解决父母与孩子的代沟英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 problem英语 解决父母与孩子的代沟英语作文


#解决父母与孩子的代沟英语作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”解决父母与孩子的代沟“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Solving the generation gap between parents and children。以下是关于解决父母与孩子的代沟的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Solving the generation gap between parents and children

According to the survey of our school, the generation gap is becoming more and more serious, and the bad relationship between parents and children is very common. Are these problems caused by busy parents or are they affected by strict family rules? First of all, in most families in the United States, unfortunately, both parents have to go out to work to earn money and provide a better environment for their lovely children, which leads to a rare communication between them and their children. Because these parents always rest in their leisure time, the parents and children can't get to know each other very well, so friction arises, so it is easy to appear Secondly, parents demand absolute obedience from their children, which is also one of the important reasons for the generation gap.

These children are not willing to communicate with their parents. Most of them do not actively talk with their children. Therefore, misunderstanding often occurs between them to solve these problems.

Busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to actively communicate with their children to improve their relationship, At the same time, we can also observe children's behavior in order to understand their personality and reduce their quarrels. In addition, parents should try their best to give up their absolute power in the family and give the children a better image, because it can make the children feel free to chat with their parents, so that parents can easily get close to their lovely children. Therefore, the relationship between parents and children should be strengthened In order to make the relationship between parents and children closer, parents should spend their leisure time talking with their children and observing their children's personality, and give them a close image.

If so, the terrible phenomenon of generation gap will not happen again.




Nowadays, the generation gap problem is more and more serious, and the phenomenon of poor relationship between parents and children is very common. Are these problems caused by busy parents or because strict family rules first affect the parent-child relationship. In most families in China, both parents have to go out to work to earn more money and provide a better environment for their lovely children.

Unfortunately, this is the case As these parents always rest in their spare time, they can not understand each other very well, so friction will appear. Parents ask their children to be absolutely obedient, which is also an important reason for the generation gap. They do not try to communicate with their children equally.

Therefore, when solving these problems, they are very tolerant It is easy to misunderstand that busy parents should sacrifice their spare time and actively communicate with their children to improve their relationship. At the same time, they can observe their children's behavior to understand their personality, which can reduce their quarrels. In addition, parents should try to give up their absolute rights in the family and let their children chat with them freely.




Nowadays, the generation gap problem is more and more serious, and the phenomenon of poor parent-child relationship is very common. Are these problems caused by busy parents or strict family rules first affect the parent-child relationship. In most families in China, both parents have to go out to work to earn more money and provide a better environment for their lovely children.

Unfortunately, this leads to very little communication between them and stolen children. As these parents always rest in their spare time, their parents and children do not know each other very well, and friction will also occur. Parents' demand for absolute obedience is also an important reason for the generation gap.

They do not try to communicate with their children equally, so it is easy to solve these problems When misunderstandings arise, busy parents should sacrifice their spare time and actively communicate with their children to improve their relationship. At the same time, they can observe their children's behavior to understand their personality, which can reduce their quarrels. In addition, parents should give up their absolute rights in the family as far as possible, and let their children chat with them freely.

Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the elderly and the young. It is a common phenomenon in the world. Generally speaking, it affects the elderly and young people.

The generation gap leads to different understanding and understanding of the world's great changes and new things Therefore, we can say that where there are old people and young people, there is a generation gap, which is natural. But if it is not handled properly, the gap will become larger and larger, affecting the work and the relationship between the old and the young.



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