”,所以,设空处需填入动词原形。故填turn。101.lives 102.since 103.expect 104.successful 105.dream 106.needs 107.missed 108.latest 109.encouraged 110.fight【导语】本文作者主要讲述了父母对作者的爱。101.句意:他们给我们生命并照顾我们。名词life表示“生命”,因为是us,因此需要用复数。故填lives。102.句意:自从我出生后,我妈妈就成了家庭主妇。连词since表示“自从”。故填since。103.句意:现在越来越多的人期待妈妈成为职业女性。动词expect表示“期待”,在句中作谓语,句子是一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语用原型。故填expect。104.句意:并且她们如果能够同时做好家务那就被认为是成功的。形容词successful表示“成功的”,在句中作表语。故填successful。105.句意:我妈妈放弃了她的梦想。名词dream表示“梦想”,在句中作宾语。故填dream。106.句意:每个工作都需要很多耐心,并只有有着强烈意志的人可以做到。动词need表示“需要”,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词需要三单式。故填needs。107.句意:当我是个孩子,父亲没有太多言语,但他从不错过我的每个重要时刻。动词miss表示“错过”,句子时态为一般过去时,此处应用过去式。故填missed。108.句意:他会检查我的作业并且问我最新的情况。形容词latest表示“最新的”,在句中作定语。故填latest。109.句意:舒服的东西是他会鼓励我并从不会逼迫我。动词encourage表示“鼓励”,根据pushed可知时态为一般过去时,此处应用过去式。故填encouraged。110.句意:来自父母的爱让我更强壮并会为我的未来作战。动词fight表示“与……战斗”,will后接动词原形。故填fight。111.imagine 112.lonely 113.sick 114.Secondly 115.control 116.crazy 117.argue 118.problems 119.realize 120.hope【导语】本文讲述了留守儿童的现状。111.句意:你无法想象他们的生活有多艰难。根据所给汉语提示可知,“想象”imagine,can后加动词原形。故填imagine。112.句意:他们非常想念父母,以至于经常感到孤独和不快乐。根据所给汉语提示可知,“孤独的”lonely,与feel构成系表结构。故填lonely。113.句意:尤其是当他们生病的时候。根据所给汉语提示可知,“生病”sick,与are构成系表结构。故填sick。114.句意:其次,他们不能经常和父母交谈。根据所给汉语提示可知,结合Firstly,用secondly“第二”,首字母大写。故填Secondly。115.句意:有时他们无法被其他家庭成员控制。根据所给汉语提示可知,“限制;约束”control,be in control by意为“由……控制”。故填control。116.句意:他们很容易疯狂。根据所给汉语提示可知,“疯狂的”crazy,与be构成系表结构。故填crazy。117.句意:他们可能经常与他人争论。根据所给汉语提示可知,“争吵”argue,argue with sb.意为“与某人争吵”。故填argue。118.句意:更重要的是,他们中的一些人可能在学习中有问题,有些人压力太大。根据所给汉语提示可知,“问题,困难”problem,这里用复数。have problems in表示“在……方面有问题”。故填problems。119.句意:幸运的是,越来越多的人意识到了危险,他们试图想出一些办法。根据所给汉语提示可知,“意识到”realize,且主语people是复数,因此谓语用动词原形。故填realize。120.句意:我希望在不久的将来,留守儿童的生活会更好。根据所给汉语提示可知,“希望”hope,这里用一般现在时,主语I,因此谓语用动词原形。故填hope。121.prefer 122.course 123.well 124.weekend 125.activities 126.centers ## centres 127.progress 128.skills 129.culture 130.miss【导语】本文主要是孩子给妈妈写的一封信,介绍了自己在香港生活的情况。121.句意:我在香港过得很愉快,尽管我必须诚实地说我更喜欢上海。prefer更喜欢,根据“I’m”可知是一般现在时,故填prefer。122.句意:我很幸运到这里来学习我六个月的英语课程。course课程,此处用单数,故填course。123.句意:我们和彼此相处的很和睦。get on well with...“和……相处和睦”。故填well。124.句意:顺便说一下,我的寄宿家庭下周末要带我去看印度电影节。weekend周末,名词。故填weekend。125.句意:每天我有很多的课外活动。activity活动,名词。根据“many”可知用复数形式。故填activities。126.句意:我也可以去不同的购物中心,电影院和音乐会。center/centre中心。根据“different”可知此处要用复数。故填centers/centres。127.句意:最近我在口语和听力技能方面取得了很大的进步。make great progress“取得大的进步”。故填progress。128.句意:最近我在口语和听力技能方面取得了很大的进步。skill技能,此处用复数形式,表示多个技能。故填skills。129.句意:我的寄宿家庭也教我一些关于英语文化的东西。culture文化,不可数名词。故填culture。130.句意:总之,我玩的很开心,并不感到孤独,但是我仍然很想念你。miss想念,动词。故填miss。131.blind 132.Second 133.old 134.with 135.how 136.helping 137.people 138.trained 139.food 140.Although##Though【导语】本文介绍了成为导盲犬的必备条件以及培训过程,还介绍了训练猴子等动物来服务人类的相关事情。131.句意:导盲犬是盲人最好的“帮手”。根据下文“Most guide dogs are both their eyes and their good friends”和“Guide dogs help the blind”可知,导盲犬是为盲人服务的,blind“盲的”,“the+形容词”表示一类人,the blind“盲人”,故填blind。132.句意:第二,导盲犬的父母之一必须是导盲犬。根据上文语句“The first requirement(要求)is that a guide dog must be healthy…”及下文 “Third, when they are two months…”可知此空表示“第二”second,位于句首,首字母大写,故填Second。133.句意:第三,当他们两个月大时,他们会被送到培训中心。表示年龄要用“基数词+years/months+old”,故填old。134.句意:那里的人训练他们如何与人相处。get along with sb“与某人相处”,固定结构,故填with。135.句意:它们就会知道怎样帮助人。根据“Then they can understand … to help people.”可知,表示理解怎样帮助人类,how to do sth“怎样做某事”,疑问词+不定式结构,作宾语。故填how。136.句意:第四,当它们一岁大的时候,它们必须返回培训中心学习更多关于帮助人的技巧。根据上文“Then they can understand…to help people”和下文“Then, if they pass the test, they will be guide dogs”可知,它们学习帮助人类的技能,help“帮助”,介词后用其动名词形式。故填helping。137.句意:导盲犬帮助盲人。结合后文语句“Can other animals help disabled people ”可知此空表示“人”,the blind people“盲人”,故填people。138.句意:在美国,一些猴子被专门训练来帮助那些不能移动的人。猴子是被训练的 ,用train的过去分词,故填trained。139.句意:这些猴子可以把唱片放到唱机里,打开冰箱取东西。结合上文语句“open the fridge to get”可知,打开冰箱的目的是取食物,故填food。140.句意:尽管这些都是简单的任务,但是猴子必须接受18到24个月的培训才能够做到。though/although是连词,意思是“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。故填Though/Although。141.doing 142.of 143.Although##though 144.that 145.with 146.made/got 147.importance##meaning 148.a 149.teachers 150.to see##to meet【导语】本文是学生汤姆写给老师的一封信,表达了对老师的想念和感激。141.句意:你好吗?从文章可知,这是一封信,开头应该是问候,句子How are you doing 表示“你好”。故填doing。142.句意:由于疫情,我们不得不待在家很长时间。短语because of表示“由于”,其后接名词或短语。故填of。143.句意:在这些特殊的日子里,虽然我们只能在线上课,但您让您的课程变得如此有趣,我们希望每天都有您的课程。根据“…we can only have classes online, you have made your classes so interesting…”可知前后为让步关系,应用although或者though引导让步状语从句,句首字母需大写。故填Although/Though。144.句意:在这些特殊的日子里,虽然我们只能在线上课,但您让您的课程变得如此有趣,我们希望每天都有您的课程。短语so+adj+that从句表示“如此……以至于……”。故填that。145.句意:是你关心我们,经常通过微信与我们交流。短语communicate with sb表示“和某人沟通”。故填with。146.句意:在你的帮助下,我在上次考试取得了很大进步。短语make/get great progress表示“取得很大进步”,句子时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填made/got。147.句意:在你的帮助下,我理解了自信和坚持的意义/重要性。根据“confidence(自信) and persistence(坚持)”可知表示自信和坚持,这是重要的或者是有意义的,此处可填importance“重要性”或者meaning“意义”。故填importance/meaning。148.句意:你还告诉我们,我们今天学到的东西将改变我未来的生活。短语make a difference表示“产生影响”。故填a。149.句意:我想让你知道你是我最喜爱的老师之一。结合前文可知这是学生写给老师的一封信,此处应填teacher表示“老师”,one of后应接可数名词复数。故填teachers。150.句意:并且我真的希望能快点在美丽的校园再见到你。结合前文可知学生要在家里上网课,因此是希望在学校见到老师,短语hope to do sth表示“希望做某事”,其后接不定式,此处应有see/meet表示“看见”或者“遇见”。故填to see/to meet。151.his 152.a 153.angry 154.easy 155.up 156.spent 157.with 158.if 159.out 160.difference【导语】本文主要讲述了作者通过巧妙的方式解决了儿子犯下的错误,对儿子产生重大影响的事情。151.句意:我的儿子罗伊非常兴奋地跑来跑去,试图把自己的东西搬进房子里。短语one’s own表示“某人自己的”,此处是指代儿子罗伊自己的东西,应用his指代。故填his。152.句意:整洁的地板和白色的墙壁一片狼藉。短语in a mess表示“一团糟”。故填a。153.句意:我的妻子马上冲了进来,她真的很生罗伊的气。根据“I looked at my son, and he was so nervous.”可知我看着儿子,他很紧张,因此是因为儿子犯错了,妈妈对他生气,很紧张,短语be angry with sb表示“对某人生气”。故填angry。154.句意:放松点,罗伊。短语take it easy表示“放轻松”。故填easy。155.句意:我想出一个主意然后拿出刷子。短语come up with表示“提出,想出”。故填up。156.句意:我们花费了一整个下午来画和大笑。根据“the whole afternoon ”可知表示整个下午,此处应用spend表示“花费”,句子时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填spent。157.句意:最后,墙上出现了一片美丽的森林,里面有植物和小动物。句子主语是a beautiful forest,短语 plants and small animals是伴随状语,应用介词with表示伴随。故填with。158.句意:他问我是否还记得那天。句子是宾语从句,主句谓语动词ask后的宾语从句此处应用if引导,表示“是否”。故填if。159.句意:我相信我总是可以找出解决问题的方法。短语find out表示“找出”。故填out。160.句意:我知道我对他产生了影响并感觉开心。短语make a difference表示“产生影响”。故填difference。161.(f)eeling 162.(r)eason 163.were sleeping 164.(W)hy 165.healthy 166.less 167.(m)ost 168.Children 169.(f)or 170.usually【导语】本文讲述了睡眠的重要性,充足的睡眠可以帮助我们的身体康复、成长和保持健康。161.句意:如果是这样的话,你可能会觉得老师的课没趣,所以你会感到困倦。根据上文“Do you often feel tired in the middle of a class”可知此处指“觉得老师的课没趣,有困倦的感觉”;空格在定冠词后,填名词;feeling“感觉”,have the feeling of...“有……的感觉”。故填(f)eeling。162.句意:然而,真正的原因可能是你睡眠不足。根据“that you don’t have enough sleep”可知此处指“上课感到困倦的原因可能是睡眠不足”;此处填名词作主语;reason“原因”。故填(r)eason。163.句意:昨天的英语课上老师给你讲重点时,你可能正在睡觉!本句是when引导的时间状语从句,结合“in yesterday’s English class”可知此处表过去某个时间点正在进行的动作,用过去进行时。故填were sleeping。164.句意:为什么我们每天都需要睡眠?根据下文“Sleep can help our body heal, grow,…”阐述睡眠的重要性;可知此处是问“为什么我们每天都需要睡眠”,用疑问词why“为什么”。故填(W)hy。165.句意:睡眠可以帮助我们的身体修复、成长和保持健康。此处填形容词作表语,healthy“健康的”,keep healthy“保持健康”。故填healthy。166.句意:你年纪越大,你需要的睡眠就越少。根据“The older you get”可知此处是比较结构“the+比较级…,the+比较级…”,填little的比较级形式less“较少的”。故填less。167.句意:新生婴儿大部分时间都在睡觉。根据下文“They can sleep 20-22 hours a day.”(他们每天可以睡20-22小时)可知,此处指“新生婴儿大部分时间都在睡觉”;most of“多数的……”。故填(m)ost。168.句意:儿童每天需要10-12小时的睡眠。此处填复数名词表泛指;children“孩子们”。故填Children。169.句意:充足的睡眠可以为他们的成长提供大量的能量。根据“lots of energy”和“to grow up”可知此处指“为他们的成长提供能量”;provide sth for sb“为某人提供某物”。故填(f)or。170.句意:成年人通常只需要6-8小时的睡眠就可以保持活跃。空格在主谓之间,填副词;usually“通常”符合。故填usually。171.children’s 172.(f)rom 173.themselves 174.(w)aste 175.to enjoy 176.(s)kills 177.(d)evelop 178.do 179.(b)est 180.happy【导语】本文主要介绍了让孩子们做家务的好处。171.句意:他们中的一些人认为孩子的学业很重要,做家务只会占用更重要的课程的时间。根据their可知,名词用复数形式,此空也修饰名词schoolwork,应填所有格形式,故填children’s。172.句意:他们中的一些人认为孩子的学业很重要,做家务只会占用更重要的课程的时间。take away from“剥夺”,固定搭配,故填(f)rom。173.句意:有些父母觉得自己做家务很容易——孩子做家务会浪费他们太多的时间。当宾语与主语在人称上一致时,宾语用反身代词,故填themselves。174.句意:有些父母觉得自己做家务很容易——孩子做家务会浪费他们太多的时间。根据“too much of their time”及首字母可知,此处指浪费时间,waste“浪费”,would后接动词原形,故填(w)aste。175.句意:觉得孩子应该有更多的玩耍时间来享受。此空作名词playtime的定语,应填动词不定式,故填to enjoy。176.句意:当我们关心他们的学业时,教给他们生活技能也是很重要的。根据“teach them life”及首字母可知,教孩子们生活技能,skill“技能”,此空应填复数形式,故填(s)kills。177.句意:当我们的孩子和我们在一起时,我们需要通过让他们做一些家务来培养他们的独立性。根据“their independence by making them do some chores”及首字母可知,通过做家务来培养独立性,develop“培养”,need to do sth“需要做某事”,故填(d)evelop。178.句意:他们想花时间和父母在一起,做和父母一样的事情。此空与spend构成并列关系,所以此空应填动词原形,故填do。179.句意:现在是邀请他们帮忙做家务的最佳时机。根据“it’s the … time to invite them to help out with the chores”及首字母可知,让他们帮忙做家务的最佳时机,the best time to do sth“做某事的最佳时机”,故填(b)est。180.句意:你会发现他们很乐意那样做。find sb+形容词+to do sth“发现某人做某事是……的”,此空应填形容词作宾补,故填happy。181.recently 182.imagine 183.clever 184.talent##interest 185.advice##suggestions 186.second 187.waste 188.remembered 189.decision 190.up【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述89岁的曼弗雷德·斯坦纳拿到了物理学的博士学位。181.句意:最近,一位名叫曼弗雷德 · 斯坦纳(Manfred Steiner)的89岁老人获得了物理学博士学位,并成为新闻人物。根据所给音标可知是recently“最近”,副词,故填recently。182.句意:很难想象这样一个老人能拿到博士学位。根据所给音标可知是imagine“想象”,动词,故填imagine。183.句意:曼弗雷德 · 斯坦纳年轻的时候非常聪明。根据所给音标可知是clever“聪明的”,形容词,故填clever。184.句意:高中时,他对物理表现出极大的兴趣/天赋。根据“he showed great...in physics”可知,此处是表达对物理有天赋/感兴趣,show talent/interest in“对……有天赋/感兴趣”,故填talent/interest。185.句意:他听从他们的建议,进了大学学医。此处指前句“However, his parents advised him to study medicine.”可知,此处表达他听从他们的建议,advice或suggestion表示“意见,建议”,空前为their,advice为不可数名词,suggestion应用复数形式,故填advice/suggestions。186.句意:1955年,他获得了医学博士学位,1967年,他获得了第二个博士学位。根据“In 1955, he got his Ph.D. degree in medicine and in 1967, he got his...Ph.D. degree.”可知,这是除了医学外的第二个博士学位,结合所给单词,应用序数词second,故填second。187.句意:2000年,曼弗雷德 · 斯坦纳退休,但他不想浪费时间。根据所给音标可知是waste“浪费”动词,故填waste。188.句意:他仍然记得他童年的梦想。句子时态与上文一致,应为一般过去时,结合所给单词,remember“记得”,故填remembered。189.句意:所以他做出决定去上物理课。根据所给单词,make a decision“做出决定”,故填decision。190.句意:如果你有梦想,就不要放弃。根据“Never give … your dream if you have one. ”可知,此处表达不要放弃,give up“放弃”,动词短语,故填up。191.at 192.notice 193.what 194.selling 195.raise 196.understood 197.Though##Although 198.excited 199.more 200.difference【导语】本文介绍了简在一次冬令营活动中,看望了一些贫困地区的孩子后,萌发了帮助贫困孩子的想法的故事。191.句意:简八岁时参加了冬令营。at the age of“在……岁时”,为固定短语。故填at。192.句意:在夏令营期间,她去看望了一些贫困地区的孩子,发现那里的孩子没有新衣服穿,没有玩具玩,她很伤心。根据所给音标可知,空处应填notice“注意到”,是动词。故填notice。193.句意:回到家后,她一直在想要做些什么来帮助那些孩子。根据“she kept thinking about...to do to help those kids.”可知,do后缺少宾语,是在思考想要做些什么,应用what“什么”。故填what。194.句意:一天早上,简看到一些大孩子在街边卖柠檬汁。sell“卖”,动词。此处指看到一些大孩子正在街边卖柠檬汁。see sb doing sth“看到某人正在做某事”,为固定短语。故填selling。195.句意:他们想筹集资金来帮助他们的朋友。根据所给音标可知,空处应填raise“筹集”,动词。故填raise。196.句意:简的妈妈理解她,帮她摆起了她的第一个柠檬水摊。understand“理解”,动词。根据“helped”可知句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填understood。197.句意:虽然只有一点钱,但她用这笔钱帮助了12个孩子!根据“it was only a little money, she helped 12 kids with it”可知前后句是让步关系,可以用though/although“尽管”引导让步状语从句。故填Though/Although。198.句意:当她看到他们脸上的笑容时,她感到非常激动。根据所给音标可知,空处应填excited“激动的”,形容词。故填excited。199.句意:到目前为止,她已经为这些可怜的孩子们捐赠了超过17000美元!根据“than”可知应用many的比较级,more than“超过”,固定短语。故填more。200.句意:当我们开始做一件小事时,我们就会给这个世界带来很大的不同。make a difference“有影响,起作用”,为固定短语。故填difference。21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)








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