puncher pin是什么意思 puncher pin的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 puncher是什么意思中文翻译 puncher pin是什么意思 puncher pin的中文翻译、读音、例句

puncher pin是什么意思 puncher pin的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-05-06 04:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

puncher pin在英语中代表"化"的意思,其中文解释还有"冲头"的意思,在线读音是[puncherpin],puncher pin常被用作名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到64个与puncher pin相关的例句。

Puncher pin的释义


例句:Is he the hardest puncher you've dealt with? (他是你指导的出拳最狠的拳手吗? )


例句:Did he pin the pin on or was he too shy (Did he pin the pin on or was he too shy 他别上了胸针? 还是他太害羞?)


puncher pin一般作为名词使用,如在puncher(n. 电报凿孔机, 冲床工, 钻床工, (非正式)报务员, 牧人\n[计] 穿孔员)、digit puncher([计] 数字穿孔机)、electrode puncher([通信] 电极打孔机)等常见短语中出现较多。

punchern. 电报凿孔机, 冲床工, 钻床工, (非正式)报务员, 牧人\n[计] 穿孔员digit puncher[计] 数字穿孔机electrode puncher[通信] 电极打孔机electromagnetic puncher电磁冲床electronic puncher电子穿孔器hand puncher[化] 手动冲床hole puncher打孔机,穿孔机 [亦作 hole punch]key puncher[计] 穿孔员numeric puncher[计] 数字穿孔机例句

1. Sifter sifts and rolling pin rolls. (翻译:and rolling pin rolls.)

2. I spied a cow puncher wrapped up in white linen wrapped in white linen as cold as the clay beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly play the dead March as you carry me along take me out to the prairie and lay the sod over me (翻译:I spied a cow puncher wrapped up in white linen wrapped in white linen, as cold as the clay)

3. ¿ Got a mountaintop Like a pin drop,yeah ¿ (翻译:.. got a mountaintop like a pin drop,yeah..)

4. Additionally, you need to configure the headset's PIN with BlueZ on the Linux device. (翻译:另外,您需要通过Linux设备上的BlueZ配置耳机的PIN。)

5. That you cops are not trying to pin on me? Come on. (翻译:有没有是你们不打算栽赃给我的 that you cops are not trying to pin on me?)

6. The errors were either fixed by the programmer or sent again to the key puncher until the compile listing was clean. (翻译:这些错误可以由程序员修复,也可以重新发送给穿孔机操作员,直到编译清单被清除为止。)

7. The directions drawn on the enlargement by the designer as a guide for the puncher's advancement and sequence in punching. (翻译:放大图上设计人所画的方向,用于指导打带员打带时的先后顺序。)

8. By banish gent, be on rural medium bull-puncher, lean close in the ronin by sofa. . . (翻译:被放逐了的绅士,居于田园中的牛仔,依偎在沙发旁的浪人…)

9. BCF. You might think that the processor just clears the bit , which on a port output pin would clear the pin . (翻译:你可能认为处理器只是清这个位,对于输出端口就是清零这个管脚。)

10. still have steel pin here, steel pin here, little medial collateral damage. (翻译:还有钢钉在这儿, 这儿也有, 小的一般的间接伤害.)

11. "is often ephemeral and difficult to pin down. (翻译:很难有定论 and difficult to pin down,)

12. What do you mean your last pin? (翻译:最后一枚勋章是什么意思? What do you mean your last pin?)

13. But what is the code because I always forget. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}什么PIN号码了? 我经常 会忘记了。)

14. But the only way to get that PIN is in this vault. (翻译:但是拿到的唯一的方法 那个别针在这个地下室里。)

15. The ticket collector used a puncher to check the tickets. (翻译:收票员用打洞器检查车票。)







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