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kismat是什么意思 kismat的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-06-30 23:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

kismat是什么意思 kismat的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:玫玫邓 • 2024-06-07 04:49:20 • 阅读 771




例句:You cannot run out of the mat. (You cannot run out of the mat.)


例句:♪ I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat (# I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat)


例句:A.k.a. Bobby T, a.k.a. Bobby B, a.k.a. Bobby Beans. (又称Bobby T或者obby B 同时也是Bobby Beans)


例句:To further increase the inline length, you can settle on a larger page size of 8K, 16K, or even 32K. (翻译:为了进一步增加inlinelength,可以将表放在页宽为8K、16K甚至32K的表空间上。)


1. A.k.a. Bobby T, a.k.a. Bobby B, a.k.a. Bobby Beans. (翻译:又称Bobby T或者obby B 同时也是Bobby Beans)

2. To further increase the inline length, you can settle on a larger page size of 8K, 16K, or even 32K. (翻译:为了进一步增加inlinelength,可以将表放在页宽为8K、16K甚至32K的表空间上。)

3. We have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (翻译:我们有14k和18 k的金项链、手链和耳环。)

4. Riggins and 14K are all dead. (翻译:Riggins and 14K are all dead.)

5. These are not your traditional Klan robes you would see at any KKK rally. (翻译:这不是你能在三K党中 看到的传统的三K党长袍。)

6. Wipe your feet on the mat before you come in, please. (翻译:请在垫子上擦擦脚再进来。)

7. I bought it at the K store. (翻译:是在K店买的。)

8. A DB2 page can have a size of 4k, 8k, 16k or 32k. (翻译:一个DB 2页的大小可以为4 k、8 k、16 k或32 k。)

9. Have you been to Hong Kong before? (翻译:HaveyoubeentoH. K. before?)

10. Images larger than 250k will be automatically resized to 250k or smaller. (翻译:如果图片超过250k,将会自动被改变尺寸到250k或更小。)

11. K, guys- congratulations again, hannnah. (翻译:K,家伙 - 再次恭喜,Hannnah。)

12. It was like the mat was pulled out from underneath us. (翻译:It was like the mat was pulled out from underneath us.)

13. Blood on my mat, handle it. (翻译:把毯子上的血弄干净 Blood on my mat, handle it.)

14. Jesuits Lugats, report to the scores table at Mat 2. (翻译:请Jesuits Lugats到二号场地记分牌处报到)

15. The stabilizer of the number K, written Stk, is the set of all permutations of G that leave K fixed. (翻译:G中保持K不变的置换所成之集称为数K的稳定子,记作Stk。)




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