ISP模块之色彩增强算法 您所在的位置:网站首页 ps饱和度调节比对 ISP模块之色彩增强算法


2024-07-12 04:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265










    Matlab RGB色彩空间向HSV转换,采用函数rgb2hsv,转换后的hsv各通道的元素取值范围为[0,1];OpenCV中彩色图像向HSV空间中转换,cvtColor(src,srcHsv,CV_BGR2HSV),转换后H的取值范围为[0,180],S,V的取值范围为[0,255].




   步骤三、统计饱和度增加40后,原色彩饱和度与饱和度增量之间的对应关系,即S -- (S_40-S);

   步骤四、对关系S -- (S_40-S)进行二次多项式曲线拟合,得到二次曲线f(x) = p1*x^2 + p2*x + p3;


   步骤五、任意给定输出图像input,根据其色彩饱和度信息,即可进行色彩增强40处理,新的饱和度信息可以表示为S'(x) = S(x) + f(x),得到增强后的色彩信息后返回RGB图像输出;




   代码部分:第一部分用作估计拟合参数,在Curve fitting tool里面对X,Y进行拟合,得到曲线参数。


[plain] view plain copy print? % Color Enhancement   clc,clear,close all   src1 = imread('src.bmp');   src2 = imread('src_40.bmp');      src1_hsv = rgb2hsv(src1);   src2_hsv = rgb2hsv(src2);      h1 = src1_hsv(:,:,1);   s1 = src1_hsv(:,:,2);   v1 = src1_hsv(:,:,3);      h2 = src2_hsv(:,:,1);   s2 = src2_hsv(:,:,2);   v2 = src2_hsv(:,:,3);   %    meanS1 = mean(s1(:));   varS1  = std2(s1);    %    meanS2 = mean(s2(:));   varS2  = std2(s2);    %    deltaS = s2 - s1;   deltaV = v2 - v1;      %% test1 : 观测“原饱和度-饱和度调整增量”的关系 saturation and delta saturation   figure;   oriS = zeros(101,2);   s3 = s1;   j = 1;   for i = 0: 0.01 : 1       oriS(j,1) = i + 0.01;       oriS(j,2) =  mean(deltaS(find(s1 > i & s1 i & s1< i + 0.01))); j = j + 1; end X = oriS(:,1); Y = oriS(:,2); XX = oriS(:,1) * 255; YY = oriS(:,2) * 255; plot(XX,YY)




[html] view plain copy print? %% Color Enhancement Module -- Authored by HuangDao,08/17/2015   % functions: input a image of type BMP or PNG, the program will decide to   % do the Color Enhancement choice for you.There are four types of Enhanced   % intensity - 20,40,60,80.The larger number stands for stronger   % enhancement.   % And we can also choose the simple color channel(eg.R,G,B) to do the   % enhancement.There are also four different types of enhanced intensity.   %   % parameters table   %  ------------------------------------------------------------------------   % | Enhanced  |     MATLAB params             |      OpenCV params         |   % | intensity |p1        p2        p3         | p1        p2        p3     |   % | 20        |-0.1661   0.2639    -0.003626  |-0.0006512 0.2639    -0.9246|   % | 40        |-0.4025   0.6238    -0.0005937 |0.001578   0.6238    -0.1514|   % | 60        |1.332     1.473     -0.01155   |-0.005222  1.473     -2.946 |   % | 80        |-4.813    3.459     -0.004568  |-0.01887   3.459     -1.165 |   %  ------------------------------------------------------------------------      clc; clear ;close all   % 载入文件夹   pathName = '.\';   fileType = '*.bmp';   files    = dir([pathName fileType]);   len      = length(files);      for pic = 5%1:1:len       srcName = files(pic).name;       srcImg  = imread(srcName);       srcHSV  = rgb2hsv(srcImg);       srcH    = srcHSV(:,:,1);       srcS    = srcHSV(:,:,2);       srcV    = srcHSV(:,:,3);       meanS   = mean(srcS(:));       varS    = std2(srcS);       %图像整体进行色彩增强处理       if (meanS >= 0.5)           p1 = 0;p2 = 0;p3 = 0;       else if (meanS >= 0.35 && meanS =0.2 && meanS  0.2083 & compHue = 0.2917 & compHue  0.3750 & compHue  0.875 & compHue = 0.9583 | compHue  0.0417 & compHue  0.5417 & compHue = 0.625 & compHue  0.7083 & compHue = 1)) = convH(find(convH >= 1)) - 1;           case 240               disp('R -> B')               convH = srcH + 2/3;               convH(find(convH >= 1)) = convH(find(convH >= 1)) - 1;       end       convHSV = dstHSV;       convHSV(:,:,1) = convH;       convImg = hsv2rgb(convHSV);       figure;imshow(convImg)       pause();   end   %% Color Enhancement Module -- Authored by HuangDao,08/17/2015 % functions: input a image of type BMP or PNG, the program will decide to % do the Color Enhancement choice for you.There are four types of Enhanced % intensity - 20,40,60,80.The larger number stands for stronger % enhancement. % And we can also choose the simple color channel(eg.R,G,B) to do the % enhancement.There are also four different types of enhanced intensity. % % parameters table % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ % | Enhanced | MATLAB params | OpenCV params | % | intensity |p1 p2 p3 | p1 p2 p3 | % | 20 |-0.1661 0.2639 -0.003626 |-0.0006512 0.2639 -0.9246| % | 40 |-0.4025 0.6238 -0.0005937 |0.001578 0.6238 -0.1514| % | 60 |1.332 1.473 -0.01155 |-0.005222 1.473 -2.946 | % | 80 |-4.813 3.459 -0.004568 |-0.01887 3.459 -1.165 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ clc; clear ;close all % 载入文件夹 pathName = '.\'; fileType = '*.bmp'; files = dir([pathName fileType]); len = length(files); for pic = 5%1:1:len srcName = files(pic).name; srcImg = imread(srcName); srcHSV = rgb2hsv(srcImg); srcH = srcHSV(:,:,1); srcS = srcHSV(:,:,2); srcV = srcHSV(:,:,3); meanS = mean(srcS(:)); varS = std2(srcS); %图像整体进行色彩增强处理 if (meanS >= 0.5) p1 = 0;p2 = 0;p3 = 0; else if (meanS >= 0.35 && meanS < 0.5) p1 = -0.1661;p2 = 0.2639;p3 = -0.003626; else if (meanS >=0.2 && meanS 0.2083 & compHue = 0.2917 & compHue 0.3750 & compHue 0.875 & compHue = 0.9583 | compHue 0.0417 & compHue 0.5417 & compHue = 0.625 & compHue 0.7083 & compHue = 1)) = convH(find(convH >= 1)) - 1; case 240 disp('R -> B') convH = srcH + 2/3; convH(find(convH >= 1)) = convH(find(convH >= 1)) - 1; end convHSV = dstHSV; convHSV(:,:,1) = convH; convImg = hsv2rgb(convHSV); figure;imshow(convImg) pause(); end




[cpp] view plain copy print? Mat srcHSV,sat,satAdj,dstMerge,dst;     //sat - saturation饱和度分量   Mat imageAwb = imread("m_ImageAwb.bmp");   vector channels,channels1;   double p1,p2,p3;      cvtColor(imageAwb,srcHSV,CV_BGR2HSV);   split(srcHSV,channels);   split(srcHSV,channels1);   sat =;   Scalar m = mean(sat);      if (m(0)  38.5 && m(0)  89.5 && m(0) 增强后->颜色通道改变R2B

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