人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems优质课ppt课件 您所在的位置:网站首页 poem课件 人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems优质课ppt课件

人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems优质课ppt课件

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这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Poems优质课ppt课件,共39页。PPT课件主要包含了Open page,Warming up,Poem ,Poetry ,Scanning,Skimming, ʊl ,Focus,forms,emotions等内容,欢迎下载使用。

1 What can yu see in the picture?A rad runs thrugh a thick/dense green frest and frks ff in tw directins. 2 Hw can yu decrible the picture?It is beautiful, breathtaking, peaceful, quiet, green, shady, cl, relaxed, and refreshing.3 Hw d yu understand the pem lines in the pht? Can yu use yur wn wrds t explain them?Tw rads diverged in a wd, and I – I tk the ne less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. -Rbert Frst一片树林里分出两条路, 而我选了人迹更少的一条, 从此决定了我一生的道路。——罗伯特·弗罗斯特I think “tw rads” in the pem d nt mean actual rads in the wds, but tw chices in the pet’s life. He feels he has made a different and decisive chice. diverge vi. separate and g in different directins (道路,河流)分岔3 Hw d yu understand the pem lines in the pht? Can yu use yur wn wrds t explain them?4 When yu think f the wrds “pem” r “petry”, what cmes t mind?Theme: nature, lve, friendship, : happiness, srrw, anger, regret, admiratin, gratitude, devices: rhyme, simile, metaphr,...In children's eyes:A pem is ____________.A pem is lvely ________.A pem is ________.A pem can be __________ and can be ____________.A pem makes yu ______________________. really lud feel like singing laaaa…1. Watch the vide and fill the blanks.A piece f writing that express emtins, experience, and ideas, esp. in shrt lines which ften rhyme[raɪm]. (=end with the same sund) (一首)诗,诗歌2. What is a pem and petry?Pems in general;A cllectin f pems;The art f writing them诗, 诗歌(总称);诗集;诗作Twinkle twinkle little starHw I wnder what yu are,Up abve the wrld s highLike a diamnd in the sky.What d yu knw abut the fllwing sng?A nursery rhyme(童谣) - ne frm f pems.3. Let’s listen t a famus pem, and tell what frm f pem it is.rhythm节奏;韵律rhyme押韵(aabb)Like a diamnd in the skyA nursery rhyme (童谣) What makes a pem?Cmplete the mind map Reading and ThinkingAppreciate different frms f English pemsA FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS1 Befre yu read, discuss the questins with yur partner.1. Cmpared with ther frms f literature such as the nvel, drama, and the shrt stry, what are the characteristics f petry?Cmpared t ther frms f literature, petry tends t be shrter thugh a pem can be very lng. Wrds are used in lines and stanzas(节, 段), nt in sentences and paragraphs as in nvels. Often grammar and punctuatin(标点符号) are ignred r used differently. Petry is mre emtinal, and the pssibilities are much mre pen than in prse(散文).Pre-readingWhy d peple write pems?2. Why d yu think peple write pems?t tell a stryt express the feelings/emtinst recall a enjyable mmentt recrd an unpleasant incidentt encurage peple t play with wrdst make thers laught express a pint f view t create images fr readerst create a certain md3. What d yu expect t learn frm the reading passage?Sme simple frms f English pems. Hw many kinds f English pems are mentined? What are they?Nursery rhymes (童谣)List pems(清单诗) The cinquain(五行诗)Haiku(俳句) Tang pems(唐诗)1. What type f writing is this passage? A. Argumentative writing (议论文) B. Narrative writing(记叙文) C. Expsitry writing(说明文) D. Pems (诗歌)2. What is the main idea f the passage?The passage is mainly abut a brief intrductin t petry and a few simple frms f English pems.3. Hw many parts can it be divided int? What’s main idea f each part? Hw is structured?Part 1 (Para. 1)Part 2 (Para. 2-6)Part 3 (Para. 7)A brief intrductin t petry and the tpic f the passageCharacteristics f a few simple frms f pemsEncurage the students t have a try at writing their wn pems1. What aspects f petry des Paragraph 1 mainly cver?Reasns fr cmpsing petry:Characteristics f petry:t tell a stry r describe a certain image in the reader’s mind;t cnvey certain feelings such as jy and srrwecnmical use f wrdsdescriptive and vivid languageintegrated imagery(意象)literary devices (simile/metaphr)arrangement f wrds and linesrhymerhythmClse reading2. Read Para. 2 carefully and cmplete the table.Nursery rhymescntradictryHush, little baby, dn't say a wrd,Papa’s gnna buy yu a mckingbird.If that mckingbird wn't sing,Papa’s gnna buy yu a diamnd ring.If that diamnd ring turns t brass,Papa‘s gnna buy yu a lking glass.If that lking-glass gets brke,Papa's gnna buy yu a billy gat.If that billy gat wnt pull,Papa’s gnna buy yu a cart and bull.Nursery rhyme (童谣)Pem A is a nursery rhyme that describes a father’s lve fr his baby.3. Read Para. 3 carefully and cmplete the table. things, peple, ideas, r descriptins1. Mther (B) life (C)2. repetitin rhymes metaphrs cmparisn MtherHundreds f stars in the deep blue sky,Hundreds f shells n the shre tgether, hundreds f birds that g singing by, Hundreds f bees in the sunny weather, Hundreds f dewdrps t greet the dawn,Hundreds f bees in the purple clver, Hundreds f butterflies n the lawn,But nly ne mther the wrld ver. 母亲千百颗星星挂在湛蓝的天空,千百颗贝壳遍布悠长的海岸,千百只鸟儿鸣唱着飞过,千百只蜜蜂在阳光下穿梭,千百滴露珠迎接黎明,千百只蜜蜂在紫苜蓿中嬉戏,千百只蝴蝶在草地上起舞,可只有一个母亲,在这茫茫的世界。 List pem (清单诗)Pem A is a list pem that describes lve fr mther. LIFELife can be gd, Life can be bad,Life is mstly cheerful,But smetimes sad,Life can be dreams,Life can be great thughts, Life can mean a persn,Sitting in curt.生活生活可能美好,生活可能悲伤,生活常常充满欢乐,但有时令人沮丧。生活可能是幻梦一场,生活可能是伟大理想,生活也可能是一个人,独坐在被告席上。calm/peaceful Pem C is a list pem that describes what life is like. 4. Read Para.4 carefully and cmplete the table. 1. brther2. strng picture r mdBrtherBeautiful, athleticTeasing, shuting, laughingFriend and enemy tMine a nun (name the subject f the pem)tw adjectives (describe the subject)three -ing verbs (describe the subject's actins)fur wrds (give the writer's pinins r feelings)a wrd (give anther name fr the subject)a mix flve and hate The Cinquain (五行诗)Pem D is a descriptin f a lvely brther.5. Read Para.5 carefully and cmplete the table. 17 syllables5, 7, and 5very few wrds5 syllables7 syllableslving, amazing Haiku (俳句诗)Pem E describes hw a butterfly rests n a tree. lve and waiting6. Read Para.6 carefully and cmplete the table. Where she awaits her husbandOn and n the river flws.Never lking back,Transfrmed int stne.Day by day upn the muntain tp,wind and rain revlve.Shuld the traveler return, this stne wuld utter speech.Wang Jian望夫石 王建望夫处,江悠悠。化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语。    lvinglnely full f srrwpersevering Tang Petry (唐诗)Pem F is a translatin f a Tang pem, which describes a wman wh waited fr her belved husband t cme back frm a jurney.Pst reading赋得古原草送别 — 白居易离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。Lvely squirrel pushedOpen my windw t giveMe a dream l lst.rhythm & rhymesWrite a pem t cnvey yur feelings,eg: lve, srrw, a frm frm the text r create yur wn style. Learning tipspetry cmprehensinread alud with feelingt understand pemst enjy pemsimagine the pictureshave a musical qualityLife is nt just abut survival, but petry and distance!


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