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pride是什么意思/翻译_pride读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2022年12月31日 pm6:43 • 英文单词 • 阅读 76


pride是什么意思/翻译_pride读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 pride

英 [praɪd] 美 [praɪd]

n.  自豪; 骄傲; 得意感; 值得自豪的人(或事物); 自尊心; 自尊; 尊严v.  使得意,以…自豪



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2878 / COCA.2801



愉悦;满足 pleasure/satisfaction

自豪;骄傲;得意感a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done sth well or own sth that other people admire The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride.看到儿子毕业她充满了自豪。 I take (a) pride in my work .我为自己的工作感到骄傲。 We take great pride in offering the best service in town.我们以能够提供全城最好的服务而自豪。 I looked with pride at what I had achieved.回顾过去的成就,我感到十分光荣。 Success in sport is a source of national pride.体育成就是民族光荣的源泉。 值得自豪的人(或事物)a person or thing that gives people a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction The new sports stadium is the pride of the town.新体育场是这个城市的骄傲。

自尊 respect for yourself

自尊心;自尊;尊严the feeling of respect that you have for yourself Pride would not allow him to accept the money.自尊心不容他接受这笔钱。 Her pride was hurt.她的自尊心受到了伤害。 Losing his job was a real blow to his pride .失掉工作对他的自尊是个沉重的打击。 It’s time to swallow your pride (= hide your feelings of pride) and ask for your job back.这时候你应该收起自尊,讨回那份工作。 自负;傲慢the feeling that you are better or more important than other people Male pride forced him to suffer in silence.男性的自尊迫使他隐忍不言。

狮子 lions

狮群a group of lions



柯林斯词典 N-UNCOUNT 自豪;得意Pride is a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good. …the sense of pride in a job well done…做好一项工作的自豪感 We take pride in offering you the highest standards…我们为向您提供最高标准的服务而感到自豪。 They can look back on their endeavours with pride.他们可以骄傲地回首过去付出的努力。 N-UNCOUNT 尊严;自尊;自尊心Pride is a sense of the respect that other people have for you, and that you have for yourself. Davis had to salvage his pride…戴维斯必须得挽回他的自尊。 It was a severe blow to Kendall’s pride.这严重地打击了肯德尔的自尊心。 N-UNCOUNT 骄傲;傲慢Someone’s pride is the feeling that they have that they are better or more important than other people. His pride may still be his downfall.他的傲慢可能还会毁了他。 VERB 为…感到自豪;对…感到得意If you pride yourself on a quality or skill that you have, you are very proud of it. Smith prides himself on being able to organise his own life…史密斯对能够把自己的生活安排得井井有条感到很得意。 Doyle prides himself on his accuracy.道尔为自己的准确无误感到自豪。 (狮)群A pride of lions is a group of lions that live together. PHRASE 引以为豪的人(或事物)Someone or something that is your pride and joy is very important to you and makes you feel very happy. The bike soon became his pride and joy.这辆自行车很快就成了他的骄傲。 PHRASE 首要地位;最重要的地位If something takes pride of place, it is treated as the most important thing in a group of things. A tee-foot-high silver World Championship cup takes pride of place near a carved wooden chair…一个3英尺高的世界锦标赛银质奖杯放在一把木雕椅附近,位置非常显眼。 The manifesto gives pride of place to job creation.这项宣言将创造工作机会放在首位。 PHRASE 放下自尊;忍气吞声;放下架子If you swallow your pride, you decide to do something even though you think it will cause you to lose some respect. No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and live with Gladys.无疑,他的老母亲如今只能放下身价,去和格拉迪斯住在一起。 双语例句 He almost burst with pride when his son John began to excel at football 当儿子约翰在足球方面表现优秀时,他心中充满了自豪。 They carried themselves with great pride and dignity. 他们举手投足间透着傲气和高贵。 Other women seemed content and even exhibited their bellies with pride 其他女人似乎很满足,甚至还骄傲地炫耀她们的肚腩。 Strong feelings of pride welled up in me 我心中涌起强烈的自豪感。 Take pride in your health and your figure 为自己的健康和体形感到骄傲吧。 He looked at me without speaking, and for the first time I could see the pride that filled him 他看着我没有说话,我第一次看出他内心充满了自豪。 He felt a glow of pride in what she had accomplished. 他为她取得的成绩深感自豪。 The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride. 埃米遇见的准妈妈们个个洋溢着自豪和喜悦。 Alik’s words filled her heart with pride 亚利克的话让她心感自豪。 Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society 其目的是要重拾过去的自豪感,建立一个有礼节的社会。 We take pride in offering you the highest standards 我们为向您提供最高标准的服务而感到自豪。 They can look back on their endeavours with pride. 他们可以骄傲地回首过去付出的努力。 Davis had to salvage his pride 戴维斯必须得挽回他的自尊。 It was a severe blow to Kendall’s pride. 这严重地打击了肯德尔的自尊心。 His pride may still be his downfall. 他的傲慢可能还会毁了他。 Smith prides himself on being able to organise his own life 史密斯对能够把自己的生活安排得井井有条感到很得意。 Doyle prides himself on his accuracy. 道尔为自己的准确无误感到自豪。 The bike soon became his pride and joy. 这辆自行车很快就成了他的骄傲。 A tee-foot-high silver World Championship cup takes pride of place near a carved wooden chair 一个3英尺高的世界锦标赛银质奖杯放在一把木雕椅附近,位置非常显眼。 The manifesto gives pride of place to job creation. 这项宣言将创造工作机会放在首位。 No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and live with Gladys. 无疑,他的老母亲如今只能放下身价,去和格拉迪斯住在一起。 American companies pride themselves on their professionalism 美国公司为他们的专业水准感到自豪。 Her husband‘s pride was a small thing to sacrifice for their children’s security 为了孩子们的安全,舍弃她丈夫的尊严不算什么。 Was it the sin of pride to have believed too much in themselves? 他们过分自信,这是否犯了骄纵之罪? She could see her two sons swell with pride. 她能看出她的两个儿子充满了骄傲。 They take great pride in their heritage 他们为自己的历史传统深感自豪。 She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform. 她大概会为穿上校服而感到非常得意。 Abigail’s mother Linda views her daughter’s talent with a mixture of pride and worry 阿比盖尔的母亲琳达带着一种又骄傲又担忧的复杂情绪看待女儿的才华。 There are people who swell with pride whenever they make some small contribution. 有些人出了一点力就觉得了不起。 短语用例

pride yourself on sth/on doing sth

pride是什么意思/翻译_pride读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 引以为荣;为…而骄傲to be proud of sth 习惯用语


sb’s pride and joy

某人引以为荣的人(或事物)a person or thing that causes sb to feel great pleasure or satisfaction

pride comes/goes before a fall

骄傲使人失败if you have too high an opinion of yourself or your abilities, sth will happen to make you look stupid

pride of place

显要位置;最突出(或最重要)的位置the position in which sth is most easily seen, that is given to the most important thing in a particular group 英英释义


unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins)

Synonym:    superbia

the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards a feeling of self-respect and personal worth

Synonym:    pridefulness

satisfaction with your (or another‘s) achievements he takes pride in his son’s success a group of lions


be proud of He prides himself on making it into law school

Synonym:    plumecongratulate



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