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Best Remote Support Software

2022-06-04 16:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What is Remote Support Software?

Businesses of all sizes who work with customers on a global scale and manage employees working from satellite locations and remotely have likely had to manage tech support for several different devices and applications. They have seen that offering on-site support can put a strain on their company’s resources.

Remote support software makes it possible for a specialized IT team to identify errors and make corrections on several systems and devices, including mobile devices, laptops, servers, desktops, and more.

There are many remote support solutions on the market. It takes time and energy to choose the right one. Functionality, pricing, and other parameters must be factored in. This guide has been designed to help individuals understand what the best remote support solution is for their needs by providing them with insight to make a good purchasing decision.

What is Remote Support Software?

What Does Remote Support Software Do and What are the Benefits?

A person can control and access any device using remote support software. IT technicians use this software to address issues that the end-user is facing. For example, a vendor may sell computer systems along with technical support. Remote support software allows IT teams to configure the devices of end-users, regardless of where they are on the planet.

At its heart, remote support tools give access and control of a remote device to its users. IT and support tech usually perform a variety of functions with the software, like programming unattended and attended sessions to fix devices remotely, performing patch management, software installations, remote printing, file updates, server reboots and re-connections, and execute other commands on the remote device.

When the end-user is on the device, technicians can control the remote device and do things like turn the remote screen black or lock the end-user's mouse. IT and support tech can offer guidance and explanations to the end-user on software usage via screen sharing and annotations and access multiple devices and screens remotely during a session.

Remote Support Software Features

Besides providing remote access and control, remote support software offers other features that are beneficial when conducting remote support sessions. Common features of remote support software include:

Remote Diagnostic - IT professionals can access information about the report device. This includes the bio serial number, the internal IP address, the device name, processes that are running, installed software, and even logs.

Chat - This permits agents to communicate with end-users during sessions with real-time responses. This is a great tool for working with other support representatives or escalating a situation to an expert.

Cross-Platform Functionality - Technicians can start a remote session, even if the end-user does not have the same operating software as the technician. For example, a technician using a Windows computer can remotely control a device using ILS, Linux, Mac, or iOS.

Video/Audio Conferencing - Some solutions come equipped with web conferencing software functionality that allows agents to speak with end-users through the microphone. Others will allow video conferencing and online meetings to be held.Remote Support Software Features

Session Auditing and Recording - This feature makes it possible for management to audit support agent's sessions. They can use this feature to guarantee that business compliance requirements are being met and that the agent understands them. A gamut of information is provided, including session details, end-user details, chat transcripts, system information, and a video recording of the entire session.

Toolbox - Frequently executed tasks are stored here. This makes it possible for support agents to install commonly used patches or files to several systems simultaneously.

File Sharing - There are two types of file sharing. One option is for the file to be shared by the IT individual directly to the remote device. This allows software to be installed directly. The second type is where a file is sent via chat to the end-user. The end-user can then add the file to their chosen destination at their discretion.

Mobile Apps - Most remote solutions have been designed to be cross-platform compatible. However, some have reduced functionality when used on mobile devices. It’s preferable to use iOS or Android applications that let agents conduct remote sessions using native apps. This eliminates functionality/usability issues.

Branding and Customization - Businesses can adjust the CSS of a good remote support software and customize the way tools look and feel. They can change logos and colors. They can change the language of the tool, its functionality, and even add additional tools using plug-ins.

Which Type of Companies Use Remote Support Software?

Before investing money in a remote support solution, a person must know their business needs. Buyers of remote support software usually fall into three categories. Each one will demand something different from a remote support tool.

Enterprise Organizations - These are large organizations servicing hundreds, if not thousands, of employees and devices. This buyer should focus on feature-rich tools. They want flexibility, functionality, and the ability to integrate with third-party tools.

There are several plug-ins and software bundles that let users expand the functionality of their remote support solution. For example, a popular tool that comes with many remote support solutions is network monitoring software. This feature is key for large organizations that have vast internal networks and server systems that require constant monitoring.

Remote solutions should integrate with CRM software, help desk systems, and project management solutions. A person should want the software to work with anything that their organization uses. This way, they will avoid hiccups when importing or exporting data between different systems.

Who Uses Remote Support Software?

Small to Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) - Small to mid-sized businesses face a big challenge when selecting the right remote software solution. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Many remote solutions charge a one-time licensing fee and a monthly subscription charge. Some businesses are good with just paying the one-time licensing fee because they have their own data center and IT organization to keep their software maintained. Subscription-based pricing is for businesses that need a full-fledged management solution. It is good to remember that pricing fluctuates based on the number of agents assigned to an account. Costs can quickly add up, especially as a business grows.

Small businesses need to look at the functionalities of the remote software they are thinking of purchasing. It is important to avoid paying for functionalities that a business won’t use. Small to midsize business owners should ask a few questions before making a purchase. For example, do they bill clients for their services? Will they need to schedule unattended sessions? Or will this tool be used for online meetings or video presentations?

Remote software can be used for purposes outside of tech support. For example, it can be used as a tool to remotely access an application installed on a different device. It can also create online video presentations and be used to conduct online meetings. There are also related types of software like remote monitoring and management (RMM) software that allows organizations to control their IT infrastructure remotely.

There are many remote support applications that have been specifically designed for niche situations. Remember, examine the functionality of various solutions before making a final decision.






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