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#上海高考英语翻译高频句型47组| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. Only + 状语(介词、副词、从句)(完全倒装)




1. Only in this store can we buy such nice furniture.

2. Only by learning new things continuously can we keep pace with the times.

3. Only after the war was over in 1949 did he begin his new life.


2. 直到…才…(不完全倒装/强调句)

Not until…/ It was not until…that…

1.直到会议结束他才露面。(show up)



1. Not until the meeting ended did he show up.

2. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that people learned how to prevent this disease from spreading.

3. Not until we heard from you at the end of last week did we feel relieved.


3. 一…就…(不完全倒装)

Hardly/Scarcely/Barely…when…; No sooner…than…

1.他一到实验室,就开始做实验。(set out)

2.这个男孩刚打开电脑,他父亲就回家了,叫他做功课。(switch on)

3.他一到家就迫不及待的把好消息告诉他父母。(can't wait)

1.No sooner had he arrived at the lab than he set out to do experiments.

2.No sooner had the boy switched on the computer than his father came home and told him to do his homework.

3.No sooner had he arrived home than he couldn't wait to tell his parents the good news.


4. So + adj./adv./ Such + n. 部分倒装 + that


2.他们对哲学了解很少以至于其中大多数人不能理解讲座。(beyond sb.)

3.他全神贯注于阅读以至于没有注意到我们进来。(be absorbed in…)

1. So small is his room that there isn't enough space to put a bed.

Such a small room does he have that…

2. So little do they know about philosophy that the lecture is beyond most of them.

3. So absorbed was he in reading that he didn't notice that we came in.


5. Never, Never before, Nowhere else, Seldom, Little…(不完全倒装)




1. Never before has the awareness of environmental protection of the citizens of Shanghai been so strong.

2.Seldom do I see people so considerate as/like Henry.

3.Rarely does he realize the importance of communicating with others although he is 18 years old.


6. 虽然/尽管……(让步状从倒装)

adj./adv./n./v. + as/though + S+V




1. Smart as he is, he doesn't want to devote all his time to his study.

2. Much as I admire him as a writer, I don't like him as a man.

3. Much as I have always been supporting him, I don't agree with what he said this time. (Try as they might,they were not able to find the treasure in the cave.)



7. 无论多……(让步状从)

No matter how/ However + adj./adv. + S.V

1.无论社会发展得多快,这个传统应该代代相传。(pass on)



1. No matter how fast society develops, this tradition should be passed on from generation to generation.

2. However/ No matter how busy we are, we are sure to hold a farewell party in honor of those retired workers next week.

3. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, however great it is.



8. 第一次…;每次…;一…就…(时间状从)

the first time=when…for the first time; every time/each time=whenever;

the moment/the instant/the minute/the second=as soon as

1.第一次坐飞机时,飞机起降时感到不舒服是很正常的。(it is normal…)



1. The first time we take a plane, it is normal to feel uncomfortable when the plane is taking off or landing.

2.Every time his mother asks him to do the housework, he always pretends to be reading.

3. Although I hadn't met him for many years, I recognized him the moment I saw him yesterday.


9. 这是某人第几次…;某人已经多久…(强调句)

This/It is the first/second time that…have done;

It was the first time that…had done;

It is time for sb. to do.; It is/ has been…sb. did

1.这是他第一次独立解决这个问题。(on one's own)

2.这是他们第一次赢得一场正式比赛,因此每个人都欣喜若狂。(with joy)



1. It is the first time that he has solved the problem on his own.

2. It was the first time that they had won a formal competition so that everyone was wild with joy.

3. It was the third time that I hadn't passed the driving test.

4. It is / has been decades since he saw such a magnificent/spectacular/majestic/splendid/ an imposing sunrise. 或 Decades has past since he last saw …


10. It will (not) be…before…does…; It was (not)…before…did(时间状从)

1.不久一架直升机就到达现场来营救这次飞机失事的幸存者。(on the scene)



1.It wasn't long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.

2. It was quite a while before he realized his mistake.

3.It was some time before his research findings were recognized.


还有很久才:It will be + 时间段 + before sb. do

还没多久就:It won't be + 时间段 + before sb. do

过了很久才:It was + 时间段 + before sb. did

没过多久就:It wasn't + 时间段 + before sb. did


11. It's high/about time that…did…




4.是时候该报名参加由校方精心筹备的运动会了,那里,不仅有运动员们的高光时刻,更有无数将珍藏一辈子的时光。(high time)

1. It's about time that you went to bed.

2. It's high time that you reflected on what you have done.

3. It's the first time that I have visited this school with a long history and beautiful scenery.

4. It’s high time that I signed up for (should sign up for) the sports meeting carefully prepared by the school, where there are highlights/ is hightlight of athletes and also the countless moments that will be cherished/ treasured/ prized for a lifelong time.


12. By the time…(一般过去/一般现在)/By now + 主句(过完/将完/现完)



1. By the time he comes back, I will have finished my homework.

2. By the time I got home,the rain had stopped.



13. The reason why… (for doing sth.) is/ was that…

1.他从未想到他被拒绝的原因是不会电脑。(turn down)



1. It never occurred to him that the reason why he was turned down was that he didn't know how to use a computer.

sth occur to sb=sth strike sb

It occurred to sb that=It struck sb that

2. The reason why he is in poor health is that he doesn't pay much attention to diet and rest.

3. The reason for his not attending the party Inst night was that nobody informed him of it.


14. What…sb. (most) was + n. /that…

(move,touch, strike, delight, surprise, amaze, interest, worry, trouble, disappoint)




1. What moved us was that many people gave a helping hand to the victims of the accident.

2. What delighted me most was that the present he gave me was what I wanted to buy.

3. What troubles me most currently/ at the moment is that I can't memorize all these English words.


15. What (really) matters (to sb.) is not A, but B



1.What really matters is not how others treat you, but how you treat yourself.

2.What really matters is not how much money we make, but to keep healthy.



16. It happens that…;

It seems that…/ sb. seem to do/ to be doing/ to be done




1.It happened that I came across the famous scientist whom you mentioned last time at the party last night.

2.It so happened that Mr. Smith failed to attend the party because his mother was seriously ill.

3.It seems that the minister can't avoid answering the questions raised by reporters this time.


17. It matters much/a lot至关重要;It matters little=it doesn't matter 无关紧要




1.It matters much/ a lot whether a job applicant can leave a good impression on the interviewer.

2.It matters a lt to do what is really worth doing.

3.It matters little who has proposed this suggestion so long as we benefit from it.


18. It is (generally) believed, thought, acknowledged that…普遍认为/众所周知



1. It is generally believed that the growth of street violence is closely related to the horror films on TV.

2.It is generally acknowledged that there is no need to assign too much home work to



19. It is likely that…; sb./sth is likely to do…;

1.更有可能喜欢流行歌曲的是年轻人而不是老年人。(rather than)



1.Young people rather than the old are likely to prefer pop music.

2.She turned on the TV but didn't find any program that was likely to interest her.

3.The newly-built language lab is likely to be open to all the students and teachers soon.


20. It is/was possible that… It is impossible for sb. to do.



1.It is possible that people may get sick if they work or live in air-conditioned room from morning till night.

2.It is impossible for them to have a thorough knowledge/ understanding of local culture.


21. It is/was convenient for sb. to do sth.




1. It isn't convenient for the scientist to make any comments on this invention.

2. As far as I know, it is convenient to do shopping in that community.

3. If it is convenient for you, please help me fetch the parcel from the post office.


22. It is necessary for sb. to do.






1.It is very necessary for us to apply what we have learned at school to our daily lives.

2.It is absolutely necessary to relax ourselves after a period of hard work.

3.It is necessary for the elderly to understand what the young are thinking and feeling.

4.On the other hand, it is absolutely necessary to carry on the extensive publicity, enabling the public to know that the natural reserves are the basic unit of the protection of the natural and cultural heritages, which are formed in the struggle process against the nature by human beings and will play an important role in the economic construction.


23. It is hard to imagine/believe/ foresee/ forecast…

1.当别的孩子在玩耍时,很难想像一个孩子能集中思想在课本上。(focus on)



1.It's hard to imagine that a child can focus on his textbook when other kids are playing.

2.It's hard for us to foresee the future,so what we should do right now is to cherish what we have.

3. It's hard to believe that he has no hobby except his work.


24. find it hard to do…; It is no good/ use doing…




1.It is no use arguing with them.

2.It's no use/ good regretting after making mistakes, What you should know is that you should try every (possible) means to avoid making the same mistake again.

3.It's no good talking that and we must make a plan and then carry it out/ put it into practice.


六、There is…(5)

25. There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.



3.没有必要把我看作是你的老师,我们可以相互学习。(look on)

1.There is no need to consult the dictionary every time you come across a new word when reading.

2.Since you have reached an agreement,there is no need to turn to a lawyer.

3.There is no need for you to look on me as your teacher because we can learn from each other.


26. There is no doubt that…




1.There is no doubt that the government will take measures to prevent the disease from spreading.


27. There is no/ not much/not any point (in) doing…没有意义

1.向他们埋怨没有什么意义,他们根本不会理睬。(take any notice)


1.There is no point (in) complaining to them because they won't take any notice.

2.Do you think there is any point (in) arguing with her about trifles/trivial matters?


28. There is no denying that…不可否认


2.不可否认,电脑让我们的生活更方便,但也存在一些问题。(there exist)

1.There is no denying that the quality of their life is going from bad to worse.

2.There is no denying that the computer makes our life more convenient but there exist some problems.


29. There happens to be…;There seems to be…;

There is likely to be…;There is bound to be…




1.There happens to be medicine for toothache in the bottle wrapped in newspaper.

2.There seems to be no reason to postpone this lecture.

3.There seemed to be no objection to the suggestions put forward.



30. bear/keep sth. in mind;bear/keep in mind that…;

take it into consideration that…牢记于心




1.While driving,every driver must bear in mind that any negligence/ carelessness is likely to cause an accident and even death.

2.We should keep in mind that our country is seriously short of water.

3.We must keep in mind that young people can't achieve success without undergoing difficulties.


31. take sth for granted; take it for granted that…;

It is taken for granted that…理所当然,天经地义




1.Don't take it for granted that we can find jobs after graduation.

2.It is taken for granted that children should support their parents.

3.We often take for granted the food and clothes that our parents provide for us.


32. find/feel/think/consider it adj./n.+to do/ that



3.我发现很有必要记住一些代代相传的谚语。(pass on)


1.We find it hard to keep up with the rapid development in the field of science.

2.I feel it my responsibility to teach students to respect the cultures of other countries.

3.I find it necessary to memorize some proverbs that have been passed on from generation to generation.

4.Do you think it really necessary to send kids who haven't graduated from high school to study abroad?


33. make it+ adj. (difficult/easy/ possible/convenient…) + (for sb.) to do/that…;

 make sth. adj.→ sth. be made + adj.


2.邻居们明确表示,如果 John 继续播放摇滚乐直到深夜,他们要向警方投诉。(continue)3.随着现代科技的发展,太空勘探已成可能。(exploration)

1.It's your help that makes it possible for us to stay in a Chinese family in the tourist season.

2.The neighbors made it clear that if John continued to play the rock music till midnight, they would complain to the police.

3.With the development of modern science and technology,space exploration has been made possible.


34. make it a rule to do/that…


2.我们定了一个规则,由值日生用英语讲每日新闻。(on duty)


1.They have made it a rule to have a meeting every other week to exchange the collected information.

2.We have made it a rule that students on duty will report daily news in English.

3.This school has made it a rule that students are not allowed to bring their cell phones into the school.


35. see to it that…/ make sure that/ensure that (assure sb. of/assure sb. that)



3.我已被告知,汉斯会确保你的计划很快投入实施。(put into)

1. Please see to it that the doors and windows are closed before you leave the lab.

2. You'd better go back and make sure that all the medicine bottles are kept under lock and key.

3.I have been told that Hans will see to it that your plan will soon be put into practice.



36. Whenever,When it comes to…/Talking of/In terms of/In (the) light of…




1. When it comes to education, most people think it is a process of life-long learning.

2. Tom said that he had seen the film, but when it came to the details, he knew nothing about it.

3. When it comes to deciding on the purpose of life,even the wisest philosopher is only guessing.


37. Contrary to one's expectations/wish/prediction…;

Contrary to what sb.expected/thought,…

1.与二十年前人们的预言相反,现在越来越多的年轻人离开父母独立生活。(live on)

1. Contrary to people's prediction twenty years ago,nowadays more and more young people leave their parents and live on their own.


38. with the development/increase/help/rise/improvement of…


2.随着人口的飞速增长,水资源的缺乏已经成了一个大问题。(lack of)



5.随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人想要周游世界。(make a tour)

1. With the rapid development of economy, China is playing a greater role in international affairs.

2. With the rapid increase in population, the lack of water resources has become a big problem.

3. Under the help of the doctor, his father has fully recovered from the bad cold.

4. With the rise of the supermarkets, it is increasingly convenient for us to go shopping.

5. With the improvement of the living standards, more and more people love to make a tour around the world.


39. cannot/never…too + adj./adv.再……也不为过




1. While making friends on the internet, you can never be too careful.

2. You can't be too careful when making this decision because it is so important.

3. We can never emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.


40. I would appreciate it (very much) if you could…虚拟

I appreciate your kindness in doing sth.


2.我感激你为我从网上得到这么多的有关国际贸易的信息。(on the Internet)

1.I would appreciate it very much if you could show me around your school.

2.I appreciate your kindness in finding so much information about international trade for me on the Internet.


41. 被动语态




1. Special emphasis should be laid/ put/ placed on environmental protection.

2. After the kids grow up, they should be encouraged to do whatever housework they can do and learn how to take care of themselves.

3. Effective measures must be taken to prevent more people from being threatened by AIDS.


42. 越…越…

The more…the more… 陈述语序+成分完整



3.相对而言,孩子与父母交流越多,越不可能感到忧郁。(suffer from)

1.The larger your vocabulary is, the easier you will find it to write in English.

2.The more we have learnt, the better we will be able to work for our country in the future.

3.Relatively speaking,the more children communicate with their parents, the less likely they are to suffer from depression.


43. 祈使句/名词词组,or/and…




1.Keep trying,and you are sure to succeed one day.

2.One more step, and you are likely to fall down from/fall off the cliff.

3.Follow your doctor's advice, or your cough will be/ get worse.


44. …those who…




1. Only those who have been seriously ill can truly understand what health means to a person.

2. People are always grateful to those who help them out of difficulty.

3. Those who survived the air crash will never forget the terrible experience.


45. not necessarily 不一定/未必




1. Generally speaking, the higher the price is, the better the quality will be, but it is not necessarily the case.

2. Those who have college diplomas are not necessarily outstanding talents.

3. More money doesn't necessarily bring more happiness, which has been proved by many facts.


46. as的各类考点

1. 时不我待,时间和历史都属于奋进者。(as)

2. 随着季节的变化,公园里的乐趣也在变化。(so)

3. 正如这本小册子介绍的那样,这里的司机都有礼让行人的习惯。

4. 值得一提的是,在王老师的影响下,她的同事更关注孩子的努力,而非他们的成绩。(as...as...)

5. 像热溶化冰一样,水溶化盐。(dissolve)

6. 他向救济基金会捐的钱如果不比我多,也和我一样多。(donate)

1. Time and tide wait for no man as timeand history are both on the side of strivers.

2. As the seasons change,so does theenjoyment/fun (to have) in the park.

3. As the booklet explains/ puts, the drivers here areall in the habit of giving way to/ making way for pedestrians.

或As is introduced in the booklet, thedrivers here all allow pedestrians to go first out of habit.

4. What is worth noting/ noteworthy is that, under Mrs. Wong's influence, her colleagues are not paying as much attention to children'sacademic performance as to their efforts.

或It's worth mentioning that under the influenceof Mrs. Wang, her workmates don't care as much about...as about...

5. Water dissolves salt as heat dissolves ice.

6. He donated as much money to the relief foundation as, if not more than, I did.


47. strike的各类考点

1. 我突然意识到我们能够帮助父母做点简单的家务,比如把脏衣服分成几堆。(strike)

2. 我实在想不通为什么大伙儿都觉得他这个人高不可攀,我印象中他挺和蔼可亲的。(strike)

3. 该小镇已经开始允许人们在街道上临时摆摊来重振受疫情重创的当地经济。(strike)

4. 这位明星通过真人秀节目积累人气,之后乘胜追击,担纲主演了一部卖座电影。(strike)

1. It suddenly struck me that we were able tohelp our parents do some simple housework such as sorting dirty clothes into piles.

2. I can't understand why people all think heis inaccessible, because he strikes me as a very approachable and amiable person.

3. People have been allowed to set up temporarystalls in the streets in/ of the town to restore local economy struck/ stricken hard by the epidemic/ pandemic.

4. The star gained popularity through a realityshow, and then he struck while the iron was hot, starring in a movie that was a box office hit/ starring in a blockbuster movie.
















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