backgroundscreening是什么意思(C 您所在的位置:网站首页 readers是啥意思 backgroundscreening是什么意思(C


2023-04-19 17:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录C-TPAT资料的翻译1!background是什么意思background什么意思 background中文意思background是什么意思 英语background是什么意思background什么意思background是什么意思background screen是什么意思请英语高手帮忙翻译background是什么意思、C-TPAT资料的翻译1!

供应商/运营商有一个标准的作业程序安全手册?如果是,哪些要素(例如,业务合作伙伴的安全要求,集装箱拖车安全,人身安全访问,货物运输安全,员工的背景检查等)在安全手册中?集装箱/拖车,文件和货物检查。运营商还指供应商。供应商/运营商确保通过连续编号的封条,锁或其他设备使用的所有车厢和面板的完整性通过一个清单或其他双方可以接受的方法手段,可辨供应商/运营商数量宽松的货物运输的所有纸箱,纸箱重量的均匀性,并确保货物报告供应商/运营商确保进出境货物的收货人或匹配出口商提供的清单确保货物由供应商不改行/承运人/卡车司机?承运人是否使用GPS系统,以监测和时间的卡车司机?为记录和维护的信息?它是供审查? GPS系统或时序显示潜在的转移,有什么调查,以确保不会转移或集装箱/拖车操纵的程序?什么是报告程序(例如,联系客户,你的管理和海关官员),如果发现潜在的问题?密封控制1.供应商/运营商负责提供密封,有没有为序列号和门锁控制程序吗?是否有一个日志,可以追踪什么密封容器,为某些客户发出?2.供应商/运营商有上报危及海豹其客户和海关官员的程序3.密封达到或超过现行PAS17712标准


backgroundn.(画等的)背景; 底色; 背景资料; 配乐; 复数:backgrounds 例句1.Paint the background tones lighter and the colours cooler.将背景色调涂淡一点,颜色偏冷一些。2.At that time, I had no HR background.当时,我没有任何人力资源背景。3.He painted the background of the picture yesterday.他昨天画了这幅画的底色。

background什么意思 background中文意思

1、background:n.出身背景; 学历; 经历; (事态发展等的) 背景; 后景; 背景;复数:backgrounds。

2、例句:Moulded by his background, he could not escape the traditional role of strict father.受成长环境的影响,他摆脱不了严父的传统角色。

background是什么意思 英语background是什么意思

1、background英,n.出身背景; 学历; 经历; (事态发展等的)背景; 后景; 背景; 不显眼的位置; 底色。

2、She didnt enlighten him about her background.她未向他讲明自己的出身背景。




backgroundn. 背景;隐蔽的位置adj. 背景的;发布背景材料的vt. 作…的背景

Background 背景,背景,后台educational background 教育程度,教育背景,学历background music 背景音乐,背景音乐,像星星一样的祈求

希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油

background screen是什么意思

background screen背景屏幕双语对照词典结果:background screen黑底荧光屏; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


The definition of law from the transliteration of view, transliteration method than other methods, in the translation of the introduction of professional and technical terms, place names and proper nouns, such as trade names are more commonly used. Moreover, who in the process of transforming a bilingual call to retain the original integrity of the obvious pronunciation, it sounds particularly touches the heart. For example: “tea, spread from China to the world, English tea originated in Fujian dialect ’tea’ in the pronunciation“ 369 English won ton (wonton), yamen (government offices), mafoo (groom), xiucai (scholar) and so on. In this way, has managed to maintain the semantic characteristics of Chinese culture, but also attracted the attention of readers, and yet conform to the language of communication environment. However, transliteration is not perfect, for example, sold on the market called the day-to-day wash supplies LUX, and its Chinese name as “Book“, just look at this Chinese name, so people must think first of all is Hercules, they with well-developed muscles, superior athletic ability, it is difficult to make people think of using this product to achieve the kind of comfort, the feeling of moisture. This has resulted in the troubled readers. B), literal translation So, what is the literal translation? There is no conclusion. But an argument can be used, that is asked in the language specification does not run as well as errors caused by the premise of Lenovo, both in translation and the original contents of the original form, in particular, to maintain the original text refers to the metaphor, image and local color, such as the President for translation . Goal is to achieve the unity of form and content, that is, “shape“, “God“ in both. Such as the “iron rice bowl“ straight to iron rice bowl; “red“ straight to red packet; “open-door policy“ open-door policy; “township enterprises“ township and village enterprises; “illegal“ black market “time is money“ Time is money and so on, which is the expression of the translation of the contents of the original terms, but also to preserve the original terms of the analogy. But the literal translation to the translator often caused by a “dead language“ of the loopholes里钻, translation of the vocabulary, the article will be very rigid, when the use of literal translation to pay particular attention to this point. (C), free translation Free translation, simply put, is straightforward to translate the meaning of . Such as “proprietary technology“ technical know-how “three sentences always our“ talk shop all the time “land of fish and rice“ a land of honey and milk “small savings, waste of big / small smart, pound foolish“ Penny wise, pound foolish; “Great food stalls“ sidewalk snack booth and so on, which is a paraphrase of words implies deep understanding of justice will find each other through culture similar things in the scene, used to convey the true information contained in the original vocabulary. It lies in mass “God“ is not “shaped“ like. Of course, the translation also there are some shortcomings. Many foreign words, one word corresponds to more than one interpretation, the relative lack of translation in the context of the time, the translator can not be accurately on the choice of its translation, resulting in mistranslation; In addition, translation of acronyms, we will lack of emergence of the phenomenon of information: If the CD is often said the Chinese explanation for the CD, and CD’s full name should be “Compact disk“, which the “compact“ the word close, compact, lightweight means, just from the English vocabulary level, it is difficult to think of what this phrase associated with the laser.



2、background主要用作可数名词。作“后景;背景”“底色”解时常用作单数名词;作“(事态发展等的)背景”解时常用作单数名词,也可用作不可数名词;作“不显眼的位置;幕后 ”解时只用作单数名词。

3、background后接介词for,of或to表示“某方面的背景或经历”; 接介词in 表示“在…背景中;在幕后”;前面加介词against表示“映衬在…背景上”。

4、“tell me your background”现较流行,等同于“tell me all about yourself”。





n. 背景幕;背景

The events of the 1930s provided the backdrop for the film.




n. 上下文;环境;背景

This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s.







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