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2021-2022学年贵州省遵义市红花岗区六年级(上)期末英语试卷一、听力部分(40分)1.(10分)听录音,选出所听句子中的单词或短语。(1)A.library B.museum C.cinema(2)A.behind B.near C.next to(3)A.right B.light C.straight(4)A.by taxi B.by bus C.by bike(5)A.tomorrow B.together C.tonight(6)A.foot B.book C.food(7)A.do kung fu B.doing kung fu C.does kung fu(8)A.dancing B.reading C.listening(9)A.coach B.watch C.teach(10)A.attention B.angry C.afraid2.(10分)听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符填"T"反之填"F"。3.(10分)听录音,根据所听句子,选出正确的答语。(1)A.You should see a doctor. B.You should wear warm clothes. C.You should take a deep breath.(2)A.He is doing word puzzles. B.He likes going shopping. C.He is going to do some sports.(3)A.Yes,we are. B.Yes,we do. C.Yes,we can.(4)A.He likes singing and dancing. B.He is a scientist. C.He wants to be a scientist.(5)A.She is near the hospital. B.She works in a hospital. C.She is going to see a doctor.4.(10分)听录音,补全句子中缺少的单词。(1)Where is the_____?(2)Turn_____at the cinema.(3)The little girl is_____.(4)His uncle is a_____.(5)John always goes _____on his holiday.五、选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。(5 分)5.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。healthy(  )A.teach B.breath C.sea6.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。follow(  )A.now B.down C.slow7.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。traffic(  )A.angry B.attention C. afraid8.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。ferry(  )A.secretary B.by C.why9.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。pilot(  )A.police B.office C.price六、判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填“T“,错误填“F“。 (10分)10.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。Stop and wait on a red light.    11.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。I have to do my homework now.    12.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。She don't have any cakes.    13.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。I like reading,Lily like reading too.    14.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。They should go straight at the crossing.    七、单项选择。(10 分)15.(2分)_______ an interesting story!A.It's B.What C.How16.(2分)My pen pal_____live in a big city.(  )A.isn't B.doesn't C.don't17.(2分)We will_____together and have a big dinner tonight.(  )A.get B.gets C.getting18.(2分)The cat is_________a mouse now.(  )A.chase B.chasing C.chases19.(2分)My dad is angry_____me.(  )A.with B.at C.about八、仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。(10 分)20.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.She feels excited.   21.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.Tom usually studies English in the morning.   22.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.I am going to be a teacher.   23.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.Jack works at sea.   24.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.What are you going to do tomorrow?   九、情景交际,选择正确的句子补全对话。(10分)25.(10分)情景交际,选择正确的句子补全对话。A.Does she live in Guiyang?B.No,she doesn't.C.Can I also be her pen pal?D.What are her hobbies?E.She works at a university.Lucy:Hi,Lily!I have a new pen pal.Her name is Lu Yao.She is from Guizhou.Lily:Really?(1)   Lucy:No ,she lives in Zunyi.Lily:Is she a student too?Lucy:No,she's a teacher.(2)   Lily:Great!Does she go to work by bus?Lucy: (3)   She has a small car.Lily:Wow!(4)   Lucy:She likes playing football and ice﹣skating.Lily:I like ice﹣skating too.(5)   Lucy:Sure,why not?She will feel happy.Let's contact(联系) her now.十、阅读理解。26.(10分)根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确写"T",错误写"F"。Hello!I am Kathy.Let me introduce(介绍) my family to you.My father is a policeman.He often goes to work by car.He likes doing kung fu.My mother is an English teacher,her hobbies are listening to music and dancing.She goes to work with my father.My sister Nancy likes playing the piano,she is an artist,she goes to work by taxi.I am a student,I often go to school with my litter sister Dora.We like the school,both of us have many friends,usually we play together,we are so happy!(1)There are four people in Kathy's family.    (2)Kathy's father is a police officer.    (3)Kathy's mother goes to work by car.    (4)Kathy's sister Nancy likes playing the pipa.    (5)Kathy has many friends at school.    十一、小练笔。(5 分)27.(5分)同学们,寒假即将到来,你有怎样的计划呢?请以"My winter holiday"为题,写一篇小短文。要求: (1)条理清晰,语意连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。(2)表格内信息仅供参考,可适当发挥想象。(3)不少于50个单词。Where science museum/ Sanya...How by bus/ plane...What visit/go swimming...Why like science/ swimming...My winter holiday   2021-2022学年贵州省遵义市红花岗区六年级(上)期末英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、听力部分(40分)1.(10分)听录音,选出所听句子中的单词或短语。(1)A.library B.museum C.cinema(2)A.behind B.near C.next to(3)A.right B.light C.straight(4)A.by taxi B.by bus C.by bike(5)A.tomorrow B.together C.tonight(6)A.foot B.book C.food(7)A.do kung fu B.doing kung fu C.does kung fu(8)A.dancing B.reading C.listening(9)A.coach B.watch C.teach(10)A.attention B.angry C.afraid【解答】略2.(10分)听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符填"T"反之填"F"。【解答】略3.(10分)听录音,根据所听句子,选出正确的答语。(1)A.You should see a doctor. B.You should wear warm clothes. C.You should take a deep breath.(2)A.He is doing word puzzles. B.He likes going shopping. C.He is going to do some sports.(3)A.Yes,we are. B.Yes,we do. C.Yes,we can.(4)A.He likes singing and dancing. B.He is a scientist. C.He wants to be a scientist.(5)A.She is near the hospital. B.She works in a hospital. C.She is going to see a doctor.【解答】略4.(10分)听录音,补全句子中缺少的单词。(1)Where is the_____?(2)Turn_____at the cinema.(3)The little girl is_____.(4)His uncle is a_____.(5)John always goes _____on his holiday.【解答】略五、选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。(5 分)5.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。healthy(  )A.teach B.breath C.sea【解答】考查字母组合ea在单词中的发音。字母组合ea在单词healthy,breath中发[e],字母组合ea在单词teach,sea中发[i:],B发音与所给单词划线部分读音相同。故选:B。6.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。follow(  )A.now B.down C.slow【解答】考查字母组合ow在单词中的发音。字母组合ow在单词follow,slow中发[ ],字母组合ow在单词now,down中发[a ],C发音与所给单词划线部分读音相同。故选:C。7.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。traffic(  )A.angry B.attention C. afraid【解答】考查元音字母a的发音。字母"a"在给出的单词traffic,angry中发[ ],字母"a"在给出的单词attention,afraid中发[ ],A选项与所给单词划线部分发音相同。故选:A。8.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。ferry(  )A.secretary B.by C.why【解答】考查字母y的发音。字母"y"在给出的单词ferry,secretary中发[i],字母"y"在给出的单词by,why中发[a ],A选项与所给单词ferry划线部分发音相同。故选:A。9.(1分)选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。pilot(  )A.police B.office C.price【解答】考查元音字母i的发音。字母"i"在给出的单词office,police中发[ ],字母"i"在给出的单词pilot,price中发[a ],C选项与所给单词划线部分发音相同。故选:C。六、判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填“T“,错误填“F“。 (10分)10.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。Stop and wait on a red light.  × 【解答】考查地点介词。句意为"在红灯处停下等待。","红灯处"为具体地点,搭配地点介词at,此处on使用错误。故答案为:×。11.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。I have to do my homework now.  √ 【解答】考查动词短语。do one's homework做作业 ,为动词短语,主语为I,对应的形容词性物主代词为my,do my homework为正确表达。故答案为:√。12.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。She don't have any cakes.  × 【解答】考查陈述句的否定形式。分析句子,时态是一般现在时,主语She"她"是第三人称单数,据此,可确定本句的否定结构应在主语后加doesn't,句子中划线部分表达不正确。故答案为:×。13.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。I like reading,Lily like reading too.  × 【解答】考查动名词。句子中主语是Lily,第三人称单数,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式likes。这里like是动词原形,不正确。故填:×。14.(2分)判断下列句子中划线部分表达是否正确。正确填"T",错误填"F"。They should go straight at the crossing.  × 【解答】考查动词短语。Turn right/left.右转/左转,为动词短语,常与介词at连用;go straight直走,一般不与at the crossing连用。故答案为:×。七、单项选择。(10 分)15.(2分)_______ an interesting story!A.It's B.What C.How【解答】考查感叹句。感叹句结构主要有①How +形容词/副词+ a/an名词单数/不可数名词/可数名词复数(+主谓)!②What+a/an名词单数/不可数名词/可数名词复数(短语)(+主谓)!an interesting story一个有趣的故事,为名词短语,符合句式②。故选:B。16.(2分)My pen pal_____live in a big city.(  )A.isn't B.doesn't C.don't【解答】考查陈述句的否定形式。分析句子,时态是一般现在时,且句子中有实义动词live"住",主语My pen pal"我的笔友"是第三人称单数,据此,可确定本句的否定结构应在主语后加doesn't即可。故选:B。17.(2分)We will_____together and have a big dinner tonight.(  )A.get B.gets C.getting【解答】考查动词原形。句子中will后面跟动词原形get。故选:A。18.(2分)The cat is_________a mouse now.(  )A.chase B.chasing C.chases【解答】考查动词的现在分词。根据句子The cat is﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣后可知,时态为现在进行时,后需接动词的ing形式。chase的现在分词形式是chasing。故选:B。19.(2分)My dad is angry_____me.(  )A.with B.at C.about【解答】考查介词用法辨析。be angry with sb."对某人生气"为常见短语,句意为"我爸爸对我很生气。",A选项with符合。B选项at表示在具体时间或地点,C选项about为"大约、关于"。故选:A。八、仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。(10 分)20.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.She feels excited. She feels sad. 【解答】考查陈述句肯定形式。例句She feels excited.(她感到兴奋。)可知,时态为一般现在时,句子结构是:She feels +形容词。用形容词sad"悲伤的"替换excited"兴奋的"据此仿写的句子为:She feels sad.故答案为:She feels sad.21.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.Tom usually studies English in the morning. Tom usually does exercises in the morning. 【解答】考查陈述句肯定形式和动词短语。例句Tom usually studies English in the morning.(汤姆通常早上学英语。)可知,时态为一般现在时,句子结构是:Tom usually +动词的第三人称单数+宾语+in the morning。用动词短语do exercises"做运动"替换studies English"学英语",据此仿写的句子为:Tom usually does exercises in the morning.故答案为:Tom usually does exercises in the morning.22.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.I am going to be a teacher. I am going to be a pilot. 【解答】考查陈述句的肯定形式和名词词义辨析。结合例句,句型为:I am going to be+名词词组,a pilot一名飞行员,符合。可以为句子:I am going to be a pilot.我打算成为一名飞行员。故答案为:I am going to be a pilot.23.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.Jack works at sea. Jack works in a fatory. 【解答】考查陈述句的肯定形式和介词短语。结合例句,横线处应为介词短语,in a factory在一家工厂里,为介词短语,符合。可以为句子:Jack works in a fatory.杰克在一家工厂里工作。故答案为:Jack works in a fatory.24.(2分)仿照例句仿写句子,注意书写规范。例:I should do my homework.I should wear warm clothes.What are you going to do tomorrow? What are you going to do next week? 【解答】考查what引导的特殊疑问句和时间副词。例:我应该做我的家庭作业。我应该穿暖和的衣服。原句为what引导的一般将来时态的特殊疑问句,划线词语是tomorrow(明天),将tomorrow改为同类词next week(下周),句子可以仿写为:What are you going to do next week?(你下周打算做什么?)故答案为:What are you going to do next week?九、情景交际,选择正确的句子补全对话。(10分)25.(10分)情景交际,选择正确的句子补全对话。A.Does she live in Guiyang?B.No,she doesn't.C.Can I also be her pen pal?D.What are her hobbies?E.She works at a university.Lucy:Hi,Lily!I have a new pen pal.Her name is Lu Yao.She is from Guizhou.Lily:Really?(1) A Lucy:No ,she lives in Zunyi.Lily:Is she a student too?Lucy:No,she's a teacher.(2) E Lily:Great!Does she go to work by bus?Lucy: (3) B She has a small car.Lily:Wow!(4) D Lucy:She likes playing football and ice﹣skating.Lily:I like ice﹣skating too.(5) C Lucy:Sure,why not?She will feel happy.Let's contact(联系) her now.【解答】(1)A。由No ,she lives in Zunyi.(不,她住在遵义。)推测上一句对方在询问路遥是否居住在某地,Does she live in Guiyang?(她住在贵阳吗?)符合。故选:A。(2)E。由No,she's a teacher.(不,她是老师。)可知露西阐明路遥是一位老师,后面应该是对路遥职业的补充,She works at a university.(她在一所大学工作。)符合。故选:E。(3)B。由Does she go to work by bus?(她坐公共汽车上班吗?)可知对方在问路遥是否坐公共汽车上班,回答应该说明是或者不是,No,she doesn't.(不,她不是。)符合。故选:B。(4)D。由She likes playing football and ice﹣skating.(她喜欢踢足球和滑冰。)推测上一句对方在问路遥的爱好,What are her hobbies?( 她的爱好是什么?)符合。故选:D。(5)C。由Sure,why not?(当然,为什么不呢?)推测上一句对方提出了一个请求,Can I also be her pen pal?(我也可以做她的笔友吗?)符合。故选:C。十、阅读理解。26.(10分)根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确写"T",错误写"F"。Hello!I am Kathy.Let me introduce(介绍) my family to you.My father is a policeman.He often goes to work by car.He likes doing kung fu.My mother is an English teacher,her hobbies are listening to music and dancing.She goes to work with my father.My sister Nancy likes playing the piano,she is an artist,she goes to work by taxi.I am a student,I often go to school with my litter sister Dora.We like the school,both of us have many friends,usually we play together,we are so happy!(1)There are four people in Kathy's family.  F (2)Kathy's father is a police officer.  T (3)Kathy's mother goes to work by car.  T (4)Kathy's sister Nancy likes playing the pipa.  F (5)Kathy has many friends at school.  T 【解答】(1)由文章可知凯西家里有爸爸妈妈,凯西和妹妹南希以及小妹妹朵拉,一共五个人。There are four people in Kathy's family.(凯西家有四个人。)描述错误。故答案为:F。(2)由My father is a policeman.(我父亲是一名警察。)可知凯西父亲是一名警察。HKathy's father is a police officer.(凯西的父亲是一名警官。)描述正确。故答案为:T。(3)由He often goes to work by car.She goes to work with my father.(他经常开车上班。她和我父亲一起去上班。)可知凯西的妈妈坐车去上班。Kathy's mother goes to work by car.(凯西的妈妈坐车上班。)描述正确。故答案为:T。(4)由My sister Nancy likes playing the piano.(我妹妹南希喜欢弹钢琴。)可知凯西的妹妹南希喜欢弹钢琴。Kathy's sister Nancy likes playing the pipa.(凯西的妹妹南希喜欢弹琵琶。)描述错误。故答案为:F。(5)由I often go to school with my litter sister Dora.We like the school,both of us have many friends.(我经常和我的小妹妹朵拉一起上学。我们喜欢学校,我们都有很多朋友。)可知凯西在学校有很多朋友。Kathy has many friends at school. (凯西在学校有很多朋友。)描述正确。故答案为:T。十一、小练笔。(5 分)27.(5分)同学们,寒假即将到来,你有怎样的计划呢?请以"My winter holiday"为题,写一篇小短文。要求: (1)条理清晰,语意连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。(2)表格内信息仅供参考,可适当发挥想象。(3)不少于50个单词。Where science museum/ Sanya...How by bus/ plane...What visit/go swimming...Why like science/ swimming...My winter holiday The winter holiday is coming.I am making a good plan for it.First,I want to have a good rest because I study very hard at school every day.Now I am so tired.Next,I want to go to Sanya by plane.I will visit my aunt there and go swimming.Because I like swimming.Swimming makes me happy and healthy. 【解答】My winter holidayThe winter holiday is coming.I am making a good plan for it.First,I want to have a good rest because I study very hard at school every day.Now I am so tired.Next,I want to go to Sanya by plane.I will visit my aunt there and go swimming.Because I like swimming.Swimming makes me happy and healthy.我的寒假寒假即将来临。我正在制定一个很好的计划。首先,我想好好休息,因为我每天在学校学习很努力。现在我太累了。接下来,我想乘飞机去三亚。我将去那里看望我的姑妈并去游泳。因为我喜欢游泳。游泳使我快乐和健康。








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