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derive from造句

#derive from造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Elegance, he believed, did not derive from abundance.他相信,优雅并不来自于繁冗的装饰。

2、First-generation biofuels derive from edible biomass, primarily corn and soybeans and sugarcane.第一代生物燃料所用的原料是植物体可食用的部分,主要是玉米和大豆(美国做法)及甘蔗(巴西做法)。

3、Derive from IPrimeEvents, implement the handler functions, then call Register.从IPrimeEvents派生,实现处理器函数,然后调用Register。

4、Some ancient Greek philosophy seems to derive from the Oriental theory.古希腊人的一些哲学理论似乎源自于东方。

5、How often to derive from boost: : signals: : trackable?如何往往来自升压:信号追踪?

6、They derive from the most fundamental human tool of all - the hand.它们来源于人类最基本的工具——手。

7、Some of the differences derive from a lack of mutual understanding有的分歧实际上是相互不了解。

8、This powerful work will convince you of the benefits you will derive from PMA.这本著作可使你确信,能从积极心态获得好处。

9、Some of the differences derive from a lack of mutual understanding.有的分歧实际上是相互不了解。

10、Late endosomes might derive from early endosomes by stepwise maturation.晚期核内体可能由早期核内体逐步成熟而来。

11、to derive from opium or morphine and used as a cough suppressant从鸦片或 * 中提取并用于感冒抑制剂

12、You also cannot derive from Static1, or add any non-static members to the class.您也不能从Static1派生,或者向该类添加任何非静态成员。

13、Many later advice manuals derive from it.后来的许多建议手册都起源于此。

14、The Teutonic languages derive from Primitive Germanic.日耳曼语言起源于原始的日耳曼语。

15、We should be judged by the quality of our products and the value investors derive from them.我们的价值应该以我们产品的质量和投资者从中得到的价值来衡量。

16、The acquisition acts of bidders may derive from modeling: a manager does what other managers do.投标人的收购行为可能来自建模:一个经理做其他经理做的事。

17、Their story, and the lessons we derive from it, will long outlive them.他们的故事以及我们从中获得的经验教训,将长久地流传下去。

18、These relationships derive from the business model and the selection tree enforces them.这些关系来自业务模型,并且由选择树实施它们。

19、The more power you have, the more additional power you derive from the new data.你的权利越大,你从新数据里得到的新增权利就更多。

20、Most languages derive from one parent language. Mednyj Aleut has two parents.绝大多数语言只源自一种父系语言,而MednyjAleut却有两个源头。

21、Looting shops and setting them on fire derive from the same impulsion and gratify the same longing.洗劫商店和纵火源自同样的冲动并满足了同样的渴望。

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